Act2 of Tryco. It’s not as worth it as it should be

Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
Magik… is a (removed my moderator) of you don’t have blade and even then without Sparky your regen might be hard pressed unless you’re r4-r5. Or Magik but unless yours is duped too you’re not walking away easily

Hyperion: let us get this straight. IF he baits he’s arguably the easiest champ to fight. If he doesn’t *luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing* applies here as well. Even with proper counters he’s gonna be a complete tool about baiting half the time

Iceman, literally taking about 40% of my r4 tech class STAR LORD’s health (no suicides, and boosted by 20% champion boost) is never a fair fight unless you have one of 3 champions ranked up and odds are 2 of those aren’t because you’d only use them for defense 99% of the time and diversity is the worst thing on the planet.

Void. Yanno a panicked button mashing experience where if you’re too slow you die is boring. Just ask Starfy. Again I’m Aware Blade exists but you ain’t fitting Ghost Rider onto this team without a fight.

Corvus is a champion, whom brings back memories of UC Ægon. Arguably the most “fair fight” here and it still feels stilted heavily on who you have available in your roster.

Wow blade would literally solve ALL 5 of those fights except Hyperion and in pretty sure Ghost Rider purists will attest that he works just fine to counter Hype’s power gain. Or have a good bait game with blade

It’s one thing to do this as a 6-part quest but all at once considering the amount of absurdity the average player without perfect counters is going to struggle through a FOUR STAR GEM is almost not worth it and those 6* shards have Deadpool X-Force in it so not exactly a proper carrot worth getting smacked with a stick the size of your average Mastiff.


  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Second topic already bud. C'mon now...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,564 Guardian
    Epsilon3 wrote: »
    It’s one thing to do this as a 6-part quest but all at once considering the amount of absurdity the average player without perfect counters is going to struggle through a FOUR STAR GEM is almost not worth it and those 6* shards have Deadpool X-Force in it so not exactly a proper carrot worth getting smacked with a stick the size of your average Mastiff.

    The T5B fragments *alone* are enough enticement for me to shoot for. Everything else is gravy, but no player has no use for 6* shards and T2 alpha cats.

    Depending on your definition of "average player" if the average player isn't uncollected and regularly completing uncollected monthly difficulty, yes, the average player is going to struggle through chapter two. Average players defined that way aren't the intended target for chapter two. The target of chapter two found ways to defeat Ice Phoenix, unblockable guillotine, uncollected thanos, Aegon, Emma, and mega-buff Symbiote. That's the crowd that chapter is appropriate for.
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    My r3 Gulk handled up on Magik.
  • HeretodieHeretodie Member Posts: 126
    So.... players complain theirs nothing to aid mid teir players, and complain theirs finally some content for End game players. The rewards are decent, I used Magik/AA/Domino(but hardly used her)/IMIW(Iceman fights only) and Dr.S now I can see where some guys get butt hurt over Iceman. But there’s plenty of hero’s who don’t take cold snap damage, and some that shrug buffs off faster then normal IE Rouge.

    You want to finish the content think outside the box, farm pots from winter solider or just do part 1 and quit.
  • DingaloDingalo Member Posts: 355
    first of all did you see the completion rewards? this isn't meant for any average player to complete. Magik - you can counter with Magik, AA... Hype, i used R4 Hawkeye for all 6 paths and used 1 revive... its doable, just gotta be patient and not stress. Iceman, bring a healer like GR... or yeah, save up units, free crystals and get those health pots ever fight. Void, yeah he's tough... but there are counters and ways to get around him.
    All this to say, if you can't complete it, don't call it bs.. you're probably just not ready for it. I wasn't ready for the Bautista challenge... i didn't destroy the forums.. i accepted the fact i didn't have the power control roster for it. Tough luck, save units always, and start saving those free crystals for quests like these! no need to spend money either :)
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    The SCALE is ridiculous!

    4* gems are practically worthless at this part of the game and without any guarantee or even enhanced odds both 5* shards and 6* shards are basically worth anywhere from everything to literally less valuable than the small energy refills I used to move through the event!

    And a SINGLE T2A isn’t even half a r4 rank up. I’ll admit the T5B is a nice polish but the rest of it is either 9 times out of 10 complete trash or literally USELESS for the end game players this slug fest is aimed at.

