Act 1-4 rewards upgrade

Marlo_Mike33Marlo_Mike33 Member Posts: 193
edited March 2019 in General Discussion
Simple question to the community that completed these acts at least 6 months- 1 year ago. If progress was wiped (story mode wise) would u replay easier, earlier quests for these buffed rewards?

Act 1-4 rewards upgrade 43 votes

Yes I would for these new rewards
ThatweirdguyAxeCopFireNastydan68TlmajrExHavokAaslt175WrathfulRavenleviddletonXXGhost_RiderXXp01arisCometEarthTakingAllDownAleorNoob2435FhfjghhggggjfhfjgNeotwismDylanphileDerSchneemacherDemonmewtwotheunluckynoob 25 votes
No the rewards aren't worth the time
GroundedWisdomGamerLeNoirFaineantClockworkGremlinAlCapone2727OrcDovahkiinKayne34MrTicTac19992008Timrosharerabbit99TKS87Wakanda4Ever278GeorgiaDawgMbizzCardiganBlueMaatManddomMarlo_Mike33 18 votes


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    No the rewards aren't worth the time
    Bit of a Catch-22. If I had to redo it all to get back what I got the first time, yeah. If it's just for the extra Rewards, God no. Lol.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    No the rewards aren't worth the time
    but i would replay through each act completion wise.
    not gunna take long to do one run of each quest.

    heck by the end of each month i am replaying story mode every day to use my energy anyway.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Yes I would for these new rewards
    easy units, mastery points, 4 t2a. sure

    I can't see how they can't give those rewards to each who completed those before, all you need is progression. every player can see our any moment. feels like slap in a face
  • Marlo_Mike33Marlo_Mike33 Member Posts: 193
    No the rewards aren't worth the time

    Bit of a Catch-22. If I had to redo it all to get back what I got the first time, yeah. If it's just for the extra Rewards, God no. Lol.

    Lol yeah thats what I mean. If Kabam came out and said they'd let summoners who had already completed it wipe story progress so they could go through and complete and explore for these rewards I'm sure a lot of people wouldnt bother
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Yes I would for these new rewards

    Bit of a Catch-22. If I had to redo it all to get back what I got the first time, yeah. If it's just for the extra Rewards, God no. Lol.

    Lol yeah thats what I mean. If Kabam came out and said they'd let summoners who had already completed it wipe story progress so they could go through and complete and explore for these rewards I'm sure a lot of people wouldnt bother
    atm more than 50% voted would
  • SpookyKonan2SpookyKonan2 Member Posts: 90
    Yes I would for these new rewards
    most definitely, im always ready for better rewards and also ready to clear more content.
  • Marlo_Mike33Marlo_Mike33 Member Posts: 193
    No the rewards aren't worth the time
    Aleor said:

    Bit of a Catch-22. If I had to redo it all to get back what I got the first time, yeah. If it's just for the extra Rewards, God no. Lol.

    Lol yeah thats what I mean. If Kabam came out and said they'd let summoners who had already completed it wipe story progress so they could go through and complete and explore for these rewards I'm sure a lot of people wouldnt bother
    atm more than 50% voted would
    Its just a few of us lol but I honestly wouldn't if I was an end game player. The only thing that would make me do it again would be the gold but I know why some of u guys feel entitled to it
  • Marlo_Mike33Marlo_Mike33 Member Posts: 193
    No the rewards aren't worth the time
    MaatMan said:

    but i would replay through each act completion wise.
    not gunna take long to do one run of each quest.

    heck by the end of each month i am replaying story mode every day to use my energy anyway.

    I used to replay story mode just to try my lower champs in quests but to complete it again would be to much of a task. Especially Act 4
  • ClockworkGremlinClockworkGremlin Member Posts: 94
    No the rewards aren't worth the time
    Hell no! If it’s for the extra goodies, then those of us doing over have invested double the time and energy, and are still behind.

    Well maybe not double energy because it’s all 2 per move, aaaand we have better rosters, but still, not worth it.

    The rewards also aren’t whining too much about either, imho.

    I was more peeved when they dropped energy count, surprised people aren’t rioting for a “retroactive energy compensation package”.
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