Summoner Sigil - Discussion Thread



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019

    Any Developer can modify the game as they please. That's not new. What these Developers don't do is just modify it on a whim, or just for the hell of it. Any changes made have either been fixes, or essential to the overall balance and health of the game. They're also forthright about them when they're made, and explain the reasons. I don't understand the whole perspective of saying the game isn't worth $10 a month. For you personally, if you're not willing to spend that, I can respect that. In terms of what the game is worth, Millions a year.

    Can they? Really? The fact that Apple was able to reimburse so many players because Kabam has often altered their game just shows they can't. What they can do is ban anyone they please, including players that have asked for a refund? Easy right?

    And please spare me the mumbo jumbo. Any decent game developer would have a long term plan in terms of where the game is going. The fact that they have changed so much in such a short time just shows the incompetence of the planning and development team.

    Oops, Thor does too much damage! Nerf.
    Oops, Scarlett Witch is healing too much, players are able to beat the content easily without paying! Nerf.
    Oops, players are hoarding items. They can easily beat content without having to spend units! Nerf.
    Oops, mystic dispersion makes mystic champions too OP! Nerf.

    And seeing where Ghost, Namor, Cull Obsidian etc. are, please don't hold your breath on a silent nerf on these players. It's just the characteristics of the game and whoever is in charge.
    I'm sorry, but you seem to be operating on your own narrative on this one. Apple has its own policies on issuing Refunds. Kabam has its own. In the TOS. Also within that TOS is the right to modify its own product.
    There are a great deal of inaccuracies in your comment. The nerfs with 12.0 were necessary for that long-term plan you referenced. They couldn't create any new content that those Champs couldn't cut through. They came to an impass that would have killed the game.
    Mystic Dispersion was an old tactic that was used for years. It was entirely too OP, and it was well milked for a long time.
    Not sure where you're going with Namor and all that. Sounds like a bit of conspiracy to me.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Akhilxcx said:

    Akhilxcx said:

    It took me a long time to learn this lesson.
    its simplistic, but true.

    & its applicable to everything & everyone....
    friends, family, work, & even Kabam.


    Answer: Past behavior

    this was the same argument before act 6 was introduced and they restricted 4*s. People at that time said what's going to stop them from putting 5* or 6* rarity gates in 6.2 and now we can see there are 6* rarity gates for 6.2 exploration for real.
    Well they did say there would be more gates... I'm not sure what the worry is here. There will be more offers I won't get? OK
    i know they also said price can increase maybe so are you seeing the pattern here??
    I believe they said that they have no plans to increase the price, but let's say they do. What then? Either it will be worth it to people at the new price or it won't be and people will get it or not, just like now. Not seeing how the possibility that they might increase the price for something of marginal impact on the game is cause for alarm. Not trying to be obtuse here. I honestly don't think this is an issue. People have been complaining about Kabam's so called "greed" and "money grabbing" as long as I've been on the forum. Is there a new nefarious Pattern? Or is this just another offer?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    Any Developer can modify the game as they please. That's not new. What these Developers don't do is just modify it on a whim, or just for the hell of it. Any changes made have either been fixes, or essential to the overall balance and health of the game. They're also forthright about them when they're made, and explain the reasons. I don't understand the whole perspective of saying the game isn't worth $10 a month. For you personally, if you're not willing to spend that, I can respect that. In terms of what the game is worth, Millions a year.

    Can they? Really? The fact that Apple was able to reimburse so many players because Kabam has often altered their game just shows they can't. What they can do is ban anyone they please, including players that have asked for a refund? Easy right?

    And please spare me the mumbo jumbo. Any decent game developer would have a long term plan in terms of where the game is going. The fact that they have changed so much in such a short time just shows the incompetence of the planning and development team.

    Oops, Thor does too much damage! Nerf.
    Oops, Scarlett Witch is healing too much, players are able to beat the content easily without paying! Nerf.
    Oops, players are hoarding items. They can easily beat content without having to spend units! Nerf.
    Oops, mystic dispersion makes mystic champions too OP! Nerf.