    Haven’t used a 4* in ages except for the ones I’ve already used gems on. They would be PERFECT for someone just getting UC but this is end game level stuff. I beat it and as THIS is still doable with mostly r3 champs (albeit EXHAUSTINGLY so) what’s the point of really needing stronger champs when the game develops almost unaninously with DIVERSE champs.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    He was already duped too. If it was a dupe I’d have at least taken it with a little more salt but… COME ON!!! One of the few rewards you even get to use out of this dumpster fire and it’s nit even noticeable because I pulled his 1 TRICK PONY SIG FROM THE ORIGINAL DUNGEONS! Even the ISO isn’t worth it because of all the classes that’s literally the 1 class I’m not upgrading. Literally even SHE-HULK I could get some cheese out of with Synergies and chain stunning.

  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    That's rough mate. Chin up!
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  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Epsilon3 wrote: »
    It’s one thing to do this as a 6-part quest but all at once considering the amount of absurdity the average player without perfect counters is going to struggle through a FOUR STAR GEM is almost not worth it and those 6* shards have Deadpool X-Force in it so not exactly a proper carrot worth getting smacked with a stick the size of your average Mastiff.

    The T5B fragments *alone* are enough enticement for me to shoot for. Everything else is gravy, but no player has no use for 6* shards and T2 alpha cats.

    Depending on your definition of "average player" if the average player isn't uncollected and regularly completing uncollected monthly difficulty, yes, the average player is going to struggle through chapter two. Average players defined that way aren't the intended target for chapter two. The target of chapter two found ways to defeat Ice Phoenix, unblockable guillotine, uncollected thanos, Aegon, Emma, and mega-buff Symbiote. That's the crowd that chapter is appropriate for.

    I think I skipped Ice Phoenix but yeah those weren’t even on my radar aside from Thanos and kinda the War Guilloine. I’m mostly talking about the gems and shards. The T5B frags are nice but let’s be REAL about r5… it’s a parlor trick! Nothing in the game has even been designed with r5 on the scope as “normal” yet and for a long time nothing will be exclusive that the ever growing r4 rosters won’t be able to slice through. Act5.4 was made with r4 in mind and people still cruising with 4*s. The idea that anyone has such an edge with an r5 more or less than someone else is kinda laughable in the context of “the entire history of the game” being overcome by people too skilled and stubborn to die simply because the enemy has bigger numbers. However 4* gems are still really bad rewards considering anyone who isn’t going to spend a fortune to complete it really doesn’t need them. You fought though Ice, Void, Insane Block Damage, the unstoppable, and MAGIK! If at the very least your 4* roster isn’t already pimped out in a grand manner then you either have nearly cherry picked 5*s or an ungodly 6* squad of perfect record featured pulls. The gems in the clash are literally just shiny toys with virtually no substance. Unless you REALLY want a Duped Ronan but then again there’s been many chances to do that already
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I'm actually happy about the 4* generic gem. Going to awaken my 4* Void and use him in LOL for x23
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  • RafikiiRafikii Member Posts: 239
    my r4/55 gwenpool doggy walked most of the fights but i died and didnt want to revive so im waiting. honestly its not too hard. GP, AA, blade work fine on all of them but hype. i still beat two hypes without taking any dmg in heavyweight using GP. just bait A LOT
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    I'm actually happy about the 4* generic gem. Going to awaken my 4* Void and use him in LOL for x23

    Smart, look up videos to see how others soloed that fight with their 4* Void
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    You're complaining about Magik Hyp Void Iceman.

    Against Magik, you mentioned Blade or Magik to make the fight easy. What about Quake/Hawkeye/Psylocke etc?

    Against Hyp, use a power controller. Otherwise, Gwenpool/Iceman etc to tank his sp3. It's not that hard. Sheesh.

    Against Iceman, Sabretooth/IMIW etc are Cold Snap immune. Otherwise a Rogue will handle him nicely as well. In actual fact, any regen champ will be able to take him down easily.

    Void is easy to fight as long as you are patient and do not get greedy with the combos. ANYONE can take him down when played properly.

    Seems to me that you just need to improve on your skills. Just be creative and the challenge is really a walk in the park. IMO it should have been made alot more difficult, considering that there's now an "Epic" difficulty, which feels oddly similar to the last quest of prior challenges without.
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    You're complaining about Magik Hyp Void Iceman.

    Against Magik, you mentioned Blade or Magik to make the fight easy. What about Quake/Hawkeye/Psylocke etc?

    Against Hyp, use a power controller. Otherwise, Gwenpool/Iceman etc to tank his sp3. It's not that hard. Sheesh.

    Against Iceman, Sabretooth/IMIW etc are Cold Snap immune. Otherwise a Rogue will handle him nicely as well. In actual fact, any regen champ will be able to take him down easily.

