Whom should I R4 next? Please help.

Hello friends. I need your help to decide to rank up my 4th 5 star R4. My 3 r4s till now are GR, blade and spark all unduped. I would love to R4 another champ now. I'm attaching a pic for easy understanding. Please vote and help me by writing your opinions why you chose so. It will really help me a lot. My major goals are to explore act 5. I have completed act 5 and explored act 5.1 and 5.4. Looking to explore 5.3 now and then 5.2 for full exploration. And to have an advantage in wars.


Whom should I R4 next? Please help. 29 votes
Modok unduped to r4
Angela unduped to R4
Yondu unduped to r4
Wait for better champs.
So it's a lot of confusion really. But thanx to you guys you are making it easier for me.
I feel Emma will be better unduped on defence as people are used to dash forward for her specials
Do you think so? Okay I'll try out her on defence and see how it goes.
Any specific node that you think she would be cool?