    And seeing where Ghost, Namor, Cull Obsidian etc. are, please don't hold your breath on a silent nerf on these players. It's just the characteristics of the game and whoever is in charge.
    You have no idea what you are talking about. The refund policy came because players were abusing that as well. 12.0 has been the only fundamental change to date. They reworked MD but gave everyone refunds. Please educate yourself before throwing stones.
    The refund isn't important. It's the fact that players have spent money and time on acquiring an ability that was pretty much part of the game system. Then they (Kabam) just realized they made a mistake and changed things. Refunds? Yeah, Kabam has handed them out, but in in-game currency. But If a player spent $100 on something like, mystic dispersion or willpower, thinking they are able to now heal or increase the power bar, and Kabam thinks "nah, we're not doing that anymore. here's units that is worth the same as what you spent. Have a nice day".

    Players don't want in-game currencies. Players spent money for that ability which was part of the game system. If it's not there anymore then yeah, they have the right for their money to be returned.

    I do think the MD nerf was handled badly. There should have been rank downs for Mystic defenders. I get why they didn't refund money but that's for another thread.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019

    Any Developer can modify the game as they please. That's not new. What these Developers don't do is just modify it on a whim, or just for the hell of it. Any changes made have either been fixes, or essential to the overall balance and health of the game. They're also forthright about them when they're made, and explain the reasons. I don't understand the whole perspective of saying the game isn't worth $10 a month. For you personally, if you're not willing to spend that, I can respect that. In terms of what the game is worth, Millions a year.

    Can they? Really? The fact that Apple was able to reimburse so many players because Kabam has often altered their game just shows they can't. What they can do is ban anyone they please, including players that have asked for a refund? Easy right?

    And please spare me the mumbo jumbo. Any decent game developer would have a long term plan in terms of where the game is going. The fact that they have changed so much in such a short time just shows the incompetence of the planning and development team.

    Oops, Thor does too much damage! Nerf.
    Oops, Scarlett Witch is healing too much, players are able to beat the content easily without paying! Nerf.
    Oops, players are hoarding items. They can easily beat content without having to spend units! Nerf.
    Oops, mystic dispersion makes mystic champions too OP! Nerf.

    And seeing where Ghost, Namor, Cull Obsidian etc. are, please don't hold your breath on a silent nerf on these players. It's just the characteristics of the game and whoever is in charge.
    I'm sorry, but you seem to be operating on your own narrative on this one. Apple has its own policies on issuing Refunds. Kabam has its own. In the TOS. Also within that TOS is the right to modify its own product.
    There are a great deal of inaccuracies in your comment. The nerfs with 12.0 were necessary for that long-term plan you referenced. They couldn't create any new content that those Champs couldn't cut through. They came to an impass that would have killed the game.
    Mystic Dispersion was an old tactic that was used for years. It was entirely too OP, and it was well milked for a long time.
    Not sure where you're going with Namor and all that. Sounds like a bit of conspiracy to me.
    Exactly. The nerfs were for a long-term plan, which means they didn't have a long term plan. Which means they haven't been planning and are running this game on a whim. The fact that in this year alone, they have given out so many "compensations" because of bugs and game not being what they were supposed to be. Apparently they don't even test out the game content for each months event quest. The fact that there are bugs to almost every update seems they haven't improved at all from day one.