    Void is easy to fight as long as you are patient and do not get greedy with the combos. ANYONE can take him down when played properly.

    Seems to me that you just need to improve on your skills. Just be creative and the challenge is really a walk in the park. IMO it should have been made alot more difficult, considering that there's now an "Epic" difficulty, which feels oddly similar to the last quest of prior challenges without.

    I’m more complaining about how annoying when playing with sub-optimal options available the fact you face 6 roided our incarnations you’re gonna have a bad time with them no matter what.

    Magik vs Magik you’re still eating a Limbo or 2 which easily ate up a few thousand health before you get to the absurd parry. She wasn’t even an issue but then again if I was using Quake (btw I need her above a 3*) the amount of parry damage needed to tank would possibly still be about the same. Yeah no limbo but factor in the extra parries and it adds up. And yeah I mentioned blade… CAN I HAVE YOURS?!

    Hype… listen! When the knockoff Superman doesn’t want to bait IT DOESN’T MATTER YOUR SKILL! He’ll cross his arms, start pummeling you if you try to heavy, and give you his best impression of the face huggers from Aliens. Iceman can’t build Sp3 fast enough to replace his armor after that and Magik need to get Sp2 which she’ll be lucky to survive after an orbital strike. Gwenpool yeah you have a point but then you also have just an absurd amount of Sp3 animations and after a few even parrying a single hit is paramount to suicide. Ended up with Luke Cage keeping his power gain rate manageable in order to bait him “regularly” (nothing like the 5th Hyperion deciding “NAH let’s cost you a revive in a manner you can ABSOLUTELY NOT AVOID NO MATTER WHAT *SKILL* YOU HAVE”)

    Iceman… no Mephisto, Sabertooth, and my best regen champ is my 4* Magik. How does that work you ask? Not at all.

    Void is just very stressful. You have to watch him, your combo, and his timer… technically I didn’t have problem with him I mostly was venting because a single combo mis-timed and you’re losing upwards of 1-2% per tick on top of whatever it costs to parry. Not the worst fight (that dishonor goes to the Hyperion AI too dumb to uncross his arms but smart enough to punish a heavy no matter how fast I try to use it) but believe me when I say Infinity Gauntlet Thanos was more fun than I’ll ever have fighting a roided out Void who can damage me while I’m playing it as safe as I can it can’t get an opening just in time.

    I know HOW to fight. I know who counters who. Heck I’m teaching my less skilled alliance-mates how to fight IMIW! But when even after being UC since UC was a thing and your crystal pulls don’t help you keep up with the power creep (more like a formula-1 race) you can hopefully understand my dismay I’m pushing through end game content designed for fully fleshed out rosters despite my best team looking like a throwback to early 2016 at best.
    (In all seriousness the fact I’ve had to use 3*s to clear certain Act5 bosses is testament to my skill and fact that the RNG nature of this game suck for some people)
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Blade isn’t the answer, I don’t have blade, like at all, I used Ghsot Rider for Iceman, because of the regen, sure I did spend a lot of units of revives, but it felt fair, I was messing up because I was messing up, not because of an unavoidable mechanic. Hyperion is interesting, I used my 6* hood, and it was one of the more tense fights of each path, if I couldn’t stagger the power gain...I had to be sure to bait, and sometimes he wouldn’t, which is always gonna be upsetting

    Magik was relatively easy, brought my 4star awakened archangel, had little trouble. The worst was Iceman, the cold snap wasn’t unfair I just misjudged it, and i wasn’t about to go back and restart after making it so far when I realized just how much coldsnap damage it was. Angela was a surprisingly good asset though. Void, definitely the easiest, by no means easy, but easiest, just rinsed him with archangel r4 5*. I only say Corvus is harder because of the limber and massive block damage, but I’m not great at getting in after his sp1. And the champion at the a joke so. Yeah, my team was
    5* r4 unawakened archangel
    4* 5/50 ghost rider awakened
    4* 4/40 archangel awakened
    5* Angela
    6* Hood
    Used about 600 units in team revives but totally worth it
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  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    You must be overflowing in t5b shards to not find it worth it.

    But you keep mentioning average player. This challenge is a super challenge. The super challenges were never meant for average players. The chapter 1 provides rewards for average players. Imagine how boring the game will be for advanced players when they can sleep walk content.

