Who to R5?

pbeadlepbeadle Member Posts: 76
I have a T5 basic in my stash set to expire soon so I need to pull the trigger on my first R5. For context, I’ve completed Act 5 100% and completed the easy path of LoL. No idea who I should invest in. All advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Here are my options (all duped):

Who to R5? 50 votes

Dr. Voodoo (sig 150)
The_red_Eclipse 1 vote
Hyperion (sig 100)
RagamugginGunnerCrimsontide1616DanasjonMiStaLovaTiger360 5 votes
Domino (sig 50)
TonyStarkShaggyMSungjMqc19Sixshot1SpiderCoolsWorknprogressThecrusher_9756Quatre_1988GrizzlyPandaMitchell35TJ107Dogor2393 13 votes
Ægon (sig 200)
DL864GamerJOHNOSA1995INTEGRALSuvenduaxelelf_1AdvAustin555555TechonefortyJohn757SociopathWabobaPaytoPlaySmashFhfjghhggggjfhfjgRockypantherxDisgruntled_User_123Infineightẞlооdlukaka 23 votes
Cap IW (sig 100)
Greifmaster911MrgrifobrandinhoGritabitLionahYaoJaoLingFang 6 votes
Gwenpool (sig 20)
Erza_ScarletFoxhero007 2 votes


  • Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Ægon (sig 200)
    You are way beyond my level but from everything I hear, Aegon is the best questing champ for pure damage that doesn’t rely on debuffs.

    If you want utility, I hear CapIW is the best but, again, take my opinion with minimal regard since I don’t have your roster or skill set.
  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★
    edited January 2019
    Ægon (sig 200)
    Since ya haven't done LOL 100% i would Rank 5 either Domino or Ægon, they will easily help you 100%.
    They're all worth rank 5 in my opinion, but this is the only thing left in this game for ya to complete till act 6 comes.
  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★
    Ægon (sig 200)
    Domino is also a great defender.
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  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Hyperion (sig 100)
    Between Hyp, Domino or Aegon, but since you have so much sig levels on Aegon then probably him
  • pbeadlepbeadle Member Posts: 76
    zeezee57 wrote: »
    Aegon is your best option if you're aiming to 100% LOL, Domino right behind him for it. Have you tackled Variant yet or do you plan to? IW Cap would be the best option for that imo and I'm expecting will be great for act 6 as well. He's my lone 5/65 and I couldn't be happier with him, though he's not a legit LOL option. Just my opinion of course but I'd put GP and Voodoo behind the others as R5 options.

    No, I haven’t tackled Variant yet (beyond completing chapter 1) simply because I feel like it would be so much easier if I had Stark Spidey, Medusa and/or Blade. I’m on an epic cold streak of bad pulls right now...
  • GritabitGritabit Member Posts: 46
    Cap IW (sig 100)
    I'd say between domino, Aegon, and Cap IW. Love Hyperion, but you'll probably get more use out of these 3
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  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Hyperion (sig 100)
    cant say w/o knowing who you already have at r5
  • pbeadlepbeadle Member Posts: 76
    cant say w/o knowing who you already have at r5

    No one. This would be my first R5. I was holding out for a champ like Stark Spidey or Medusa but I have a T5 basic expiring so I need to act in the next few days.
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Ægon (sig 200)
    If LoL is your next goal I would do Ægon.

    If not, Domino or Cap IW for questing. Plus Domino makes a great defender.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Hyperion (sig 100)
    pbeadle wrote: »
    cant say w/o knowing who you already have at r5

    No one. This would be my first R5. I was holding out for a champ like Stark Spidey or Medusa but I have a T5 basic expiring so I need to act in the next few days.

    Go Hype. He's got great utility and damage. Do NOT r5 Aegon as your first r5. He's just a better SL and you can use him at r4 to do LOL.
  • pbeadlepbeadle Member Posts: 76
    pbeadle wrote: »
    cant say w/o knowing who you already have at r5

    No one. This would be my first R5. I was holding out for a champ like Stark Spidey or Medusa but I have a T5 basic expiring so I need to act in the next few days.

    Go Hype. He's got great utility and damage. Do NOT r5 Aegon as your first r5. He's just a better SL and you can use him at r4 to do LOL.

    That’s my fear. I don’t know how much a R5 would benefit Ægon because he’s so great with a high combo meter already at R4.
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