    And for that reason alone is a good enough reason for players to not spend on this game. At least until there's some stability, which is a fair ask for a game that's been running for 4 years, with hundreds and thousands of players and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue annually.
    No. The nerfs were to save the longevity of the game. It wouldn't have lasted this long without those changes. They DID have a long-term plan. It just wasn't one that the Players liked.
    Precisely how many Compensations did they give this year? There's been a few that they've compensated for, but that entirely depends on things like the overall effects. There are issues in just about every game I can think of like this, and add the complexity of this one, it's to be expected. Not wanted, but expected.
    You seem to be under the impression that if people withhold spending, somehow people will get everything they want. Game will run perfectly, no crucial changes to the balance of the game will occur that people don't want, everything will become tickety-boo. Whether you spend or not won't fix things that can't be fixed now.
    I'm going to be blunt here. Whether people spend or not is up to them. I don't judge or pressure anyone either way. What I will say is complaints like this are really entitled. "I'm not spending. I'm not supporting the game.'.....but people don't mind hanging around for whatever is given, or to claim the right to complain.
    All I see is people folding their arms in demands and expectations, who refuse to support anything, but don't mind playing it.
    You can spend or not, for your own reasons. I just refuse to agree with the compounded excuse of all the issues. Forgive me, but I get a bit defensive when people claim they want to hang around and watch the game die. That's what happens when no one spends. You get Solitaire.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    Kabam has deleted my comment twice now in this thread, so now I just have to keep on commenting.

    This game isn't worth $10 a month. I've been playing since 2015, before there were even "shards" for crying out loud. Before there was an item cap. I've experienced all of the nerfs. The Scarlett Witch nerf, the Thor nerf, the mystic dispersion nerf, all of them. I remember the biggest one where they started handing out rank down gems.

    But this? I hope F2P players will stop playing entirely and Kabam will only have a small pool of paying players playing this game in the foreseeable future. Don't waste your money on this game. Especially on a game that developers feel they can change the game whenever they please because they feel it's benefitting you, the players that have dedicated hundreds or even thousands of hours playing this game, too much.

    Wait... You experienced all that and somehow this new subscription is worth a "But this?" I feel like I must have read a different announcement. I'm FTP. Why would I quit because some people want to waste $10 buying something that will make little difference to them, and none to me?
    Because the $10 subscription should have been an update that was for all players. Players that have dedicated so much time on this game. This game has been stagnant for years and when we finally see some much needed changes to this game, you have to pay now?

    I never complained when players spend real money on buying crystals. You spent $1000 to get that 6* duped Namor? Awesome. Fantastic. You spent money on something that I wasn't willing to spend on. No hate. You have the upper hand.

    But increased inventory? New quests? Faster energy recharge? Seriously, this we have to pay for?

    I see where you are coming from but I don't think it's as cut and dry as all that. If it has been stagnant for years, why are you still playing btw? "Should have been been an update for all players" seems to be the primary complaint, but it's taken as an axiom. Should have according to what? People that want it? I happen to think AQ timers should be 1/2 an hour and the cost of map 7 should be lower. Others disagree. The fact that I want it doesn't amount to much in the end. A 25% inventory increase would be nice, but really what would it do? T4cc would still fill up for classes you don't need atm. Lots of people would fill the new space just by claiming stash cats, and you'd be in the same spot where newly formed cats go to stash. Doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice, but is it worthy of getting all worked up? A special side quest you can do for a few shards and such? A title? Experience Boots? I think people are going to find that this just isn't a big deal and wonder why they were so up in arms, as per usual.
  • SecretHeroSecretHero Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2019
    I like the idea of a subscription service but maybe take a couple things out and make it around $5 or $6 I just feel like $10 every month will get old fast, especially when you consider that it probably will go up in the next 6 months, now don’t get me wrong I’m not one of those ppl that thinks it’s dumb to spend money on a mobile game but when you multiply $10 by 12 months you’re looking at $120+ (When it goes up in price) a year just to get a few perks, some of which could’ve probably been offered standard(golden circle) or as a one time pay to upgrade sorta deal(higher inventory cap), that’s a whole other topic tho. I guess my point is that you should be able to feel comfortable and satisfied with spending $120+ a year on anything really but so often I don’t feel that satisfaction with a lot of areas of this game and it feels not right to spend 120$ A year on it but if it were a bit more manageable price like $60 a year(or $5 a month) sounds like I could get behind it even if it was just for faster recharge, higher inventory cap and a bit of gold 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • Plato92Plato92 Member Posts: 102
    While I am glad we are getting a increase in the items we get in the game. There is still the elephant in the room that this experience boost is only to help those who are level 10 and working to grow stronger. Why not give those who level 60 a new level cap? This boost does nothing for those people who are level 60 so it is being wasted on those people and with that said those people who purchase should get something else instead of that boost.
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
  • OnmixOnmix Member Posts: 508 ★★★

    ezgoing said:

