Hear us Kabam, its time (volume 2)

I check these forums fairly often and yet besides recruiting I rarely post threads, the exception to this is when I start to wonder if the game is fundamentally broken and I'm looking to create a discussion. I am not sure what the pattern is around July 4th. Kabam is always doing major changes and has a pattern of boycotts, uproars and refunds about this time of the year. I have been around for quit a while. Some of you may remember this big change in July of 2017 and then 2018 and now we find ourselves moving into the 2019 July uproar. If you are curious to refresh yourself this was the thread in 2017
And more recently this thread regarding the new war structure...
So the point of this thread.... How can war be fixed, how can AQ be fixed.
We were told there was no intended increase in difficulty in both categories. Yet as someone who recruits for my alliance, players are avoiding war like the plaque. Trying to recruit for an alliance that participates in war is mind numbingly time consuming and unfruitful.
90% of the wars in off season were against opponents tanking and the first two wars of this season, the first they didn't even bother to attack and the second they didnt even bother to place defense... both of these were Platinum 3 alliances mind you.
So now we are in tier 3 without even trying and just throwing potions against an alliance that has actually decided to participate in AW.
Kabam slowed its role very slightly in this new map, but still facing nodes with unavoidable damage at 30% thorns and a whole host of other ridiculous combinations. Kos are going left and right. My alliance is a very high majority of end game players mind you. We have been here from the beginning and my players are looking to quit or stop AW all together. They all say the same thing, it's just not fun anymore. Between what is seen as a money grab, and then the increase in AQ as well, I can't really blame them for the burn out.
So from a different view point I try to imagine what kabam logic is. What I have concluded is that when you have 100+ champs and trying to expand the game for the new player and the end game player it gets very complicated to juggle that wide diversity in players.
This has become more and more a game of gambles, and a progressively diminishing return in investment.
On one hand I can see the struggle. I have gone the better part of the year without being able to pull a new 'useful' champ that I can use for content and playing less and less based on the diminishing return that kabam creates as the champ pool gets more diluted. And I see kabams (my opinion) solution to an issue I think they must recognize.
From my perspective they have to keep releasing more and more champs to create revenue from the gamble of crystals for the big spenders but they also want to 'diversify' everyone rosters by forcing players to upgrade champs that are fairly useless in every aspect of the game that brings progression.
example. The 30% thorn nodes... a player says, well I just bring my magneto. To which I reply, I have yet to motivate myself to upgrade a magneto that has zero use in any other aspect of the game and I would be afraid to upgrade him regardless because the meta is always in such a flux that you never know how quickly that upgrade becomes a total waste. With next AW season around the corner that has another huge change in structure, why would I upgrade champs that are so marginal except for a handful of nodes in one aspect of the game.
In conclusion I am just restating my opinion that in the effort to diversify and broaden rosters kabam has in effect reinforced why 'god tier' champs are the only champs worth upgrading and focusing on. Unless they nerf blade and corvus and sparky and domino and etc etc etc.... these champs will get you through most of the game without issue. And learning from past mistakes if they nerf champs then boycotts and refunds pour in and dare I say RDTs. So instead I feel like we find ourselves in a no mans land where there is no clear direction on moving forward and as a player this feels like a very much contested test in the kabam board room.
If you have something constructive to add and or ideas for a solution or want to share your experience in this transition I encourage you to reply.
And more recently this thread regarding the new war structure...
So the point of this thread.... How can war be fixed, how can AQ be fixed.
We were told there was no intended increase in difficulty in both categories. Yet as someone who recruits for my alliance, players are avoiding war like the plaque. Trying to recruit for an alliance that participates in war is mind numbingly time consuming and unfruitful.
90% of the wars in off season were against opponents tanking and the first two wars of this season, the first they didn't even bother to attack and the second they didnt even bother to place defense... both of these were Platinum 3 alliances mind you.
So now we are in tier 3 without even trying and just throwing potions against an alliance that has actually decided to participate in AW.
Kabam slowed its role very slightly in this new map, but still facing nodes with unavoidable damage at 30% thorns and a whole host of other ridiculous combinations. Kos are going left and right. My alliance is a very high majority of end game players mind you. We have been here from the beginning and my players are looking to quit or stop AW all together. They all say the same thing, it's just not fun anymore. Between what is seen as a money grab, and then the increase in AQ as well, I can't really blame them for the burn out.
So from a different view point I try to imagine what kabam logic is. What I have concluded is that when you have 100+ champs and trying to expand the game for the new player and the end game player it gets very complicated to juggle that wide diversity in players.
This has become more and more a game of gambles, and a progressively diminishing return in investment.
On one hand I can see the struggle. I have gone the better part of the year without being able to pull a new 'useful' champ that I can use for content and playing less and less based on the diminishing return that kabam creates as the champ pool gets more diluted. And I see kabams (my opinion) solution to an issue I think they must recognize.
From my perspective they have to keep releasing more and more champs to create revenue from the gamble of crystals for the big spenders but they also want to 'diversify' everyone rosters by forcing players to upgrade champs that are fairly useless in every aspect of the game that brings progression.
example. The 30% thorn nodes... a player says, well I just bring my magneto. To which I reply, I have yet to motivate myself to upgrade a magneto that has zero use in any other aspect of the game and I would be afraid to upgrade him regardless because the meta is always in such a flux that you never know how quickly that upgrade becomes a total waste. With next AW season around the corner that has another huge change in structure, why would I upgrade champs that are so marginal except for a handful of nodes in one aspect of the game.
In conclusion I am just restating my opinion that in the effort to diversify and broaden rosters kabam has in effect reinforced why 'god tier' champs are the only champs worth upgrading and focusing on. Unless they nerf blade and corvus and sparky and domino and etc etc etc.... these champs will get you through most of the game without issue. And learning from past mistakes if they nerf champs then boycotts and refunds pour in and dare I say RDTs. So instead I feel like we find ourselves in a no mans land where there is no clear direction on moving forward and as a player this feels like a very much contested test in the kabam board room.
If you have something constructive to add and or ideas for a solution or want to share your experience in this transition I encourage you to reply.
It’s a rhetorical point, not starting an argument just pointing out the irony
I also cleared it, solo but that’s not the point. It’s the bs mechanic of giving all champion unstoppable who shouldn’t have it. I didn’t just face juggernaut, hype and Medusa.