Hero Descriptions Need A Re-do Based on Masteries

DemitriMDemitriM Member Posts: 303 ★★
edited January 2019 in General Discussion
Hero abilities like bleed,coldsnap etc are not effected by the masteries the player runs...
Especially the ones under special 1-2-3 section

For instance I have a 5/65 Iceman,special ability claims he does 3535 energy damage in 12 seconds
But in reality its 5880 damage cos I'm running suicides,glass cannon and a little bit more attack comes from greater strength

Same description error goes for his special attacks as well...I am guessing its the same for heroes that have fury,bleed,shock

Is it possible for kabam to code these according to masteries?


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,091 ★★★★★
    DemitriM wrote: »
    Hero abilities like bleed,coldsnap etc are not effected by the masteries the player runs...
    Especially the ones under special 1-2-3 section

    For instance I have a 5/65 Iceman,special ability claims he does 3535 energy damage in 12 seconds
    But in reality its 5880 damage cos I'm running suicides,glass cannon and a little bit more attack comes from greater strength

    Same description error goes for his special attacks as well...I am guessing its the same for heroes that have fury,bleed,shock

    Is it possible for kabam to code these according to masteries?
    Don’t think
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,079 ★★★★★
    Those abilities were always affected by the champion attack rating, and they still do, even after the change made to turn % values in to flat numbers.

  • DemitriMDemitriM Member Posts: 303 ★★
    Those abilities were always affected by the champion attack rating, and they still do, even after the change made to turn % values in to flat numbers.

    no they are not,they are affected by the base attack the hero has w/o any masteries...
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,079 ★★★★★
    They do are affected by masteries ... just try for example, with and without glass cannon. Or suicides vs non-suicides.
  • DemitriMDemitriM Member Posts: 303 ★★
    They do are affected by masteries ... just try for example, with and without glass cannon. Or suicides vs non-suicides.

    I did thats why I posted it here

    take your any star iceman to duel...you'll see the tick damage is way different than it is claimed on his special ability section

    I tested it several times;with clas adv its 7300 in 12 seconds
    class disadvantage its 5200
    regular enemies its 5880
    but description claims its 3535

    way off
  • DemitriMDemitriM Member Posts: 303 ★★
    edited January 2019

    249 per tick is 498 in one second
    times twelve seconds= 5976 dmg
    description says 3531 dmg
    but multiply 3531 by 1.69 (My masteries increase my attack by 69%) = 5976

  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,507 ★★★★
    So you want kabam the company that creates more bugs with every update to make champion descriptions match the multiple mastery setups out there. Yeah that's going to work out well
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,079 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    I did some math here ...

    Lets say yous masteries increase your attack by 69% like you said.
    By his spotlight, I saw that the coldsnap damage was around 215% of his attack, so his base attack would be something like 1642,5.

    1642,5 x 1.69 = 2775,83 (his attack with masteries).

    (2775,83 x 215) : 100 = 5968,05 total coldsnap damage.

    Which is quite close to the number you got in that fight
  • OrdalcaOrdalca Member Posts: 543 ★★★
    I did some math here ...

    Lets say yous masteries increase your attack by 69% like you said.
    By his spotlight, I saw that the coldsnap damage was around 215% of his attack, so his base attack would be something like 1642,5.

    1642,5 x 1.69 = 2775,83 (his attack with masteries).

    (2775,83 x 215) : 100 = 5968,05 total coldsnap damage.

    Which is quite close to the number you got in that fight

    Yes, and he agrees with you about that being the total damage. The suggestion is that the number in the description say that instead of the 3531 number.

    I personally oppose this since that would cause the value to change based on mastery, and it would be much more complicated. For example, what would it show on AWD? Does it increase it by the 100-1000% the attack is boosted? how would you figure out how many stones to put into it to get the damage where you want?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,079 ★★★★★
    I thought the OP was saying that the damage wasn't scaling with masteries, and not the number in the abilities list. My bad then.

    It would be difficult to do that I guess, and it could lead to misleading situations in the future if not done right
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,031 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    It would be nice if the values at least reflected nodes; as that would help planning on events.

    Currently, if Iceman is on a +200% Attack node, his Attack value is visibly increased, but the coldsnap damage isn't.

