Rate this Month event

MadTitanMadTitan Member Posts: 19
So...Last part of LS:QftS is finally out so now we can 100% experience this month event...My question is, are you (or not) entertained and satisfied with what was supposed to be the Endgame-worthy related ME?

I'm talking general vibe about it here, do not rate the rewards which are absolute joke, no need to even rate that :wink:

Rate this Month event 327 votes

Cool, one of the best month events ever
RichiesDad79RasiloverFelipe2014Adman0726Duck_of_DoomJollyHawkDrooped2Narwhal52x 8 votes
It was alright
TheManMythLegendAxeCopFireabiew78Ubersouljojodeth101KossukoseCoBfan1987OMC_PintoMagonusCupidReferenceKittenPrime10or_StrongDarthPhalJuggerNotManar198xB_Dizzle_01Webby72GdhgvbFugitive21 28 votes
A bit unbalanced, could've been more exciting
Chriz4061Hort4DarkZenTJ82IksdjvanIlluminantFingfangfoomfanesSamuel030sTwmRHendrossPriyansh7IamGROOT420Josegee2321KerneasPseudouberAustin555555Charlie_SceneClydaniaMaldroit2Tilakmegha2003 47 votes
Faint and tediously long
Vdh2008RagamugginGunnerTheJalliDrZolaRandomlyGeneratedTheBaldAvengerLeNoirFaineantrazielHaji_Saabdanm11AjavedHulk_77Erza_ScarletRaganatorCrkwestSpity68Propaganda83VceeAce_03Bigbadromo 244 votes


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  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,870 ★★★★★
    A bit unbalanced, could've been more exciting
    It gave me time to complete Act 5 and I actually feel relaxed and fresh for next month. I also farmed over 800 units with low effort. Now I prepared for next month
  • MadTitanMadTitan Member Posts: 19
    Faint and tediously long
    Kerneas said:

    It gave me time to complete Act 5 and I actually feel relaxed and fresh for next month. I also farmed over 800 units with low effort. Now I prepared for next month

    I get this opinion...It actually makes sense...My problem is probably that there definitely is better time to design this kind of "relaxed" ME than around most cataclysmic Marvel event of all time. It was overall disappointing.

    But I get it.
  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    Faint and tediously long
    I end up liking eve more last months event. Huge missed chance, I was hoping to see something like Marvel 10 years. Good thing is Kabm is learning to listen, since we used to have events triggered every 4 hrs
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Faint and tediously long
    Worst event I've ever seen and somehow it lined up with Endgame. Disappointing to say the least.
  • Narwhal52xNarwhal52x Member Posts: 513 ★★★
    Cool, one of the best month events ever
    Because no body chose it, and for the real answer, this was great for my lvl 25 alt account but horrendous for my lvl 40 normal account
  • GdhgvbGdhgvb Member Posts: 7
    It was alright
    Of course it had its issues but I liked it. They tried something new-ish and definitely gave younger accounts a boost they probably enjoyed.
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  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Faint and tediously long
    Feels like very little thought went into it. Extremely underwhelming for the most important piece of the marvel universe in the past decade.
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  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    Faint and tediously long
    Werewrym said:

    Worst event I've ever seen and somehow it lined up with Endgame. Disappointing to say the least.

    100% agree with you here and I have absolutely nothing to add to your statement lol
  • Fugitive21Fugitive21 Member Posts: 221
    It was alright
    I went through over 250K Last stand crystals.....Not one awakening gem. Oh I got plenty of 50% Xp bonus.
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 844 ★★★
    A bit unbalanced, could've been more exciting
    It was a cool concept and could have been really fun. It was just not enough content for the side events. It was really like an hour of something to do ever week lol. A whole event including something like the stones could have been dope!.Just not enough stuff to do to get rewards and 6 weeks of it was just terrible. Nothing to do and the longest event ever. someone really dropped the ball on this one. Could have been the best one with some though put into it. And no increase of chance to get 5* shards and going into an extra two weeks, I think it was actually way less than normal.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,930 ★★★★★
    This much was just so meh they did the bare minimum IMO
  • PatrickPPatrickP Member Posts: 3
    It was alright
    I definitely felt like this month lacked for end game players. Too much RNG involved and once they updated the content it was easy for everyone. But I can say that for a new account this months event was pretty useful. Getting a new 3* each week and duping it really helped out a lot. I have a end game account and started a new one 3 weeks ago so I kind of got to see both sides of it. Overall it was alright to me.
  • MadTitanMadTitan Member Posts: 19
    Faint and tediously long

    I went through over 250K Last stand crystals.....Not one awakening gem. Oh I got plenty of 50% Xp bonus.

    As I said in the op, I'm not ranking rewards here as this was without a doubt most pathetic rewarding system developed by Kabam so far :smile:
  • NoOnexRONoOnexRO Member Posts: 349 ★★★
    Faint and tediously long
    Horrible event(s) for what should have been.
  • MadTitanMadTitan Member Posts: 19
    Faint and tediously long
    Even if I think the same, I actually didn't expect so strong dislike for this ME. Kinda glad I'm not alone here. :smile: Too bad Kabam doesn't bother with our opinions, they could take a lot of this.
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    Faint and tediously long
    Another month of this I'd probably quit this game and never look back.

    Absolute worst month ever, in practically every aspect of the content. The very opposite of the month prior - April - where we had Torch, which was a really awesome month, and probably the best for me.
  • MadTitanMadTitan Member Posts: 19
    Faint and tediously long
    Thanks everyone for participating, maybe Kabam will reflect it as they "welcome any feedback, even if negative" right? ... Yeah, I know :smiley:
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  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,225 ★★★★
    Faint and tediously long
    This event was absolute GARBAGE
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  • edited June 2019
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