At the mercy of RNG even on Christmas thanks for nothing kabam

LosspikLosspik Member Posts: 253 ★★
Woke up to put Christmas gift and just shook my head when I saw an awakening gem crystal. Can there not be a single day we are not at they mercy of RNG and have some sort of control of our accounts. I got a skill gem best I can do with it is awaken my km already have a 6* km so basically thanks for nothing been planning on an RDT for months instead I get another gem that will gather dust in my inventory Shouldve been a generic 3-4 5* gem at least wed have some control. Thanks for the Christmas kick in the pants Kabam.


  • SagetrofholzSagetrofholz Member Posts: 125
    Agreed. I've opened 3 5* AGs and all 3 have been science. Used the first to awaken my cap IW which is great but now I have 2 sitting in my inventory. Its really frustrating to be at the mercy of RNG with such a great gift
  • MyselfandiMyselfandi Member Posts: 165
    Was shocked and sooooo excited to see the 5* AG in my inbox today!!!!. Was like omg yes!!!!. Started spinning the crystal.. Saying to myself. Anything but tech..... Anything but tech................. Guess what i got... 😂😂😂 . Then I remembered why i dont put as much time and effort into the game as i used to. Lol
  • LosspikLosspik Member Posts: 253 ★★
    Its frustrating because I was hoping to resolve the pain of the 2 nerfs I endured this year thanks to our Kabam overlords but instead they give us a random reward which may or may not some day be useful. If they werent going to give out RDTs at least give a generic 3-4 rank up Gem so we cant choose what we would like to do with our rosters. At this point they can keep the reward if they are listening they welcome take their awakening gem.
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    AA is still one of the best champs in the game.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I got a tech gem. Already have SL and no sparky or ghost. Pulled Red Skull, Howard the Duck, and Dorm from the featured trying for Ghost (or Korg or Emma). Already had a tech gem also. Still happy to have another for free.
  • Marri_2Marri_2 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    I got a mystic gem and I don't even own a mystic!

    But...I am still grateful because a) gift horse, mouth (I seriously don't understand all the entitlement and indignation) and b) it's a 5* awakening gem, that's never bad. One day you'll be glad you have it.
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  • AngusMac279AngusMac279 Member Posts: 123
    1) It was free and why are you even complaining.
    2) How did AA get nerfed?
  • LosspikLosspik Member Posts: 253 ★★
    AA got nerfed with his neurotoxin stun no longer being passive which now triggers limber and in turn making him useless in lol and substantially worse in AW coz of limber nodes. This was changed 3 months after a Kabam mod on the forum confirmed that it was working as intended so the 5/65 I took up to clear lol became useless for the content I ranked him up for. All im saying is did we really have to be at the mercy of RNG for Christmas? At least with RDTS or a generic rank up Gem we couldve guarenteed a use for our rosters thats why Im complaining. just because its free doesnt mean it isnt substantially worse than last year and a kick in the teeth for those whose Champs have been changed this year without so much as a sorry.
  • GivMeABeerGivMeABeer Member Posts: 203 ★★
    I pulled a tech gem, already have Sparky awakened so it'll just be sitting in storage until I pull Ghost or maybe SL. The tech class is pretty lack luster but perhaps the saving grace will be a buff to a current garbage champ (Hulkbuster anyone?!) Here's to more LC/Rulk/Venom/Carnage like buffs in 2019
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    mercy of rng for xmas you say.
    no control over our accounts due to random xmas gift.

