I was fighting her in war and she literallt just wouldn’t stop spamming heavies like constantly I wasn’t even blocking and she would just start holding heavy
Time a special attack correct right as the timer ends to avoid getting stunned. Still take the damage though. Sometimes you just need to bait heavies to get her to let up
She keeps charging heavy and tgan it starts charging up aftershock that stun you after 10 seconds for 3 seconds. It deal damage according to aftershock charges count.
Can you provide more details of what changes you're seeing and possibly videos please? Thank you in advance!
It was in alliance war so could be hard to replicate a video Forgot the exact node but it was debuff immune stuns last 100% longer and 10% to stun on hits I was on the other side of the screen when she just starts holding heavy this happened multiple times and eventually stunned me and I died
Can you provide more details of what changes you're seeing and possibly videos please? Thank you in advance!
Forgot the exact node but it was debuff immune stuns last 100% longer and 10% to stun on hits
I was on the other side of the screen when she just starts holding heavy this happened multiple times and eventually stunned me and I died