    I personally will just ignore the Sigil offer. I can live without those enhancements, and i certainly won’t fork out money to enrich Kabam. As it is, I am not even buying the $5 monthly unit card. So on this point, i agree with the “Kabam supporters” that the Sigil offer is not that big a deal.

    This being said, i do agree with the views that Kabam could do worse with more paywalls in future. “Kabam supporters” cannot possibly say this will never happen, at most they should just reserve their judgement.

    Hence the true value of this thread is to let Kabam know they should never ever go down that path. Or there will be hell to pay.

    For those who say Kabam is a business and needs to make money. Really, it will be more believable and sympathetic if Kabam is actually bleeding.

    For those who say F2P should be contented to even have a largely free game to play. And that F2P are riding on the coat-tails of P2P to prop up the Kabam business. Let’s just say that MCOC will lose a big chunk of its competitiveness once the seasoned F2P players give up on this game. Kabam needs to strike a balance with both sets of players.

    I'd never say that they won't do it. I've admitted they have quite the poor track record in fact. All I said is that getting upset today about something that's theoretical when there's no actual evidence it will actually happen yet, is pretty silly.

    Regardless of whether they're bleeding or not, they are a business and business always look for ways to increase revenue. Do I agree with most let alone all of their decisions? Absolutely not. Don't completely agree with this one. I just don't think it's worth getting upset and claiming the sky is falling.

    I agree with you 100% in your last 2 comments.
    Both sides have overreacted.

    The fact is nobody can be sure they won’t go that path. I think it’s 50/50. Sometimes they listen to us sometimes they don’t.
    So I guess it’s as right to be worried they will as it is to be sure they won’t.
  • Longshot_33Longshot_33 Member Posts: 374 ★★★
    I think the way this should have gone is this should be available to everyone but better rates for the subscribers. 50% more stash. Energy every 3 mins etc
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Onmix said:

    ezgoing said:

    I personally will just ignore the Sigil offer. I can live without those enhancements, and i certainly won’t fork out money to enrich Kabam. As it is, I am not even buying the $5 monthly unit card. So on this point, i agree with the “Kabam supporters” that the Sigil offer is not that big a deal.

    This being said, i do agree with the views that Kabam could do worse with more paywalls in future. “Kabam supporters” cannot possibly say this will never happen, at most they should just reserve their judgement.

    Hence the true value of this thread is to let Kabam know they should never ever go down that path. Or there will be hell to pay.

    For those who say Kabam is a business and needs to make money. Really, it will be more believable and sympathetic if Kabam is actually bleeding.

    For those who say F2P should be contented to even have a largely free game to play. And that F2P are riding on the coat-tails of P2P to prop up the Kabam business. Let’s just say that MCOC will lose a big chunk of its competitiveness once the seasoned F2P players give up on this game. Kabam needs to strike a balance with both sets of players.

    I'd never say that they won't do it. I've admitted they have quite the poor track record in fact. All I said is that getting upset today about something that's theoretical when there's no actual evidence it will actually happen yet, is pretty silly.

    Regardless of whether they're bleeding or not, they are a business and business always look for ways to increase revenue. Do I agree with most let alone all of their decisions? Absolutely not. Don't completely agree with this one. I just don't think it's worth getting upset and claiming the sky is falling.

    I agree with you 100% in your last 2 comments.
    Both sides have overreacted.

