Corvus loses Glave charges in AQ when blocking

I noticed Corvus mysteriously loses (as if he 'spends' them) Glave charges when blocking in AQ. Not in every fight, but in some.
Examples include the Sabertooth and Heimdall fights on map 6. But there are possibly more. If there is some logical explanation for this that I'm missing, please enlighten me. But I can't recall this happening before the recent update, so it seems to be a big ol' bug to me. Costly too.
Here is ST fight footage:
You can see it happen twice in a row. Four charges lost per block. How?
Examples include the Sabertooth and Heimdall fights on map 6. But there are possibly more. If there is some logical explanation for this that I'm missing, please enlighten me. But I can't recall this happening before the recent update, so it seems to be a big ol' bug to me. Costly too.
Here is ST fight footage:

You can see it happen twice in a row. Four charges lost per block. How?