    In my experience from gifting and recieving gifts that is pretty much how it works.
    you cant telll people wat you do or dont want.
    but at the end of the day they will give you wat they feel like giving you.
    it is poor form to then cry and scream and complain you dont like it.

    what one needs to do is just graciously accept the gift as it is just that A GIFT.
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    Would be cool if we had a way to trade in class AG in for something different, kinda like the t4c just not so many for trade in.
  • WorkingAsIntendedWorkingAsIntended Member Posts: 164 ★★
    Op you could not have been any more right with your post topic and paragraph. I too was rnged to death by a gift I don’t even want. The rdt was something to look forward to kabam said no but I thought maybe they are just saying that blah blah but nope got a gem for a class I haven’t pulled in over a year. Cool thanks for nothing take your gem back. Glad I don’t spend on this pos game and haven’t for a while this is how you ruin Christmas. It could have been awesome but you chose the dirty tactic of playing the rng game and it screwed more then half the population. Well done kabam well done move over grinch kabam just stole Christmas
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  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    We all got an even better Christmas gift and no one is mentioning it. Thank you kabam for not giving out rdts! Patient players that made good rank up choices were rewarded.
  • WorkingAsIntendedWorkingAsIntended Member Posts: 164 ★★
    Crying?nobodies crying ffs a lot of us are pissed for something most of us can’t even use vs rdt everyone can use that’s why this is here nobody wanted this worthless crystal. Myself included. I’d rather take a for sure thing vs a 99.9% chance to get rnged. Like usual. I hope that guy who got his post deleted actually does it. F this game
  • FlyingPigsFlyingPigs Member Posts: 28
    Lol cant believe I will see ppl complaining about a free 5s AG
  • Karlos7Karlos7 Member Posts: 24
    Esse foi o pior presente de todos , passamos o ano com tantas mudança com a kabam sempre mexendo e piorando campeões, gastamos tempo , passamos dia e noite jogando para evoluir e a kabam vem e deixa o campeão ruim , e no final ela nos da um presente horrivel desses , sei que foi gratuito , e que não esperávamos isso , na verdade esperávamos algo melhor , e não apenas migalhas , gastamos muito durante o ano inteiro , e não merecemos essas migalhas .
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    Seriously this is the most pathetic thread I’ve ever seen. Kabam didn’t give us rdt. Instead to make up for it they give a 5* class ag for free. Currently the only places these even exist in game: act 5 completion, lol completion, and 5.3 exploration. Now idk about you but that is some seriously content to beat. I’ve fully explored act 5 and done 5/7 lol runs. For you to be complaining about a free item that many players may have to spent an Odins worth of units to get is utterly sad. I think if you are complaining about this then the game is probably bringing to more misery than joy and you should seriously consider retiring yourself from it. With that being said thank you to kabam for the 5* ag. I can say I didn’t get what I was hoping for but I’m still ecstatic about this years Christmas gift. Well done kabam.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    Manup456 wrote: »
    Would be cool if we had a way to trade in class AG in for something different, kinda like the t4c just not so many for trade in.

    So you would trade two of one class AW's to get one random of any other class? Now that's a first world problem.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    We're sorry to hear you weren't happy with what you pulled from the Crystal. At the moment it may not be good for your roster, but in the future, it could pose useful! Still, we definitely get the disappointment and hope for better luck in pulling from crystals!
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,582 ★★★★★
    Be happy. For u alest got somting I’m got mysigt no one to use one from now.
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    I can not believe people would complain about a 5 star awakening gem. I got a cosmic, I would have been happy with any of them. Kabam should stop giving free stuff to ungrateful players. Any items they give for free I am happy with.
  • KingsfanKingsfan Member Posts: 60
    I mean seriously?!? Complaining about a 5star AG. For free. “Oh no, now I can instantly awaken Blade or Aegon when I get them, I hate my life!”

    Thank you, Kabam. I pulled a mutant AG and woke my AA. That’s a heck of a Christmas bonus.
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    Well, all I wanted was a Skill for Blade or a Tech for Stark Spidey and I got a Mystic. Not what I wanted but it's still very useful and I am grateful. A RDT would have been nice but, that wouldn't have awakened a champ. And a 3-4 stone wouldn't have awakened a champ either. As we all know awakening most, if not all, champs is what makes them truly valuable. Imo, other than it being a generic AG this is the best possible gift Kabam could have given us.
  • Arbiter2426Arbiter2426 Member Posts: 346
    Dude I got a mystic and I have one 5* mystic, loki and hes already awakened so if i dont get a magik or doc voodoo in my next 5* I'm screwed
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