Is MORDO immune to Ability accuracy decrease from DOMINO??

The title is self explanatory. The skill set of mordo says that all abilities activate perfectly.But I found that Kingpin's sp1 can smetime stop astral evade. If the write up is accurate, then he should be immune to critical failure of Domini too. Anyone have any idea regarding this?
Mephito is only against passive AAR immune.
Critical failure is in no way linked to aar immunity tho
Critical failure occurs when your ability doesn't proc regardless of whether it's being affected by aar or not
Hmm that's true for some of his abilities like heavy attack fury and astral evade his soul Barb ability
But stun on sp1 has a chance to proc, his special 3 regeneration has a chance to proc also. Those will still be affected by critical failure
I just want to focus on the “Kingpin SP1 point”: astral evade doesn’t apply to specials. All of them.
Either is a bug, or Mordo ability suffered a change to not be affected by active AAR (debuffs that reduce ability accuracy, like concussion)
His in game says immune to passive AAR.
So all depends on if Domino's ability is passive which I believe it is. As opposed to kingpins sp1
Additionally they changed his main immunity ability, and all active AAR can stop his evade now