What rare 2 stars have you got?

Tomstar124Tomstar124 Member Posts: 144
edited January 2019 in General Discussion
I’ve got a few like blade x-23 moonknigjt and venom what has the community got?


  • Sixshot1Sixshot1 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Got Corvus, was pretty psyched for that
  • Ultimatesaber32Ultimatesaber32 Member Posts: 742 ★★
    Night Thrasher, Korg
  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Dorm, KM, blade, imiw and some others, which i don't remember.
  • TheNoobTheNoob Member Posts: 38
  • killerahark02killerahark02 Member Posts: 8
    Venom the duck
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    IMIW, Sparky, Yondu, IP, War Machine, Jane Foster, Joe Fixit, Mordo, Loki, Wasp, X-23, OML, Nightcrawler, Cable, Bishop, Luke Cage, Morales, Morningstar, Civil Warrior, Symbiote SM, Crossbones, Falcon
  • LostReplica23LostReplica23 Member Posts: 183
  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    i'm unsure which are rare but the ones i know that exist that i don't have are:

    Falcon, Mephisto, Punisher 2099, Sentinel, Taskmaster

    And the ones I have are:

    Abomination, Agent Venom, Ant-Man, Beast, Bishop, Black Bolt, Black Panther, Black Panther Civil War, Black Widow, Blade, Cable, Captain America, Captain America Infinity War, Carnage, Civil Warrior, Colossus, Crossbones, Cyclops New Xavier School, Daredevil, Deadpool, Deadpool X-Force, Doctor Octopus, Doctor Strange, Dormammu, Drax, Electro, Elektra, Gamora, Ghost Rider, Green Goblin, Groot, Guillotine, Hawkeye, Hela, Hulk, Hulkbuster, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Iron Man Infinity War, Iron Patriot, Joe Fixit, Juggernaut, Killmonger, King Groot, Kingpin, Korg, Loki, Luke Cage, Magik, Magneto, Magneto Marvel Now, MODOK, Moon Knight, Mordo, Morningstar, Ms Marvel, Nightcrawler, Old Man Logan, Phoenix, Punisher, Quake, Red Hulk, Rhino, Rocket Raccoon, Rogue, Ronan, Scarlet Witch, Sentry, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man Classic, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Spider-Man Stark Enhanced, Spider-Man Symbiote, Star-Lord, Storm, Superior Iron Man, The Hood, Thor, Thor Jane Foster, Ghor Ragnarok, Ultron, Unstoppable Colossus, Venom, Venompool, Vision, Vision Age Of Ultron, Void, Vulture, War Machine, Wasp, WInter Soldier, Wolverine, Wolverine X-23, Yellowjacket, Yondu

    This means the following either don't have a 2* version or I'm not aware that they do:

    Aegon, Angela, Archangel, Captain America WWII, Captain Marvel, Corvus Glaive, Cyclops Blue Team, Daredevil Classic, Darkhawk, Doctor Voodoo, Domino, Emma Frost, Gambit, Ghost, Goldpool, Gwenpool, Heimdall, Howard The Duck, Hulk Ragnarok, Hyperion, Iceman, Immortal Iron Fist, Kang, Karnak, Massacre, Medusa, Ms Marvel Kamala Khan, Nebula, Omega Red, Proxima Midnight, Psylocke, Red Skull, Sabretooth, She-Hulk, Symbiote Supreme, Thanos, The Champion, Thing, Ultron Classic, Venom The Duck

    The above lists don't include some of the rare characters you guys have above but its what i use in a spreadsheet i keep
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited January 2019
    Night thrasher
    Omega red
    The champion
    Others who I can't remember atm
  • jojodeth101jojodeth101 Member Posts: 480
    i have Quake and Sipdey-Gwen don;t care about the rest
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,644 ★★★★★
    Starhawk wrote: »
    This means the following either don't have a 2* version or I'm not aware that they do:

    Aegon, Angela, Archangel, Captain America WWII, Captain Marvel, Corvus Glaive, Cyclops Blue Team, Daredevil Classic, Darkhawk, Doctor Voodoo, Domino, Emma Frost, Gambit, Ghost, Goldpool, Gwenpool, Heimdall, Howard The Duck, Hulk Ragnarok, Hyperion, Iceman, Immortal Iron Fist, Kang, Karnak, Massacre, Medusa, Ms Marvel Kamala Khan, Nebula, Omega Red, Proxima Midnight, Psylocke, Red Skull, Sabretooth, She-Hulk, Symbiote Supreme, Thanos, The Champion, Thing, Ultron Classic, Venom The Duck

    The above lists don't include some of the rare characters you guys have above but its what i use in a spreadsheet i keep

    all of last year's champions were 2 star in the recent offer.

    Cap World War 2 was done as a Google Play exclusive just before the Cosmic Civil War event in 2016. I got him then, then idiotically sold him, before regaining him from a collector crystal in RTG 5* shards arena.

    Iceman, Cyke Blue and Gambit have been 2* in the X-Men crystal from last March.

    Angela was in the 2* International Women's Day crystals last year.

    I think there was a 2* DDC in the Defenders crystal they did for Iron Fist s1's debut on Netflix.

    Personally, I have 2*s of Ghost, X23, OML, Dormammu, Cap WW2, IMIW, Vulture, Venom, Agent Venom, Civil Warrior, Carnage, Spidey Symbiote, Spider-Gwen, Thor Jane, Wasp, Yondu, War Machine, Iron Patriot, Sentry, Blade, Night Thrasher, Venompool, Beast, Deadpool, Ghost Rider, Hela, Killmonger, Loki, Mordo, Phoenix, Spidey-Miles, BPCW, Thor R, Sparky, Dr Strange, Quake and Cable.

    OML came from the Logan crystal for the release of Logan

    Agent Venom, Carnage, Spidey-Symb, Spider-Gwen, Venompool, Venom and Spidey-Miles came from Spider-Verse crystals from Battlerealm: Homecoming and a redo of those crystals (VP)

    GR came from a Google Play exclusive Halloween crystal in 2017

    Blade, NT, Vulture, IMIW, Sentry all came from Marvel Insider

    Hela came from an International Women's Day crystal last year

    Dr Strange came from the offer in 2016 tied to his movie

    Cable was given for the release of DP2

    Iron Patriot, Wasp, Killmonger, Mordo, Loki, War Machine, Yondu all came from crystals from Gwenpool Goes to the Movies

    Beast and Phoenix came from X-Men crystals

    DP came from the arena last year

    CW, Dormammu and Cap WW2 are from Collector crystals from RT1M and RTG 5* shard arenas

    BPCW was given for the BP movie. Sparky was given for his movie, as was TR.

    Thor Jane came from a 2015/2018 crystal, as did Ghost

    Quake was given for Agents of SHIELD season 4's premiere.

    X23 came from the X-Force crystals from last year's Merc missions
  • DragonsniperRhQDragonsniperRhQ Member Posts: 78
    I think Angela might be my only one since she has still yet to be awakened.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    I have a 2 star Kamala Khan
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    overall i have 99 2*.
    i wish i had them all.
    i believe now with the annual crystal that pretty much every champ has been made as a 2*.
    there would be very few that.
    it would be a much shorter list to mention the champs i dont have as 2*.
    my newest additions however are,
    Night Thrasher, Dark Hawk, The Champion, Symbiot Supreme, Red Skull and Ghost,

    There is however only 2 3* champions in the game i dont have and that is OGV and IIF.
    i have every single other 3*...
    so theres that....

    There are 33 champs i am missing as a 2*
    Aegon, AA, Cap marvel, Corvus, Cyclops blue, DD OG, DV, Domino, Emma, Gambit, GP, Heimdall, Howard, Hype, Iceman, Immortal Iron Fist, Karnak, Medusa, Mephisto, Ms Marvel (blondie), Nebula, Omega Red, Pheonix, PM, Psyloke, 2099, Sentinel, Shehulk, TM, Hood, Thing, Venom Duck, Void.

    Which of these are unavailable i am unsure.
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