Mephisto outlast effect at 1% hp [Under Investigation]

Above is a vid I uploaded that demonstrates what I think to be the bug that people were referring to on the forums a few days ago. I cant really figure out what else could have cause the end of this fight. I run the game on iOS, but i doubt that matters as this seems to be a problem on both platforms.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
dubuffs don't have to do with why I did 0 damage though.
people have been trying to call this out for along time.
but noone has provided any actual proof until now.
THANK YOU for finally showing a video that highlights this issue rather than just the heresay and meaningless screenshots we have had in the past
Would like to see them explain it away, I've seen all kinds of crazy stuff over my career playing and this eneimes at 1% is one of the more irritating ones I've encountered.
When dying by various debuffs they shouldn't be able to shrug them off and hit a special or a special 3 which either hurts you or kills you.
Sometimes that damage doesn't scale right and they end up with 1% health when they should be dead forcing us to rush across and hit them again
Sometimes our specials just do nothing and they survive then die after due to debuffs or something else.
I constantly see this and I get some don't think it's possible and think its in people's heads but others experience it much more often then other people and we definitely are not looking for it it just happens and we screenshot it or take videos of it and yet the issue still persists with all kinds of other ones.
I was one of the people that totally brushed this off and said the people that are having trouble getting stopped at 1% are just idiots that don't understand the 1% mathematically has the highest damage pool (because rounding). And your right that nobody is out looking for this. I was recording this vid just to demonstrate to a friend how to evade Mephisto sp1's as he was having trouble, and came across this as a fluke.
I 'think' I've seen it too. I'm not a hard core player that knows all the interactions between nodes and champs.
But if you see it 7 times in one day?
Document it, report it.
that only triggers 1 time, and its at 30%. I have used sp3's on mephisto before and it works fine. I highly doubt that's what caused this, especially considering he didn't even consume the charge at the end when you are saying he did
This is blade messing up Mephisto mechanics more than anything, I think.
I tested it out a little and you’re right blade’s sp3 won’t KO him if he has charges, which I don’t see anything in any description about. Since blade is the only one who can reduce mephisto’s ability accuracy, I believe that this issue is exclusive to them, and has nothing to do with the apparent 1% bug that’s going around.
There have been numerous accounts of people doing this with other champs. Every time this topic gets brought up people just brush it off and say "oh you don't have video proof so i don't believe you" This is the first time someone was actually recording when the bug happened. Im 100% positive you can kill Mephisto with a blade sp3 after he has hit his 1 time 30% regen. The 1 remaining charge becomes useless when it comes to immunity once it has had its chance to trigger.