New event

Dear Sir or Madam,
I have an event idea for marvel contest of champions. My idea is that there should be a boss with a lot health that does not move or attack. I do believe the Auto fight mode should not be a available option, as it will make this too easy. The goal would be to kill the boss with in a time limit.
In my mind the health should be different for what title you have so is not insanely hard for beginners.
Challenger 500 000
Contender 3 000 000
Proven 10 000 000
Conqueror 100 000 000
Uncollected 500 000 000
Cavalier 750 000 000
That’s what I think would be fair.
I also believe the rewards would change for each title.
thank you for your time and reading my event idea sir or madam.
Other wise I’d agree but sense in saying they don’t move I’d say the health is fair.
But thank you for your in put tomorrow I will about lowering the health for cavaliers and uncollected, as I ask my alliance mate and they agree that is to high.
Thank for your time and input.