
Are we going to get RDT’s again this year after you(KABAM) played around with some of the champs and aspects of the game that fundamentaly changed some of the champs we ranked up lessining their value?
This is Kabam’s game. Not ours. Most players want the RDTs and Kabam can easily give one on a extremely limited once a year basis and decided not to. No real explanation given. I wonder if the explanation would have been as bad as the ones the players in the minority (you know them) give for why they should never be given. That’s probably a safe bet.
Some people are so tired of others “whining” or “begging” or starting more threads about them.
Why would you go to the trouble to read something about a subject you have no interest in other then tell someone they should stop commenting? Is that a personality type? Disorder? Wow.
In regards to the RDT’s this is purely speculation and my reason why we ain’t getting them. As far as the comment we’ll Kabaam said they weren’t. Pffft. They are allowed to change their mind. They have before and will again.
Personally I’ve only written support asking for compensation one time in the two years I’ve played. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars. I’m a good customer. I thought If I was appropriate, polite and presented a reasonable argument about why I should receive an RDT for an R4 unduped 5* Drax. You see they decided to change his ability to punch through the Astral evade after many many months of counting on him to crush Mordo; who at the time was a prominent mini-boss opponent in WAR.
I was told that the game was broken and this was not an intentional ability of Drax and that it was my fault for taking advantage of the glitch. And that RDT’s no longer exsisted and would not be and could not be offered in the future.
So don’t think they are coming. But they change their mind.
This was my plan of attack too lol.
Since it pretty much happens hourly, yes. New thread after new thread asking for the same thing for the same stupid reasons. Its like 25 2 year olds asking "are we there yet?" Over and over.
why don't you simply ignore the posts?
Big bad keyboard warrior talk. Nice. You arent paying attention and havent been around long. It wont bother you because you probably want them.
They are bad for the game. Doesn't encourage players to work for rewards and takes strategy out of the game.
Because I don't have to. Why can't they stop asking? Same concept.
We Got them once last year. Since then its the most requested item on these forums period. People don't want them once a year, they want them all the time. If stopped the flood of duplicate threads forever on the topic, I'd accept giving them once a year. But then people will ask for twice a year because "new champs" blah, blah. Its a never ending loop.
Kabam painted themselves into a corner. They could come out and say that their earlier decision was a mistake and that they won't make the same attempt at reparations again. But that would mean 500 discussions a month about the thing that they will do when they make detrimental changes to a champ. Which would be worse? Not sure. I'd probably prefer it to the bug/glitch excuse they're falling back on now though to avoid giving out RDTs. People asking for RDTs every day for stupid things is annoying, but Kabam opened that door and propped it, it's their fault that's people keep messing with it. I'd prefer if they just came out and said that they will make changes they deem necessary to balance the game and then actually made changes to champs much more frequently based on research and feedback. On the whole players and the game would benefit from that.
Are you kidding me? Read the ToS. It states they can make changes as they see fit. Plus it's their company. They could change any champ any time they want and not compensate us. They've stated over and over this past year that they have NO PLANS to bring back RDT's but people keep asking for them this isnt on them. They closed the door but the community keeps trying to pry it back open.
Yep. We got some at the beginning of this year. No more this year, maybe next year (say New year's).... buhuahua.... Feed the madness.
Kabam reps stating in forum posts that they currently have no plans to do something means precisely squat. Do you 1000% buy-in when a Wal-Mart rep posts on their forums that the corporation currently have no plans to do something, because that's what you're expecting people to do. That's not in any way going to stop people from asking for rankdowns every day, just like it doesn't stop them from whining a million times a day about UC being too hard every single month or nothing in the game being fair to the unskilled and people that started yesterday. How is it anyone other than Kabam's fault that people spam the forum asking about something when they set the initial standard so loosely? They could have clarified the criteria they use and given that out.