Please increase timeout or don't take health

In AQ during each mini boss fight time, we are getting timeout and you are taking half of my health. So either don't take health or increase timeout.
Really sucks when a game designed for phones doesn't fully pause when you actually get a call...
If you are implying taking away the timer, I disagree. I or someone else might get a phone call and forget about the game entirely and then I am stuck in the fight until I remember. AQ/AW halts.
Increasing the timer? Meh, I think it is ok.
Taking away half health when the timer expires? That sucks. If you stay alive long enough for the timer to expire, I think it should be a reward, not a punishment. The game is only getting harder these days.
I personally only really see this problem in AQ rhino on day 4 and 5 usually myself. I just use rogue and regen all the health back.
The half health penalty was originally put in place because of exploiters who would force close the app to restart fights if things didn't go so well.
Both of these functions still need to be in the game, but the timer has become more of a hurdle than it was originally intended to be. It seriously needs to be increased. Even just 2 minutes more would make a world of difference.
Happened just now in AW for no reason..
There was a reason, you ran out of time...
Had the same thing happen. Lost health and champ. Three times this war so far. Complete bs.
Actually incorrect. The match ended right after it started. Don't comment unless you have some kind of knowledge.
hahaha.. i start the fight, the loading spinner keeps spinning and next is this screen..i really ran out of time..:)
Not only that, if the fight doesn't go the way they want, they simply force close the app and restart the fight. It was abused constantly in AQ before the health penalty was implemented.
Excellent point. But what about final boss fights for aw and aq fights? I think something should be done for those, even if it's just increasing the timer.
I think 3 min timer adds to the challenge. If timer was 5 min, for example, then you could take any champ to fight the miniboss.
I was lucky to dupe and rank to 4 my 5* BP. With starting prestige of 4.2k, I need 2 min max on day 5 for 2nd Rhino. 4.2k is not very high prestige, so even with higher prestige you wouldn't time out with him.
What I want to say is, 3 min timer poses a challenge unto itself. Not only you have to play perfectly, but you also have to bring the right champ. I love using Rogue against Mordo, even though I know I will time out - with so many furies from Mordo, I quickly get the life lost back.
Most fights are over well under 3 minutes with him.
After reading this, I've changed my mind. They should keep the timeout health penalty, unless they have a way to differentiate a legit timeout vs force closing the app.