Definition of an End-Game Player

I don't want to make this a leading question, so I won't have too many details leading up to it.
Pretty simple question. "End-Game Player" as a term has been used across video games for awhile. What do you, as an MCOC summoner, consider an End-Game Player? Whether in general or in relation to the game, and provide reasoning why you feel the way you do.
Pretty simple question. "End-Game Player" as a term has been used across video games for awhile. What do you, as an MCOC summoner, consider an End-Game Player? Whether in general or in relation to the game, and provide reasoning why you feel the way you do.
Also he/she must have shifted focus from ranking 4* to ranking 5* and building a 6* team.
I'm not gonna say they must have completed one path of LOL because that requires certain champs which some dont have due to bad rng
This is kind of why I asked. Are we using the term wrong, or modified for this game? should we?
To me, an End game player in general is one that has completed the story or progression of the game, but hasnt 100% everything the game has to offer.
for example, I used to play Assassin's Creed, and Black Flag was one of my favorites. End-game, I would consider finishing the storyline but maybe not defeating all of the elite ships in the corner of the maps.
Another example, finishing a storyline in a super mario world, but not having every single star for every single level. You're still playing the game to go for 100%, but not 100% done.
My personal opinion with this game, used to be in the middle of LoL, and everything else done. I think 100% LoL at this point, and just participating in war/aq/arena is end game, but wanted to hear other's opinions. Once new content comes out, you're no longer an end game player... or are you?
End game player simply means you have the roster, skill and understanding of the champions ability to tackle end game contents. That's why some may have finished LOL first path but struggle hard to do so probably not consider end game players, while other may not even fully explore act 5 yet because of time or other things in life but they probably can be considered end game player if act 5 wasn't too hard for them.
At the end 100% Lol, monthly EQ, etc are just progress checkpoints, the key is how difficult it is for you to finish those hardest content. And that difficulty is based on your rosters and their ranks, even if you have the skill for it.
As in, all the players who didn't need anymore rank up materials. Thank god we just made an entire quest they can only get through with their already stacked roster.
Don't be jealous.
Um, excuse me, your post is off-topic and not really constructive.
I lol'd
End-Game is colloquially used so much that it's difficult to find an all-round definition. Some use it for those working on End-Game. Some use it for those who have finished everything. I think as a general definition, it's someone on the lower end of progression.
Unnecessary and definitely not jealous, thanks though. What a constructive comment.
Right now, the content that is not "stepping stone" to me would be the second half of Act 5 (5.3+), LoL, Uncollected/Epic difficulty, and special events like Boss Rush and Valiant difficulty. If the only things you haven't done yet are those things, You're In The End Game Now as I normally think of it. Once Act 6 arrives, all of Act 5 becomes "stepping stone" and a true end game player would have to have at least completed Act 5 once to unlock Act 6. At some fuzzy point in the future I would consider an end game player to have fully completed Act 5 and only working on Act 6 in the story quest content.
Basically, "end game player" is someone only playing end game content (farming repeatable lower level content is exempted), and end game content is content that isn't superceded by higher difficulty content of the exact same vein.
Then there's me. Lol
At that point, I've done what I feel I need to enjoy the game comfortable. That is my end game.