The grandmaster crystal and spenders

How on earth am I supposed to keep up with the spenders with the grandmaster crystal? The day that comes out the 5* rosters are going to double and arena scores are to follow suit. I really never bought you would allow 5* to be bought.
You underestimate the whales. They will spend if it means getting 5*. Have you seen how much they spend on featured 4* crystals? The new Grandmaster Crystal is only 50 units more.
Only 800 get featured 4*. I have no doubt triple that are going to drop thousands of dollars that day. I've met people who drop 5k a week on this game. It's going to be a field day.
I've seen a guy hit SA by himself. Literally hit 265k in one day. The whales are going to be milked and I'm going to be left behind.
They will buy them to build up their 5* roster and dominate the arenas
Will they? They don't today. I get my top 800 at will and have never bought a champion. But again why would they dominate arenas if they can buy thier champions instead?
Yeah 20,000 units for a chance at a 5*,. Not many takers who don't already have beefy rosters you will always be behind anyways.
Yeah because they can't buy full 5* like this? That's the whole point of the post. There has been only 2 offers I'm aware of to buy 5*
you are not suppose to compete with whales, they are whales for a reason unless ur a F2P tilapia i suggest you stick to your F2P tilapia group because whales will be whales unless u become a whale.
how much money do you think the top 10,20,30 alliances get so far ahead? money has a huge part of it. they already have amassed a huge roster of 5* i am sure of that. Whales will continue to spend to stay ahead i garantee you they will release 6* shard deals/ crystals.
remember that $500 featured 5* crystal? yes people bought that then BAMM 5* features are coming out month by month
They don't see it as 20,000 units. They see it as buy an Odin and I'll get a 5*. That's a lot more tempting.
i remember them selling og vision when he came out for 100$
You're also missing the fact that 6* will be obtained from dupe 5*. I would bet money that within the first week there will be a 6* owned by someone because of this crystal
With in 1 minute of 6*s someone (actually thousands) will have one because they have been accruing shards from duping 5*s for months before they are released. Not sure what the concern is
? There are no retroactive 6* shards being given for previous dupes
That seems unlikely to me because having more 5* champions doesn't radically increase scoring potential at the very top. For me, each 5* champion increases my scoring potential because 5* champions recharge slowly and I don't spend units to recharge them. So more is better. But if you are already putting up 15-17 million you are either spending a lot on recharges already or putting huge amounts of time into grinding with a lot of champions. In both those cases having more 5* champions in your roster has only a small incremental benefit to increasing scoring potential.
I would imagine whales willing to spend hundreds of dollars on the new crystals are already spending hundreds of dollars on recharging for arena (if they grind arena). For those people, scoring will get cheaper but not higher.
Right but they won't change the amount they spend, they will just have more champions to increase their raw scores with before recharging, because they know all the other top 800 whales will do the same thing. Thats how this works
there are whales that drop the price of a house on offers like this
But if you know how that works, that process won't radically increase scoring. For moderate grinders like me, yes. But for the top scorers, no. The top scorers don't have a fixed budget that happens to run out at 17 million. They have a target they shoot for and spend what they need to spend to get there, limited mostly by the amount of time they are willing to expend to reach a certain score. That time is the limiting factor, not the amount of 5* champs.
But even if they did use their remaining roster on top of spending, that still won't increase scores by a lot. Each 5* champ is worth about 20k per fight and without spending on recharging that's 60k per day, 180k per event round (three days). Someone with 50 more 5* champs would at best increase their scoring by 9 million points, and that is a ridiculous outside margin because that would take an additional two to three hours a day over and above their normal grinding.
More 5* champs might turn 17 million into 19 million, maybe. Arena scores are not going to double in the featured arena, and aren't likely to even increase by measureable amounts. Given what it takes to generate those top numbers, the numbers simply aren't there.
It is more likely that 5/65 rank ups will eventually increase arena scores more than the proliferation of 5* champs will, due to the higher PI. But even that is probably a whiles off.
Well Omar is a self proclaimed spender and has agreed with me so idk what to tell ya lol
Why are you asking me?
Uh, I guess I'm a whale? Not really, but apparently people who score in the top 800 are whales. I have been grinding for each 4* featured that has come out since 12.0 with the exception of Angela and Carnage. The amount I spend in arena to get top 800 is 0. 0 units, $0, and 0 arena boosts. I'm not a top spender by any means, but I exchange that for time. For me, if I got, say, 1 5* a week, it would not push me to go farther and push up my arena score. If anything, I would give a sigh of relief because it would help me to grind less. The goal post will be virtually the same, but for me, more 5* just reduces my grind time.
You misunderstood me, I am not saying all top 800 are whales, otherwise that would be myself as well. At this point it's just wait and see.
And might want to do a survey of the summoner leaderboards then note how few of the top players arena. Just sayin.