Epic rift?

I love how players get mocked in the game. You get enough shards to open an epic rift with the hope for something "epic." Just like every spin of any crystal, they show you the good stuff and you land on a pile of trash. Why do I need to get blatently mocked by tossing in the ultra-epic 20 PHC shsrds????

seen people with insane 6* luck, his first 6* was corvus and another dude first was hulkbuster
then theres me with 20+ 6* and none i would R2, No corvus,No domino,No Ghost etc, meanwhile i also seen people
with less than 10 6* champs have a 6* corvus and domino!!! and multiple youtubers around 3+ i know personally have 6* domino and corvus with less than half of my pulls!!
its insane right?
Still better than what I got pal
The reality is when there is a grinding event - one where you do hundreds of mindless tasks until you finally get to open something - there better be a decent return on the investment or eventually you’ll stop spending the time.
It’s not as if they gave away one free crystal and you spun it and didn’t win....
Its all RNG