A mostly helpful breakdown of cyber Monday deals

If you have 0 units but wish to procure that 5 star GENERIC AG, here's what it'll cost and what you get:
3 × Odin = $300
3 x BP = $150
2 x TSB = $60
Subtotal (before taxes)= $510
Units: 15,350
What you get from everything:
5 star gen AG
4 star gen AG
7,500 6 star shards
3 5 star hero crystals
2 4 star hero crystals
32,500 5 star shards
67,500 t5bc shards
6 t2a cats
54,000 t2a shards
7 t4ccs
5 t4bcs
15 t1a cats
2,500 4 star shards
1,500,000 gold
If I've missed something, feel free to add corrections.
3 × Odin = $300
3 x BP = $150
2 x TSB = $60
Subtotal (before taxes)= $510
Units: 15,350
What you get from everything:
5 star gen AG
4 star gen AG
7,500 6 star shards
3 5 star hero crystals
2 4 star hero crystals
32,500 5 star shards
67,500 t5bc shards
6 t2a cats
54,000 t2a shards
7 t4ccs
5 t4bcs
15 t1a cats
2,500 4 star shards
1,500,000 gold
If I've missed something, feel free to add corrections.
Also worth noting it's offered for Units, not cash. Totally farmable within the game. Important to point out because the impression is given that they're charging $500 for the Items. Not the case.
Not everything the OP mentioned is farmable with units as he included the items you get from the cash deals too.
The OP mentioned specifically if you're trying to acquire the Gem.
Yes, by buying the unit packages. He’s breaking it down as if you had 0 units.
Since the OP says in effect "if you don't have units here's what you'll need to spend" he's not giving the impression that Kabam is explicitly charging $500 for everything. We all know units are farmable and he's just showing what you'll theoretically get if you first buy those cash packages and then spend them on the Cyber Monday unit offers.
In effect, the OP is saying what you could buy with $500 if you target the awakening gem specifically, given all the other stuff you'll get along the way. If you have a ton of units saved up you could buy the AG with only units, but then you'll end up with less stuff due to the fact you aren't buying the items that come with the cash offers specifically.
Perhaps useful to some, sure. I just think there's a tendency to look at these Offers in terms of money when they're not actually offered for money. Obviously, if you're trying to target one specific Item in the last Tier, it will be more complex. I agree, though. There's a great deal more you get along the way.
You have to argue about everything or always contradict. He said in his post if you have zero units and you spend money to get all the cache offers, this is what you get. Period. Let it go.
I wasn't arguing or contradicting at all. I was clarifying.