CONCEPT: Daily Challenges

I've been thinking about this a lot recently, I wonder if some of you will agree that it is a good idea.
I think the addition of daily challenges to the game would be excellent. I know we have the solo and alliance tasks, but these are a bit more fun, and one offs, as opposed to repeated item use or level ups etc.
Challenges for example:
- Win a fight with 100% health
- Inflict 5000 cold snap damage
- Win a fight against the same champ
- Win a fight against a champ with a class advantage over you
- Use Special 3 10 times
- Regen 10k health
- Parry 100 times
- complete a quest with over 6 synergies active in your team
You could have all kinds of fun challenges that keep your daily grind a little more fun.
Anyone have other challenge suggestions?
Each could reward shards towards a challenge crystal or whatever Kabam thinks best.
I think the addition of daily challenges to the game would be excellent. I know we have the solo and alliance tasks, but these are a bit more fun, and one offs, as opposed to repeated item use or level ups etc.
Challenges for example:
- Win a fight with 100% health
- Inflict 5000 cold snap damage
- Win a fight against the same champ
- Win a fight against a champ with a class advantage over you
- Use Special 3 10 times
- Regen 10k health
- Parry 100 times
- complete a quest with over 6 synergies active in your team
You could have all kinds of fun challenges that keep your daily grind a little more fun.
Anyone have other challenge suggestions?
Each could reward shards towards a challenge crystal or whatever Kabam thinks best.
sooo many games have this kid of system and it is a great way to get a few little resources.
the rewards wouldnt need to be great...
just a few shards and a few frags kinda thing.
just a cool way to entice peeps to play a particular mode that normally they dont..
or it could also be used as a way to entice peeps to use a particular champ.
win a duel using [insertchampnamehere]
could also be tiered for beginner to advanced levels.
under lvl 10 u get basic easier challenges
lvl up 1 champ
duel a 2* opponent
as you get higher the challenges get a bit more complex / harder.
win a duel against a 6* using [insterchampnamehere]
win a duel without using dexterity
possibilites are endless....
could be done as things that are actually challengeing for decent rewards..
or they could be not so good rewards for things that you probably do anyway with ur normal playing
and when they did the Cosmic Civil War event when you had to win matches with particular members of Team Blue and Team Iron.
Ahh yeah, forgot about that one. Those were neat but also frustrating because I didn't have all the champs to do all the events at the time. I felt shafted.
Which do you think are silly?
Obviously these could be tweaked dependent on player level. Uncollected would have different challenges to players who hadn't completed act 2, 3 ,4 etc.
I like the idea of finishing with smashing the wall.
Fallout Shelter is a good example of it being used well.