Acid Wash and Archangel

I have a question here. Is Neurotoxin not considered a poison passive? When NT is active but poison itself is not, the enemies on Acid Wash are taking reduced damage as though there is no poison on it. That doesn't make sense to me-it's a neurotoxin, which is literally a type of poison in the real world. Shouldn't this count?
Not many champs have a "passive" posion and AAs is a debuff poison instead of a passive poison
I think NT is a passive effect so it won't count for the poison debuff.
I can't remember how the node is written, it might be written as a poison debuff needed.
But AA probably isn't a very good option for that path.
Voodoo all day long.
Basically Neurotoxin is not a poison effect. There are no passive poisons in the game yet, only passive bleeds.
If in the future someone gets a passive poison, then it will work on the node
It says 'passive poison' and 'poison debuffs'.
So...NT should count, but it doesn't.
It's a neuro'toxin'. Toxins are poisons. Why isn't this working?
Also, while Voodoo is nice, what is NOT is Mystic Ward Red Skull.
I'm saying while it isn't, it really SHOULD be.
A neurotoxin is a poison, after all.
Counterpoint: Spirit Venom. Nowhere does it say the word 'poison'. Yet the game has decided it is a poison. So tell me why Neurotoxin is or should be different?
"Special 1
50% chance to Envenom each of the opponent’s Buffs, Nullifying it, and applying a Poison dealing 255% of your Attack as Direct Damage over 20 seconds."
Archangel spotlight:
"Neurotoxin – Passive
- Neurotoxins are a Passive effect, and therefore do not count as either a Debuff, or a Poison."
Just by the wording, you should have already figured it out.
Now replace the word "neurotoxin" for something else that doesn't have a connection to poison. And there you have it, no reason for it to cause poison damage or be misleading for a poison.
Just because that's what it IS doesn't mean it's RIGHT. If you're going to call it NeuroTOXIN, then MAKE IT A POISON. Hello? I have been making this point the entire time and you keep saying 'no because this is what it is' I KNOW what it is. I'm saying it should be something else instead.
Make it a passive poison effect. NT's can't be applied if the enemy is poison immune anyways. Is it that hard a change to make the effect work more like its description?
You are making wrong assumptions. Just ignore what you know about in real life, since your logic doesn't apply here. Simply saying, Neurotoxin is different than a Poison. Poison deals poison damage, and Neurotoxin deals direct damage.
They are different abilities, meaning they are not equal. Therefore they work differently. I mean, there is a reason why they are different things in real life, why not make them different here as well?
That's actually my favorite variation, because I get to run my normal map 6 team.
Voodoo Blade and GR
Moreover, why would it be worse in every situation otherwise? You can't apply NT without Poison anyways, so what exactly is the difference? I didn't say make it a debuff. Keep it passive.