Act 1-4 rewards upgrade

Simple question to the community that completed these acts at least 6 months- 1 year ago. If progress was wiped (story mode wise) would u replay easier, earlier quests for these buffed rewards?
Act 1-4 rewards upgrade 43 votes
not gunna take long to do one run of each quest.
heck by the end of each month i am replaying story mode every day to use my energy anyway.
I can't see how they can't give those rewards to each who completed those before, all you need is progression. every player can see our any moment. feels like slap in a face
Well maybe not double energy because it’s all 2 per move, aaaand we have better rosters, but still, not worth it.
The rewards also aren’t whining too much about either, imho.
I was more peeved when they dropped energy count, surprised people aren’t rioting for a “retroactive energy compensation package”.