Guillotine and Symbiote Supreme Parry After Second Medium Issue

I am unable to consistently parry with Guillotine or Symbiote Supreme after finishing a combo with a second medium attack, especially when the enemy isn't against the wall. I believe it's because the recovery frames on their second medium attacks are longer than the standard champion and it's creating a shorter window for the parry to be able to trigger. Can you please have a developer look into this issue? It's making these champions very difficult to play with as the regular flow of combat doesn't work with them and you end up taking much more block damage or in the worst cases delaying your block much longer to try to get the parry but getting smacked by the opponent instead.
Example of what I think is causing the issue:
Normal : | - - Medium Recovery Frames - - | | - No Input - | | - - - Parry Window - - - | | - - Enemy Hit - - |
Guil+SS: | - - - - - Medium Recovery Frames - - - - - - | | - No Input - | |Parry Window| | - - Enemy Hit - - |
In order to parry there needs to be a set amount of time before the block with no inputs or previous actions, meaning the longer recovery time results in a much smaller parry window before the enemy attack will hit you. In Guillotine's case she has a long spinning turn around animation on her second medium while Symbiote Supreme seems to really linger with his outstretched arm before retracting it.
Example of what I think is causing the issue:
Normal : | - - Medium Recovery Frames - - | | - No Input - | | - - - Parry Window - - - | | - - Enemy Hit - - |
Guil+SS: | - - - - - Medium Recovery Frames - - - - - - | | - No Input - | |Parry Window| | - - Enemy Hit - - |
In order to parry there needs to be a set amount of time before the block with no inputs or previous actions, meaning the longer recovery time results in a much smaller parry window before the enemy attack will hit you. In Guillotine's case she has a long spinning turn around animation on her second medium while Symbiote Supreme seems to really linger with his outstretched arm before retracting it.
Problem remains for many champs like the ones you mention but also GR.