Gwenpool vs Magik - Good choice?

So, I finally have a maxed 4* 5/50 Gwenppol, Sig lvl 8. Looking at her abilities, she can enervate as well as reduce opponent defensive ability accuracy.
Along with her high attack and strong bleed, and the fact she can reduce Limbo triggering chance (I believe limbo is a defensive ability, since my falcon has avoided her limbo if she was locked on), do you think she will do good against Magik, especially if she is an AW boss?
Along with her high attack and strong bleed, and the fact she can reduce Limbo triggering chance (I believe limbo is a defensive ability, since my falcon has avoided her limbo if she was locked on), do you think she will do good against Magik, especially if she is an AW boss?
Note: even when enervated, Magik will still gain power from MD. Enervate only prevents opponents from gaining power when GP hits them
Seconded. Gp is amazing and performs extremely well vs Magik. We see her as boss 7 out of 10 wars and sometimes as left mini as well. It's all about your combo.
i can't use heavies without getting hit... any advice?
If i didn't use enervate, I'd have died cuz of limbo activating during specials
I said b4 her ability works like bw, as u can't hit her while she's doing sp then limbo will trigger