    The fact is nobody can be sure they won’t go that path. I think it’s 50/50. Sometimes they listen to us sometimes they don’t.
    So I guess it’s as right to be worried they will as it is to be sure they won’t.
    Is being worried based on some the their past actions reasonable? Absolutely. I don't fault anyone for that. There's a difference between being worried and running around talking about cash grabs, greed, this is the end of the game, etc... though. That's what I draw issue with is all. It's just a bunch of conjecture. People have every right to be concerned or cautious but the degree of reaction that happens far too frequently when it comes to changes in this game is laughable at times unfortunately
  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Ultra8529 said:

    What will happen to items in my inventory that exceed the stash limit after I stop purchasing the Sigil?

    Eg, currently I can hold up to 6 T5B. If I get the Sigil it says 25% expansion, so let's say it allows me to hold up to 8 (since 1.25*6 is 7.5).

    Next month I do not renew my subscription to Sigil - I have 8 T5B in stash, but the maximum is 6. Do I continue holding on to 8 in my stash, except that I cannot get any more new ones and they go to the overflow? And overtime as I use up my T5B, my max limit falls back down to 6?

    Assuming this works the same way for potions, revives etc?

    A reply would be greatly appreciated
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    Any Developer can modify the game as they please. That's not new. What these Developers don't do is just modify it on a whim, or just for the hell of it. Any changes made have either been fixes, or essential to the overall balance and health of the game. They're also forthright about them when they're made, and explain the reasons. I don't understand the whole perspective of saying the game isn't worth $10 a month. For you personally, if you're not willing to spend that, I can respect that. In terms of what the game is worth, Millions a year.

    Can they? Really? The fact that Apple was able to reimburse so many players because Kabam has often altered their game just shows they can't. What they can do is ban anyone they please, including players that have asked for a refund? Easy right?

    And please spare me the mumbo jumbo. Any decent game developer would have a long term plan in terms of where the game is going. The fact that they have changed so much in such a short time just shows the incompetence of the planning and development team.

    Oops, Thor does too much damage! Nerf.
    Oops, Scarlett Witch is healing too much, players are able to beat the content easily without paying! Nerf.
    Oops, players are hoarding items. They can easily beat content without having to spend units! Nerf.
    Oops, mystic dispersion makes mystic champions too OP! Nerf.

    And seeing where Ghost, Namor, Cull Obsidian etc. are, please don't hold your breath on a silent nerf on these players. It's just the characteristics of the game and whoever is in charge.
    You have no idea what you are talking about. The refund policy came because players were abusing that as well. 12.0 has been the only fundamental change to date. They reworked MD but gave everyone refunds. Please educate yourself before throwing stones.
    The refund isn't important. It's the fact that players have spent money and time on acquiring an ability that was pretty much part of the game system. Then they (Kabam) just realized they made a mistake and changed things. Refunds? Yeah, Kabam has handed them out, but in in-game currency. But If a player spent $100 on something like, mystic dispersion or willpower, thinking they are able to now heal or increase the power bar, and Kabam thinks "nah, we're not doing that anymore. here's units that is worth the same as what you spent. Have a nice day".

    Players don't want in-game currencies. Players spent money for that ability which was part of the game system. If it's not there anymore then yeah, they have the right for their money to be returned.

    You really don't get it. You unlocked MD with UNITS. Not money. You could have gotten those units free with arena or questing. Everything else that was part of MD was loyalty which you can't buy. They refunded the units which is what you bought it with.

    That's not what this thread is about either.
  • GeoradGeorad Member Posts: 64
    Just add solo shards store and rid out of xp bosts for 60lvl to remplace them with gold bosts and im in.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    Kabam has deleted my comment twice now in this thread, so now I just have to keep on commenting.

    This game isn't worth $10 a month. I've been playing since 2015, before there were even "shards" for crying out loud. Before there was an item cap. I've experienced all of the nerfs. The Scarlett Witch nerf, the Thor nerf, the mystic dispersion nerf, all of them. I remember the biggest one where they started handing out rank down gems.

