Monthly Events: Rewards and balancing of content

So this month has opened up some really good opportunities for newer players to get some challenging items and I definitely think a system like the objectives needed to be added and Kabam did a rather good job with implementing those. However, other than the release of Ronin and soon Cull Obsidian, the objectives are pretty much the only good thing added in this months content.
If anyone has been on YouTube there has been a lot of talk and criticism on this months "Last-Stand" crystals as well as the "Quest for the stones" content along with any of the frustrating bugs going on to the point where some youtubers have even said they are on the verge of quitting the event and waiting until next month. I think that is a little much but for people who are higher up on the scales of the game I understand because this month does not offer much for them.
I would like to understand why after the whole fiasco with the banning of 4* champs and the response of Kabam promising to make 5* champs more accessible, why the Greater Last Stand crystals have a ridiculously low drop rate for 5* and even 4* awakening gems and 5* shards and why the highest drop rates in the greater crystal, the highest of the three, are T4 basic fragments and 4* sig stones. This may just be one of those months but I was expecting so much more for this month considering the release of Endgame and past precedent on the last avengers movie because the release of Infinity War brought the infinity dust event and whatnot that was really good all around for all players. Continuing on though, majority T4 basic and 4* sig stones?? and 0.1% 5* gem + 0.4% 4* gem drop rates?? It seems like there is a missing tier above the greater crystal.
Like I said, it may just be one of those months and Kabam may have something up their sleeve for next month to compensate for this month. Like RichtheMan said "When Kabam gets it right they get it really right, and when they get it wrong they get it really wrong." After seeing those drop rates combined with the problems in the Quest for the stones and the forcible ranking up of not so good at all champs like OG Iron man and Cap, I think they got this month really wrong. I just hope they start making 5* gems either generic or class more accessible and don't fall short on progressing on making 5* champs easier to get as the game gets older and 6* champs make their way further into the contest.
I am hoping for greater things this year than what came with May's content and I am sure there will be better events with better rewards this year but I think it is good to point out that there should not be a repeat of this month again in terms of drop rates and forcible rank ups of bad champions. There is definitely more hype to live up to in the contest especially with the release of Spider-Man Far from Home next month which I hope brings some super fun and rewarding content, plus I am excited for Mysterio. I hope this sort of layed out how other people are feeling because I know this month's update was all kinds of bittersweet.
If anyone has been on YouTube there has been a lot of talk and criticism on this months "Last-Stand" crystals as well as the "Quest for the stones" content along with any of the frustrating bugs going on to the point where some youtubers have even said they are on the verge of quitting the event and waiting until next month. I think that is a little much but for people who are higher up on the scales of the game I understand because this month does not offer much for them.
I would like to understand why after the whole fiasco with the banning of 4* champs and the response of Kabam promising to make 5* champs more accessible, why the Greater Last Stand crystals have a ridiculously low drop rate for 5* and even 4* awakening gems and 5* shards and why the highest drop rates in the greater crystal, the highest of the three, are T4 basic fragments and 4* sig stones. This may just be one of those months but I was expecting so much more for this month considering the release of Endgame and past precedent on the last avengers movie because the release of Infinity War brought the infinity dust event and whatnot that was really good all around for all players. Continuing on though, majority T4 basic and 4* sig stones?? and 0.1% 5* gem + 0.4% 4* gem drop rates?? It seems like there is a missing tier above the greater crystal.
Like I said, it may just be one of those months and Kabam may have something up their sleeve for next month to compensate for this month. Like RichtheMan said "When Kabam gets it right they get it really right, and when they get it wrong they get it really wrong." After seeing those drop rates combined with the problems in the Quest for the stones and the forcible ranking up of not so good at all champs like OG Iron man and Cap, I think they got this month really wrong. I just hope they start making 5* gems either generic or class more accessible and don't fall short on progressing on making 5* champs easier to get as the game gets older and 6* champs make their way further into the contest.
I am hoping for greater things this year than what came with May's content and I am sure there will be better events with better rewards this year but I think it is good to point out that there should not be a repeat of this month again in terms of drop rates and forcible rank ups of bad champions. There is definitely more hype to live up to in the contest especially with the release of Spider-Man Far from Home next month which I hope brings some super fun and rewarding content, plus I am excited for Mysterio. I hope this sort of layed out how other people are feeling because I know this month's update was all kinds of bittersweet.
Make that Two! 2 star scarlett witches and one 3 star! No one else sees anything wrong here?
No, i will not rank up OG Cap or OG Ironman. Even if i did, i still bet i would need use items to clear epic difficulty Ebony Maw. Just because they suck so much lol. Ive did everything up to master and that is where i pump the breaks.
This month sucks. Thanks kabam