Alliance Merge

My ally has only about 7-8 active players, and we're looking to merge with another ally. About 100,000 average total hero rating, with one member at 230,000. Respond to post if your ally has around 20 open spots to be filled.
Your post does not make sense EnderDraco. If your current alliance only have about 7-8 active players, would you not seek to merge with an alliance that has 7-8 spots to accommodate those active players? Why would you want a potential alliance merging with you to have 20 open spots? It appears that you got multi-players with multi-accounts that want to park their game account? If this is the case, many alliances don't want that. We got 3 spots in our alliance if any of your active members want to join us. We are focused on AQ. We don't do war for the time being. Check us out at [1Dos3]. You can reach me in-game as my IGN is gladiator2014. I can tell you about what we do, what our goals are for AQ, and the typical amount of rewards that you would get from working with us.
Have 12 slots gold 2 map 4 5 based ally