5* Beast

How should I feel ? Just pulled him. He's my 24th 5*. May r3 him bc I have 9 t4 Mutant catalyats. How good is he unduped ? I saw in his ability description that when below 50% health he has clutch power control (Kind of) and above 50% he has nice bleeds. Any Beast owner have some tips please ?
I must stress , mine is duped so I get the extras of direct damage , increased crit rating , reducing oppents power gain ( without having to be below 50% health ) and regen depending on what fighting style he’s in and what combo I do .
Couple that with his stun , bleed, bleed resistance and when starting under 50% health a 85% chance to reduce physical crit hits by 85% , I think he’s a pretty underrated champ .
unawakened? Not so much.
Thank u ! That helps a lot bro really appreciate it ! Im gonna work on him in January so it'll be a while till I actually rank him up. Taking my 4* GR up to r5 next month then pulling my first 6* in December then ill work on him and Modok 5* maybe Modok first