    But this? I hope F2P players will stop playing entirely and Kabam will only have a small pool of paying players playing this game in the foreseeable future. Don't waste your money on this game. Especially on a game that developers feel they can change the game whenever they please because they feel it's benefitting you, the players that have dedicated hundreds or even thousands of hours playing this game, too much.

    Wait... You experienced all that and somehow this new subscription is worth a "But this?" I feel like I must have read a different announcement. I'm FTP. Why would I quit because some people want to waste $10 buying something that will make little difference to them, and none to me?
    Because the $10 subscription should have been an update that was for all players. Players that have dedicated so much time on this game. This game has been stagnant for years and when we finally see some much needed changes to this game, you have to pay now?

    I never complained when players spend real money on buying crystals. You spent $1000 to get that 6* duped Namor? Awesome. Fantastic. You spent money on something that I wasn't willing to spend on. No hate. You have the upper hand.

    But increased inventory? New quests? Faster energy recharge? Seriously, this we have to pay for?

    What rule book says this SHOULD be a free service? Just because you want it to be? Kabam isn't reinventing the wheel here. Nothing they are doing is different than what other games are doing or have done.
  • CaptainPollCaptainPoll Member Posts: 901 ★★★
    edited August 2019
    So this part of journey is the end of all free to play players like me ........boooooooo kabam
    Time is there u can withdraw ur decision, or u might face serious monetary loss
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    So this part of journey is the end of all free to play players like me ........boooooooo kabam

    You can still play the game free exactly as you have been.
  • CaptainPollCaptainPoll Member Posts: 901 ★★★
    Lormif said:

    So this part of journey is the end of all free to play players like me ........boooooooo kabam

    You can still play the game free exactly as you have been.
    But still bro, premium users will have edge in arenas and wars(as they will have better champs)
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    So this part of journey is the end of all free to play players like me ........boooooooo kabam

    You can still play the game free exactly as you have been.
    But still bro, premium users will have edge in arenas and wars(as they will have better champs)
    Why else would they wanna pay if free users have the same?
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    So this part of journey is the end of all free to play players like me ........boooooooo kabam

    You can still play the game free exactly as you have been.
    But still bro, premium users will have edge in arenas and wars(as they will have better champs)
    They already do, nothing has changed. I can spend money to get better champs now. Also Arenas are not player v player. There is not another player playing that other team, it is the AI, them having better champs is not an issue.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    So this part of journey is the end of all free to play players like me ........boooooooo kabam

    You can still play the game free exactly as you have been.
    But still bro, premium users will have edge in arenas and wars(as they will have better champs)
    How will they have better champs?
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    So this part of journey is the end of all free to play players like me ........boooooooo kabam

    You can still play the game free exactly as you have been.
    But still bro, premium users will have edge in arenas and wars(as they will have better champs)
    If spending didn't give players access to something non spenders don't have, why would people spend at all? That's literally the entire model of freemium games. You have the ability to play the game for free and progress at whatever pace you're willing to spend the time to achieve. Or, you can spend and progress faster. The goal is to implement that system in a way that doesn't completely unbalance the game which surprisingly, I feel kabam does a decent job with. You have to spend very large sums to make any measurable jump in this game. This offer however doesn't really give anyone a major advantage over anyone really. They can hold a few more items, spend less time in arena, and get some bonus shards (which have been offered in plenty of other offers for years). None of that creates that large of a gap between those that spend and those that don't honestly.
  • CaptainPollCaptainPoll Member Posts: 901 ★★★

    Lormif said:

    So this part of journey is the end of all free to play players like me ........boooooooo kabam

    You can still play the game free exactly as you have been.
    But still bro, premium users will have edge in arenas and wars(as they will have better champs)
    How will they have better champs?
    Through premium solo quest
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