Is the strand Calendar replacing the spooky calendar?

If so, that's a real jip. These are not valuable outside this month. Compared to the barrage of boosts shards and t4 shards we recieved last year this is a bit of a letdown. Can we stop devaluing the annual calendars? I really look forward to them
Agree to disagree, with the increase in difficulty comes an increase in spending resources and subsequently we pay for it with time units and for some money.
Bruh. I have so many strands that symbiote mode isn't going to be hard. Strands are not hard to get. Epic is harder and has cost units. I like the special calendars because they give a little bit to advance my game. I have over a thousand strands before this dumb calendar.
The only resource you should he spending in epic/symbiote difficulty is strands.
Yes, but their value this month is incredible, moreso than 500 5 star shards
Not for those that are finished with the event.
Maybe so, doesn’t mean we should get gimped