Dungeon shard max 55,000 FYI. Shards disappear after limit

Dungeon crystals have a max limit of 55,000 shards. I don't remember this being posted any where?
I was going to save up for 2 dungeon crystals next series when Korg and Heimdall were going to be added to try and get each of them, while gaining more shards for the next crystal.
I finished this last series of dungeons and I had 54,000 shards to begin with. A dungeon series hitting all the milestones is a gain of roughly 3K in shards. So now 2K in shards I tried to claim just disappeared after claiming them. That's a bunch of bs. They should not be able to be claimed when a max limit has been reached and should be transferred to overflow at least. Or stay in the rewards to be claimed tab. That way it would give players notification they have reached a max limit without losing those shards.
What really is irritating is I had to keep playing with random players that couldn't make it past room 2 of dungeon 6. So I played for 2 hours in dungeons for shards that just disappeared when I tried to claim them. !?#%*^}#^+£€#~!

I was going to save up for 2 dungeon crystals next series when Korg and Heimdall were going to be added to try and get each of them, while gaining more shards for the next crystal.
I finished this last series of dungeons and I had 54,000 shards to begin with. A dungeon series hitting all the milestones is a gain of roughly 3K in shards. So now 2K in shards I tried to claim just disappeared after claiming them. That's a bunch of bs. They should not be able to be claimed when a max limit has been reached and should be transferred to overflow at least. Or stay in the rewards to be claimed tab. That way it would give players notification they have reached a max limit without losing those shards.
What really is irritating is I had to keep playing with random players that couldn't make it past room 2 of dungeon 6. So I played for 2 hours in dungeons for shards that just disappeared when I tried to claim them. !?#%*^}#^+£€#~!

"You’re still only able to hold on to 55,000 Artifacts at a time, so don’t hold on too long!"
and same info was given in the in-game mail.
Sorry that you missed it.
I am still not going to open any of the lousy dungeon crystals in this current series though. So if the crystals don’t refresh yet, I think I will sit out the next dungeons.
This info should be more readily available because who can remembers this?