Don't waste your resources - Darkhawk is impossible take down because of LAG when the fight starts

Don't waste your resources on master and uncollected Darkhawk because it's impossible to take down because of lag.
Don't waste your resources on master and uncollected Darkhawk because it's impossible to take down because of lag.
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yes, i beat him easy also because i dont have lag, but it isnt a problem for everyone, just people with say, older phones who would previously not had much lag. this is actually a fairly serious problem and i actually think for once that maybe this is something kabam needs to work on.
Something definitely needs to be done. Both devices I own have the same issue. One is not even 6 months old, and has more than enough RAM and Processor. It's rendering the Quest unplayable.
I killed him, in few tries, i am not a good skill player, maybe below average, i admit.
The main point is the lag on the initial one second, I encountered the lag the Op mentioned, twice, all at the start of the fights, he hit me instantly before i can even move ( i suspect there is a second lag or the timing mismatch or something).
So far I did both UC/master DH fights twice for each.
And yes I play on an iPhone 7 and an even older iPad mini, I understand I’ll have to quit or upgrade at some point, but every other fight doesn’t do that
Massive exaggeration? I call this massive LAG!
And to all people stating how easy the fight was: you need to understand that we are not complaining about the difficulty of the fight, but about the difficulty to fight at all!
I believe he was referring to the suggestion not to bother trying. I don't think he was arguing the problem of the lag.
Its already been mention several times.. Dunno what they gonna do about it.
Uncollected one killed u in the combo if it lags.
The only method i have been able to do is : each kill he does to my champion each time it lags less.. SO
i can start with my weakess champ and get koed instantly.. next fight.. i can move (sometimes) and till the 5 and last champ the lag is still terrible but doable.. but this is where i need to be able to one shoot him
I suggestion all send ticket that lags.. and hope for we get something out of it.. cuz its only the boss Darkhawk fight taht is so extreme
Yes. I have the same Impression. 3 or 4 tries to fight without lag, but I used revives and after the lag comeback again.
Exactly it
Others heavier game's are running well without any lag such as Garena free fire.