    Bruh… it’s not even a super challenge. It’s a cheap challenge. 2/5 need counters, 1 of them is easy, Void is at least somewhat fair at its core (even though Infinity Thanos was more forgiving at times), Corvus was thankfully a free win…

    and then there’s HYPERION!
    Don’t even start telling me I fought him wrong 6 times. I restarted the quest at least 5 times halfway through. Not even touching my screen within range to get killed. He’d still randomly get the urge to Block-Sp3. Can’t attack him so power control wouldn’t work on that. You can’t taunt him cause he doesn’t let you get poise, Iceman won’t put the armor back on fast enough, he just stands there condescendingly and kills you. It’s not a question of skill when you die and there’s nothing you can do about it because between the AI tucking turtle and Hyperion having that power gain he is going to get that Sp3 because he’s not even acknowledging you long enough for you to BAIT him!

    And I’ll repeat where I said that until content is made with r5 in mind that T5B is basically fluff. A single T2A is more valuable overall in the current state and a long while to come but it’s only the 1. Then it’s shards and a basic 5* crystal but considering SYMBIOTE was easier than this it’s a straight downgrade in terms of difficulty-rewards. The gems really don’t matter because the content it’s in is aimed at those who have long since moved on to 5* champs and 4* champs who they’ve already awaken with the many chances they’ve had.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Sorry, you fought Hyperion wrong.easiest fight of the bunch.

    Hawkeye took him to town every time
  • WîndšpäveWîndšpäve Member Posts: 297
    I just used Hulk Rag for magik, he gets “Face me” and deals more damage along with 70% regen while limbo is active
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    I just used Hulk Rag for magik, he gets “Face me” and deals more damage along with 70% regen while limbo is active

    I’ll trade you my spider Gwen for your Gulk
  • WalkinhighlightWalkinhighlight Member Posts: 134
    Hulk Rag for Magik, Never died lost maybe 2% each fight.
    Corvus for Iceman, easy.
    Vision/Hawkeye for Hyperion, didn't really have to bait. Special intercept.
    Anyone really for void.
    Corvus vs Corvus.
    I think I died twice in total mostly to void had to take suicides off.

    Imagine if back in 2016 when I started, I came on the forums and said Act 4 and 5 are money grabs, it's impossible to complete..
    I remember when I couldn't clear the king groot master boss lmao.
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    Hulk Rag for Magik, Never died lost maybe 2% each fight.
    Corvus for Iceman, easy.
    Vision/Hawkeye for Hyperion, didn't really have to bait. Special intercept.
    Anyone really for void.
    Corvus vs Corvus.
    I think I died twice in total mostly to void had to take suicides off.

    Imagine if back in 2016 when I started, I came on the forums and said Act 4 and 5 are money grabs, it's impossible to complete..
    I remember when I couldn't clear the king groot master boss lmao.

    The next time someone even mentions Hulk Ragnarok I am TAKING theirs! As for hype I’ve made a separate thread where no matter how many times I explain “he sat there, blocked, and killed me” y’all keep saying “oh Hawkeye is excellent for power control” like ya DUH! But the problem is I can’t use Sp1 on Hawkeye because:
    •I can’t build my damn power meter because the only time hype moves out of block is to DESTROY me for trying to heavy attack or use his Sp3
    •I literally can’t get an opening tonuse it because all he does is hold block and punish my heavy attack it try and use Sp3 instantly killing anyone in my team not named Luke Cage and even then I had to tank the Sp3 just so hype would return to normal
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  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Epsilon3 wrote: »
    Hulk Rag for Magik, Never died lost maybe 2% each fight.
    Corvus for Iceman, easy.
    Vision/Hawkeye for Hyperion, didn't really have to bait. Special intercept.
    Anyone really for void.
    Corvus vs Corvus.
    I think I died twice in total mostly to void had to take suicides off.

    Imagine if back in 2016 when I started, I came on the forums and said Act 4 and 5 are money grabs, it's impossible to complete..
    I remember when I couldn't clear the king groot master boss lmao.

    The next time someone even mentions Hulk Ragnarok I am TAKING theirs! As for hype I’ve made a separate thread where no matter how many times I explain “he sat there, blocked, and killed me” y’all keep saying “oh Hawkeye is excellent for power control” like ya DUH! But the problem is I can’t use Sp1 on Hawkeye because:
    •I can’t build my damn power meter because the only time hype moves out of block is to DESTROY me for trying to heavy attack or use his Sp3
    •I literally can’t get an opening tonuse it because all he does is hold block and punish my heavy attack it try and use Sp3 instantly killing anyone in my team not named Luke Cage and even then I had to tank the Sp3 just so hype would return to normal

    Use Hood.
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