    On the other hand, you'd need to then code it to account for all the other nodes, like Debilitate, Enhanced bleed, etc. Probably more trouble than it's worth.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    It would be nice if the values at least reflected nodes; as that would help planning on events.

    Currently, if Iceman is on a +200% Attack node, his Attack value is visibly increased, but the coldsnap damage isn't.

    On the other hand, you'd need to then code it to account for all the other nodes, like Debilitate, Enhanced bleed, etc. Probably more trouble than it's worth.
    No, it is supposed to be this way. Coldsnap scales only with BASE attack rating, excluding node boosts.
  • DemitriMDemitriM Member Posts: 303 ★★
    edited January 2019
    I did some math here ...

    Lets say yous masteries increase your attack by 69% like you said.
    By his spotlight, I saw that the coldsnap damage was around 215% of his attack, so his base attack would be something like 1642,5.

    1642,5 x 1.69 = 2775,83 (his attack with masteries).

    (2775,83 x 215) : 100 = 5968,05 total coldsnap damage.

    Which is quite close to the number you got in that fight

    you think 5/65 Iceman has 1642 attack?wow

    Base attack 2268
    mastery bonus 1566
    total 3834

    redo the maths pls,dude I'm a mathematician come on now :)

    its ok kabam has a lot to deal with,I can survive the way it is,np,it was just a suggestion cos those numbers in the description DO change according to rank and level,thought they can change after mastery bonuses
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    but the damage is not only affected by your own masteries.
    but also affected by the champ you are fighting. their armor, resistance etc.
    also the opponents masteries.

    so it is not possible to display the damage on the champ info screen as to what will be dealt in a fight.
    there are many variables a lot of which cannot be calculated until the fight begins.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,079 ★★★★★
    DemitriM wrote: »
    I did some math here ...

    Lets say yous masteries increase your attack by 69% like you said.
    By his spotlight, I saw that the coldsnap damage was around 215% of his attack, so his base attack would be something like 1642,5.

    1642,5 x 1.69 = 2775,83 (his attack with masteries).

    (2775,83 x 215) : 100 = 5968,05 total coldsnap damage.

    Which is quite close to the number you got in that fight

    you think 5/65 Iceman has 1642 attack?wow

    Base attack 2268
    mastery bonus 1566
    total 3834

    redo the maths pls,dude I'm a mathematician come on now :)

    its ok kabam has a lot to deal with,I can survive the way it is,np,it was just a suggestion cos those numbers in the description DO change according to rank and level,thought they can change after mastery bonuses

    Its the same as yours. Reset the masteries if you want to confirm it.
    I did it on mine and it's correct
  • Typical_DwarfTypical_Dwarf Member Posts: 7
    I think you're right it would make life easier. But if you wanted to find out what it was, then here's how:
    DoTs damage displayed in the abilities window are based of a % of your base attack. So all you need to do is divide the damage by your base attack. Then you can use that percentage to calculate what the damage is with your modified attack rating.
    1960.72/1680 (4/55 sig 20 Iceman's coldsnap/base attack)
    So now I know my coldsnap is 117% of my attack rating. If I wanted to see what it was with let's say 2800 attack all I would have to do is:
    2800 * 117 / 100 = 3,276

    Yours would be :
    3531.39 / 2268 = 156%(rounded)
    3384 * 156 / 100 = 5279.04

    Hope that helps!
  • DemitriMDemitriM Member Posts: 303 ★★
    I think you're right it would make life easier. But if you wanted to find out what it was, then here's how:
    DoTs damage displayed in the abilities window are based of a % of your base attack. So all you need to do is divide the damage by your base attack. Then you can use that percentage to calculate what the damage is with your modified attack rating.
    1960.72/1680 (4/55 sig 20 Iceman's coldsnap/base attack)
    So now I know my coldsnap is 117% of my attack rating. If I wanted to see what it was with let's say 2800 attack all I would have to do is:
    2800 * 117 / 100 = 3,276

    Yours would be :
    3531.39 / 2268 = 156%(rounded)
    3384 * 156 / 100 = 5279.04

    Hope that helps!

    nice explaination but its 3834 attack not 3384
    I got the point though :)thanks
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