Where are you in your progression of the game?

STShortySTShorty Member Posts: 103
I just want to take a quick poll in where you are in the game. Let's see where players are at in the forums

Where are you in your progression of the game? 195 votes

New Player (just started the game)
charaderdude2KittenPrimeTorah13JayCeeTony886PIZZATIMESly1Dom8inicNarwhal52xThiccoModeDoctor_bagBanditRaccoon55GSE 13 votes
TimrosJuggerNotElectricJellyThatOneMasterGamerMC2707Lpirnie5321ChainslayerZipioSteveMEtjamaCtuchikGodfatherspiePerceptronFreeToPlay_21N0R35TLazuliZeepZorpMawrCalleachbigchungus21_Akwjsudif 23 votes
winterthurChriz4061VceeDrownedGodphillgreenTerraB_RabbittLibralonixTim1234GeneralDCWîndšpäveEB54harerabbit99Z3ROJayProngsTheMightyKahrHashmiBoZoCheeseAustin555555Cell..... 65 votes
Elder's Bane
Crkwestkfd2010RasiloverMasterShocLordScatsburyArkhamButcherIDogeJtarunTehsigzorzLoctiteSuperGlueRedTide75OGAvengerCtfz35SlimeballH3t3rNimorMacGyver 17 votes
Vdh2008Jh_DezKevinFF1961BigdogbobWizdumbTBWTimone147IcthalianCarnage313Dexman1349AxeCopFireallinashesJeremySlatIksdjvanBpn88855Yeo786Vlad5987GNASTYmyPUNCAKEHENRIQUE_FORTEJohnyzero 57 votes
End Game (100% all acts and chapters so far)
ArcDeAngelusRagamugginGunnerTheJalliEb0ny-O-M4wMagicBentonPrimmer79STShortyMixkebabJim0172Lvernon15Mqc19CliffordcanLilMaddogHTWorknprogressReferenceEvangelionlovrSantaGulkAlbertABIKONBatsii 20 votes


  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    I'm currently Uncollected (beat Act 5, Chapter 2) and am running through the last portion of act 5 (and attempting a little bit of itemless exploration of earlier parts of the act while I prepare for my next push)
    I have 16x 5* champions, with some of my favourites being Angela, Winter Soldier (with the Killmonger synergy), She-Hulk and Spider-Gwen. I also currently have 6x maxed 4* champions, and they're still useful.
    As far as Monthly Event Quests go, I'm generally finding myself able to complete Master, sometimes getting it done 100%, and some progress in Uncollected (personal best is 100% chapter 1).
    My alliance currently runs Map 4 with 3 battlegroups 5 days a week. I'm handling it I guess... but yeah Mordo really sucks to fight... maybe I should bring my Void in more often... oh yeah and I'm planning to stop doing war cause yeah it just isn't fun for me anymore...
    oh yeah I'm also free to play... yeah I couldn't spend money on the game even if I wanted to cause I got my dad to restrict access to them on my device (with my permission). Game is still pretty fun for me, I guess...
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  • edited June 2019
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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Elder's Bane
    Just 2 more quests until I am cavalier but elders bane right now
  • Thor12344Thor12344 Member Posts: 55
    I’ve done 100% all but v1 LOL and act6.1
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    I'm cavalier but not elders bane too lazy for that
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  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    100% done with Story mode through Act 5 and one pass done in Act 6 (Cavalier)
    Did the easy path of LOL a couple weeks ago. Wasn't nearly as satisfying as I'd hoped it would be.
    Just started working through both Variants and find myself on the verge of throwing my phone after only a few fights. Quit, restart, rage quit again, find something else to do (not in MCOC), repeat the next day.

