Drax' double medium (bug?)

When I hit the opponent with drax' double meduim attack when the opponent is blocking, sometimes it acts as if the opponent is unstoppable and hits back. Is this supposed to happen and has anyone else experienced this?
Maybe just put the double hit on the second medium
That's also a bug. If it ever gets fixed, then there's no problem. It would be better actually
Also, you keep saying it's a bug, stop.
Kabam acknowledged it in the past, said it wasn't intentional but has decided to keep it in the game.
But they still say that it is a bug, so it is a bug and works like a bug
Is in the old forums, i don't know how to go there. Is on Mordo spotlight thread
Also there was a thread asking for the fix, and a MOD confirmed once again that it is a bug.
I remember Kabam saying it was a bug, but don't recall anything about it being "here to stay".
I also like his double hit counter to mordos evade. It also works against Quake. I think it's a unique ability that doesn't over power him, just adds to his utility as a basic damage dealer.
it is a bug & will eventually be fixed... that's why I chose to learn how to beat mordo by alternate means rather than relying on drax.
QFT. See it's not technically a bug... it's just the way the animations work. Mordo tries for an instant evade after the first hit when stunned, which coincidentally matches up with Drax's double hit. It's just a nice bonus to playing Drax, and is actually working as intended.
They could change it, but it's not really broken, it's just a small detail of the way the two characters work and the way they are coded.
Champions hitting Drax back in mid swing though is news to me. I have a Drax and have not been noticing this, but I will keep a look out for any bugs.
Was this the post?
Some months later it was still confirmed as a bug, but that the team didn't had plans to fix it for the moment
I can only get to this simplified text.