"Strength in numbers" node

I have a really simple question here: What is the purpose of "Strength in numbers" other than cash grab? I don't mean this to be offensive, but I am really completely out of ideas, so if there is any, please, enlighten me.

For those who are curious, node is on Mordo boss in 6.2. It says this:
"For each Member of the Attacker's team that is knocked out, the Attacker suffers a 25% Attack and Ability Accuracy reduction.
Think about it. This node does literally nothing. Nothing, except it is forcing you to spend team revive for your champions you have no intention to use at all, just to have a shot to actually win.
How does this make sense? Purpose of the nodes is to make fight specific in some aspect. Poison node - bring poison immune. Bleed node - bring bleed immune. Etc. So if I need Bleed immune champion for boss fight, I will probably save him for that purpose and I will sacrifice other champions on the way. That's what I can do if I want to play smart and be step ahead. If I want to plan.
Only thing I can do to prepare myself for this node is literally revive whole team. That's it. That node could be named "Pay to Win" and it would be absolutely correct.
Am I missing something here or did Kabam really fell to its lowest point here?

For those who are curious, node is on Mordo boss in 6.2. It says this:
"For each Member of the Attacker's team that is knocked out, the Attacker suffers a 25% Attack and Ability Accuracy reduction.
Think about it. This node does literally nothing. Nothing, except it is forcing you to spend team revive for your champions you have no intention to use at all, just to have a shot to actually win.
How does this make sense? Purpose of the nodes is to make fight specific in some aspect. Poison node - bring poison immune. Bleed node - bring bleed immune. Etc. So if I need Bleed immune champion for boss fight, I will probably save him for that purpose and I will sacrifice other champions on the way. That's what I can do if I want to play smart and be step ahead. If I want to plan.
Only thing I can do to prepare myself for this node is literally revive whole team. That's it. That node could be named "Pay to Win" and it would be absolutely correct.
Am I missing something here or did Kabam really fell to its lowest point here?
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Seriously, it's 6.2, it's meant to be on limits of playable difficulty, in reality, it is far beyond, and your advice is "don't die"? You obviously didn't even played it or you just trolling here, either way your post means a very little here...
Guys I would like to stay on topic so can we please not feed the troll here and move on?
So if we're being generous lets say you managed to get to the boss with only two of your team KOd. The fight is still going to be ridiculously hard unless you revive at least one of those two KOd champs. This node is dumb whether you want to admit it or not. It punishes you for having any of your team KOd against some of the most difficult content to date and forces you to revive champs you don't intend to use just so you don't suffer a penalty.
Now I'm not saying the node needs to be changed, we've had plenty of content before that has dumb nodes and I still get through it just fine. My point is this node is not well thought out and ultimately serves no purpose other than making you spend revives on champs you have no intent of using.
In addition I never stated if it was dumb or not. Please dont put words into my mouth.
Yes, playing well does not mean you will keep all your team alive, I never claimed the contrary. it depends on how hungry you are.... Be more precise in your questions please.
So your addition to this discussion is to catch on not entirely accurate idiom (I admit, duh) instead of put some real thoughts here? Great job, be proud of yourself.