    I'm at that boring in-between phase. I can auto-fight through about 75% of the daily/weekly/monthly stuff and I basically just go through the motions for everything else (arena grind milestones, login to move up in AQ/AW). My day to day routine is built around stockpiling resources to continue chipping away at the remaining permanent content which is frankly boring and tedious.
  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    edited June 2019

    100% done with Story mode through Act 5 and one pass done in Act 6 (Cavalier)
    Did the easy path of LOL a couple weeks ago. Wasn't nearly as satisfying as I'd hoped it would be.
    Just started working through both Variants and find myself on the verge of throwing my phone after only a few fights. Quit, restart, rage quit again, find something else to do (not in MCOC), repeat the next day.

    I'm at that boring in-between phase. I can auto-fight through about 75% of the daily/weekly/monthly stuff and I basically just go through the motions for everything else (arena grind milestones, login to move up in AQ/AW). My day to day routine is built around stockpiling resources to continue chipping away at the remaining permanent content which is frankly boring and tedious.

    Lmao. Wow that is me in every detail lol. It sucks.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    End Game (100% all acts and chapters so far)
    100% everything.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Conqueror since today!!!! Was so happy about beating Act 4.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    Etjama said:

    Conqueror since today!!!! Was so happy about beating Act 4.

    Gratz. I remember Act 4 was the first content where I actually started to pay real attention to the things I was killing, primarily because they started killing me a little more often than I preferred.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Etjama said:

    Conqueror since today!!!! Was so happy about beating Act 4.

    Gratz. I remember Act 4 was the first content where I actually started to pay real attention to the things I was killing, primarily because they started killing me a little more often than I preferred.
    Thanks, I know exactly what you're talking about. When I started Act 4 is when I actually got into gameplay. I'm very happy that I've gotten very good at Parry and Dexterity. Still working on baiting specials a bit.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    I could get Cavalier if I could use all stars (including 3* wasp for my ghost)

    Eh whatever.
  • KittenPrimeKittenPrime Member Posts: 191
    Still fairly new and casual
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
  • STShortySTShorty Member Posts: 103
    End Game (100% all acts and chapters so far)
    100% everything. I pretty much just wait around twiddling my fingers for the next event
  • WîndšpäveWîndšpäve Member Posts: 297
    Just finished all of act 5, now just to 100% it and get elders bane. I wanna finish the variants but I’m not sure I’m ready yet, honestly don’t know what to start doing next.
  • ZeepZorpZeepZorp Member Posts: 111 ★★
    Stuck on 5.2.4 with the masochism nodes.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    I’ve got everything 100% but lol variant 1 (doing this soon) and act 6:1
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    Uncollected, am at 5.3.1 in story (Cant bother to move forward at this time). Have done variant 1 completion but not RoL or LoL anything yet.
  • ZeepZorpZeepZorp Member Posts: 111 ★★
    ZeepZorp said:

    Stuck on 5.2.4 with the masochism nodes.

    Nvm. Just past it. Didn't bring a bleed immune champ so chucked a couple revives against storm. :(
  • STShortySTShorty Member Posts: 103
    End Game (100% all acts and chapters so far)
    This is good information to know about other players you interact with in the forums. It appears most are either uncollected or cavalier
  • Narwhal52xNarwhal52x Member Posts: 513 ★★★
    One weird thing I realized is I have like 5 4/40s and 1 5/50 and I can't get passed act 4
  • HCMmcocHCMmcoc Member Posts: 55
    Conqueror - I am working on Act 5.2 currently.
  • BigdogbobBigdogbob Member Posts: 125
    I have 100% completed LOL and one pass through V1 and V2. Ultimately though, I won’t finish any of it. Took me 4.5 years to figure it out but I’m quitting. The addiction has to be broken. I have stopped doing anything that in the game now except finishing this AQ. Couldn’t just bail on my alliance.
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    Elder's Bane
    I don't have a champ ready to take on that Crossbones in 6.1.5, so I'm kinda stuck. (Dang champion gates.)

    I MAY be able to get through him if I take my 5* duped Sentinel to rank 4 and boost up mightily, but I'm stuck for the moment.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019
    Working on getting Elder’s bane.
  • bigchungus21_bigchungus21_ Member Posts: 53
    I'm stuck on 5.1.1
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