
I wasn't here for the release of Blade. I was on my 2 year break.
I have some major questions and concerns. Not about his synergies effecting villians, mystic, deminsionals, etc abilities, but the ability to effect a node ability. The node is not part of the champion. You could put Joe Dirt there and the ability would still be happening.
Why would yall allow this? I don't understand the fact that he can change the dynamics of a node, which is a separate entity then the champion placed.
Any help would be great. I really don't agree with his synergy changing the features of nodes.
Thanks again
I have some major questions and concerns. Not about his synergies effecting villians, mystic, deminsionals, etc abilities, but the ability to effect a node ability. The node is not part of the champion. You could put Joe Dirt there and the ability would still be happening.
Why would yall allow this? I don't understand the fact that he can change the dynamics of a node, which is a separate entity then the champion placed.
Any help would be great. I really don't agree with his synergy changing the features of nodes.
Thanks again
Any champion that can reduce ability accuracy, like BW or Quake, or even the pacify mastery.
Didn't know belw and quake had 40% chance to turn poison off on node.. good to know
@will-o-wisp ty for trying but turning bleed, poison, healblock off from a node seems different that bw or quake
No, don't want him nerfed.. they won't Nerf him after all the $$$ dropped. I want to know why!
This. All the others can affect nodes as well, like arc overlod nodes for example, but none of them have ability accuracy reduction active at the start of the fight. Magneto’s is active at the start of the fight against metallic opponents, but who really uses Magneto enough to see it often lol. Domino’s ability accuracy reduction specifically states that it has no effect on abilities that trigger at the start of the fight. Even BW’s only applies to her attacks. This is why Blade happens to be the only one to affect poison/bleed nodes, but he isn’t the only one that can affect nodes at all.
Any champion can do the same if under the right circunstances.
Like it was answered before, Blade starts the fight immediately reducing ability accuracy. If BW or Quake started the fight doind the same, then both would also be able to shut down nodes like that
Thank you.
GP/BW can reduce ability accuracy and can do the same as blade. Stark spider can taunt a all or nothing node to use a sp1 or 2. Tons and tons of examples.
Funny... You did read he was on a 2 year break from the game, right?
Old news... Well for someone like OP stating that he's been on a 2 year break it might be new news.. right?
I don't know many champions that can shut down nodes at the beginning of a fight. Magneto as previously mentioned, and blade come to mind.
Most other AAR champs affect accuracy by doing/applying something (neurotoxins) or the accuracy is applied on hits (sabretooth, bw). These also affect nodes, but we see them as not 100%, and affects a node's single output, not the node's total effect over a full fight.
Worded like a "nerf blade" post, but totally understandable
Didn't have blade months ago.. haha. But someone here explained it alrdy. Wasn't looking for non sense or people thinking he need Nerf. I did say I didn't agree but with ability reduction Beginning of fight explanation it makes sense and I see why and agree. I want to test Magneto out on it now.
And looked thru previous post. I don't see anything about gr, blade, Heimdall..
Blade destroys Thing...
They removed ssof the post were you reference it. So I guess I’m not allowed to post here ya go