Who to awaken as 4 star?

AdityatheaawesomAdityatheaawesom Member Posts: 101
edited May 2019 in General Discussion
So I have completed 5.1 and need something that can rly help my roster. Currently I have some champs like 5 star Corvus r4. However I need someone who is rly useful... I can awaken one.

Who to awaken as 4 star? 24 votes

Aegon (10 digs)
TerraGeneralDCRiggs_97TaZ_4178KittenPrimeFhfjghhggggjfhfjgRonaldRaygunEtjamaFlintTheSavageDonDudu2809LordGenesisÆgon0710FreeToPlay_21Kumashine 14 votes
Sparky ( maxed 31 sigs)
Presticles1That1Me234 3 votes
Doctor Voodoo
CupidbinrakRehan010_XN0nameX 4 votes
Darkhawk(31 digs)
Symbiotic supreme
FilledPizza 1 vote
Or save?
cx23433Denzel116 2 votes


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,653 ★★★★★
    Aegon (10 digs)
    He benefits from it most. And he's better than all on the list. He benefits from more sigs aswell
  • Sixshot1Sixshot1 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    You might save the gem until you have a few more sig stones. Aegon, Darkhawk and Voodoo benefit a lot from awakening and are all fantastic for act 5, but they all need a reasonably high sig level for the awakened ability to be really valuable.
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