King Groot uses

I just pulled a 4* king Groot from one of the carnage crystals, and I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for uses. I don't have a 3* version, so I'm not all that familiar with him. Decent defender maybe?
From what I been told this and posion is the best thing about him
As a villain he'd be able to gain power and he's got insane survivability
He's not a good defender since regen doesn't scale anymore, I fought 1 or 2 on thorns before and absolutely murdered them with doctor voodoo
This makes sense. Thanks.
Also solo as the above reasons literally make him one of the bulkiest champs who also has an amazing regen
Yeah I'd mostly recommend for Solo and maybe Day 1-3 (day 3 pushing it) he's fun but he requires a LOT of skill to time Armor Breaks in the early fight
King Groot can act as a surprise on Thorns to a Voodooless enemy, as even with unscaled regen he still has approximately one mountain of health.
However, his true use is in Map 6 on the Degen paths, where his insurmountable regeneration will keep him in the fight forever.
Only note: I don't like the 4* version. His attack is too low and he will time out more often than not. I only recommend a 5* for combat.
* You need to be aggressive in using King Groot to deal above average damage. Aggressive during fury cycle maximizes the damage, and aggressive during regen cycle to increase the number of furies on the next fury cycle. For longer fights, apply permanent amor breaks and stop at two armor breaks. Then unleash SP2 during his fury cycle. Lastly, for every minute, his passive regen will regen about 20% life.
Damage Output:
* His damage output is average during his Fury cycle and sub-par without fury. His damage output can be above average though for every fury he gets above 2 and with armor break. To get more furies, you need to be aggressive every regen cycle. For most opponents (including 5* r4), 2 armor breaks are enough to get the armor to 0. He'll never hit as hard as rocket racoon though.
* never apply a permanent armor break though against an opponent with willpower or you'll give him a permanent regen as well
* Bleed immune.
* If unawakened, he's average. If awakened, he gains regen and that triggers every time you run out of furies. His fury state lasts for 12 seconds, and his regen states lasts 16 seconds. After 16 seconds of regen, he would have regained 9% of his life (12% if max signature).If you want to regen more often, you can spend your furies by doing SPs one after the other. Also, with his SP3, you can trigger a regen of 10% that lasts for 3 seconds (or 4.5sec with fury buff).
* His "shrug a debuff at a cost of 1 fury buff" does not work against coldsnap.
* Not good against mystic dispersion or any champs that "eats" buffs like voodoo or mordo.
* Not good against champs with willpower. Getting hit with his SP1 with a fury buff on will give his opponent a permanent regen.
* SP1 and SP3 are more utilty (armor break & regen respectively). SP2 is like Dr Voodoo's SP1 envenom with 2 Loas.
Dr. Zola
What does this tells ya ?
For short fights I like to do sp2 while in fury mode as it stacks 2 poisons.
For any fight sp3 in fury mode does decent damage while also giving an incredible Regen.
Longer fights the sp1 during fury mode is decent but this is my least used option esp with AQ timers.
All in all you should use sps while in fury mode.
I do agree with @Tropical_Chris about being aggressive during Regen mode. I want to see if getting hit at the start of the Regen mode could be beneficial as receiving hits could also save up more furies and you'd Regen it back anyway.