Please stop taking half champ health on disconnects!

It’s already horrible that the connection issues are even a thing,but to consistently lose connection at fight start,no matter what device I’m using or how new and upgraded it is and then have you take half the health from that champ is just sad ! I realize you need to make money and I am a paying player and I buy potions but buying expensive AQ and AW health potions when I didn’t even lose the fight ,not didn’t lose..didn’t even get to play a load of carp! It’s been happening forever and never been dealt with , I will already have to buy them as I’m not that skilled yet but it’s entirely different to have this happen!Please get rid of that half health loss bit,it drives everyone bananas
even some people do it in war still cus if you know ur gunna lose qutitting and getting half heatlh is better than dying and needing to revive.
so no matter wat they do they cant stop some people exploiting anything.
some people will always try and bend any situation to their advantage.
exploit to gain any advantage possible.
The Mcoc game hangs indefinitely in the loading screen after you press begin for a fight.. then shutdown, when you restart the Mcoc game, you get 50% remove from your champion even before you actually fought the defender.. kabam way to make players use potion or buy units for health potion.. I think Netmarble did not think that they needed to upgrade the game server.