New back ground, Play Areas and modes

Firstly developers has been doing great Job by continuously building new events, new champs, new nods and buffing out the existing champs. I really appreciate all the hard work. I also wanted to give these tips so that play may feel much interesting for existing players.
1. . I have been playing mcoc from last 1 or 11/2 year and i hardly saw any new backgrounds. I guess there are around 10 background themes and the same will be repeating in every match. I am bored of them. It would be good if there are new back grounds.
2. Variation in playing space for tuf fights. Currently I guess attacker can move 10-12 steps forward or 10-12 steps backward from center point. Why can't this be varied just to make difficult or easy ? Lot of XL champs or unblockable sps of normal champs makes small area fights much difficult to play as attacker will not be able to swipe back too much. This will force the player to have perfect in their dexterity.
3. Merging the champions Some people may not like this idea. But currently there are multiple champs in mcoc which are actually same champ as per marvel. For example Captian america, Captin america WWII, Captian america IW. I would like all three of them to be different modes/abilities of same champ with a lock mode. For example, if I have a Captian america, and from any crystal if I pull captian america IW, it should unlock a new mode to exisitng captian america. This should act like prefight ability. Before starting the fight which ever mode I like and if it is unlocked, I can select and go in to the game. According to the selection, Captian america appearance and game will also change.
I hope these new tips and strategies will make game better and much interesting
1. . I have been playing mcoc from last 1 or 11/2 year and i hardly saw any new backgrounds. I guess there are around 10 background themes and the same will be repeating in every match. I am bored of them. It would be good if there are new back grounds.
2. Variation in playing space for tuf fights. Currently I guess attacker can move 10-12 steps forward or 10-12 steps backward from center point. Why can't this be varied just to make difficult or easy ? Lot of XL champs or unblockable sps of normal champs makes small area fights much difficult to play as attacker will not be able to swipe back too much. This will force the player to have perfect in their dexterity.
3. Merging the champions Some people may not like this idea. But currently there are multiple champs in mcoc which are actually same champ as per marvel. For example Captian america, Captin america WWII, Captian america IW. I would like all three of them to be different modes/abilities of same champ with a lock mode. For example, if I have a Captian america, and from any crystal if I pull captian america IW, it should unlock a new mode to exisitng captian america. This should act like prefight ability. Before starting the fight which ever mode I like and if it is unlocked, I can select and go in to the game. According to the selection, Captian america appearance and game will also change.
I hope these new tips and strategies will make game better and much interesting