Let’s talk about 5.2.6

WîndšpäveWîndšpäve Member Posts: 297
edited October 2019 in General Discussion
When did you 100% it and what did your champs look like when you did? I already did 100% for the rest of act 5, but that one quest, it scares me.

I tried it last night with this team: (I’m using masacre with domino to help beat that bane node with the longer stun btw) I just started trying again because I ranked up Spider Gwen and her auto evade seems beast. But before I even made it to the collecter, all my champs were KOed cause of that damned bane node. But that’s ok, cause I had some energy refills to restart and try again, and even then I would die with all my champs. But I thought that it’s ok, cause I also have a few revives to fall back on.

So there I was again, back at the collector. I go in and it’s not too bad, I’m intercepting and getting him down. But every once in a while I’d mess up an intercept and immediately die. But once he got below 55% I saw hope. I brought in Spider Gwen and started going crazy, and when he threw his specials she’d auto evade it like a beast. But still yet, that bane timer would always catch up and get me once or twice. But In the end everything didn’t matter cause I ran out of revives.

This is my roster:

I don’t feel like I’m bad at intercepting or a bad player in general. But I don’t feel like I can 100% act 5.2.4 yet. If I should hold off until I get better champs, or maybe start on act 6, please let me know. Any players who know where I could go from here would be helpful. Cause I’ve been stuck doing the monthly EQ for what feels like forever to get to this point of confidence in myself, and losing time after time like that, after all my effort put into it. That sucks.

And if you don’t wanna read all this and don’t feel like saying anything about it, that’s fine.


  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    5.2.4? This is not the Collector’s quest ._. Nor the previous one with bane... it’s the one before it

    I don’t remember which one it is, but it’s not bane ._.
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    Tough quest because of the collector...I did it maybe a year or 1.5 yrs ago and it definitely was a task that's for sure really rewarding though.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    The Collector definitely isn't easy.
    I'd recommend practicing fighting Bane better. Also I personally think that the Aggressive node in 5.2.6 makes Bane much easier to deal with.
    I'd recommend just getting more units. The Collector isn't a cheap fight to overcome.
    also I'd recommend that you bring a Symbiote with you to help out Spider-Gwen. She'll gain a lot more attack and you'll still be able to evade all his unblockable specials. from your current roster, I'd say replace Medusa with Carnage.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    If you're fully explored all of Act 5 except 5.2.6 because you're stuck on the Collector, I think the next thing to consider is looking at the Variant difficulties, particularly Variant 3 (Polar Opposites). You might be able to do that, and if not you can at least start practicing on it without spending resources until you feel confident to start completing paths.

    Act 6 would be problematic with the roster I see, because Act 6 is gated to require 5* and 6* champs only. But you can bring anything into Variant 3, although some teams are better than others. There are guides to the easiest paths for the Variant quests, you could try those out. I'd say Variant Polar Opposites is much easier than Act 6, and not terribly more difficult than Act 5 minus the Collector fight.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    When i 100% 5.2.6 it wad about 1 team revive per path and that was with mainly with 5 50 and 2 4 55
  • KelvinKageKelvinKage Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    Hey OP, if the babe node is what you’re having trouble with it’s worth watching a bunch of videos and just keep practicing on how to beat it. It takes some getting used to but your skill will grow dramatically if you can figure it out. When it comes to Bane don’t be afraid to not complete combos or only do 2-3 hit combos depending on where the timer is. Give yourself time to parry and don’t be afraid of waiting until the end of the stun on your parry if that’s what it takes to beat the timer. Also, I’m my opinion massacre is not worth having on your team as he can just as easily mess up your rhythm and make it harder to beat babe than necessary. Bring Bishop/cap IW and gulk instead of Medusa and massacre and practice against bane and you’ll be fine with your team.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Thi101 said:

    5.2.4? This is not the Collector’s quest ._. Nor the previous one with bane... it’s the one before it

    I don’t remember which one it is, but it’s not bane ._.

    He was talking about not being able to beat masochism. It’s retry easy to beat with venom the duck, not sure about the caltrops path yet.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    If I remember correctly, I used 5/50 Cap IW, 5/50 IMIW, 4/55 Blade, 3/45 Venom, and 4/55 Mordo. I used Mordo and Venom for all the fights preceding the Collector as Bane fodder. Then I tried Cap and Blade to get a rhythm for the Collector. I used IMIW to whittle him down all the way with a couple revives, Unblockable special one, high armor, high block proficiency, power gain, and Plasma Passives were a huge help in defeating him.
  • WîndšpäveWîndšpäve Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2019
    DNA3000 said:

    If you're fully explored all of Act 5 except 5.2.6 because you're stuck on the Collector, I think the next thing to consider is looking at the Variant difficulties, particularly Variant 3 (Polar Opposites). You might be able to do that, and if not you can at least start practicing on it without spending resources until you feel confident to start completing paths.

    Act 6 would be problematic with the roster I see, because Act 6 is gated to require 5* and 6* champs only. But you can bring anything into Variant 3, although some teams are better than others. There are guides to the easiest paths for the Variant quests, you could try those out. I'd say Variant Polar Opposites is much easier than Act 6, and not terribly more difficult than Act 5 minus the Collector fight.

    I did the initial run of Variant 3, should I try to 100% it? Or maybe finish the initial run of variant 2?
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Maybe stock up units before you try again.
    1 good run with domino can kill him. When you get lucky on parries (0 damage = you gain power) and make it to an SP2 or SP3 and get a crit bleeds you could get a lot of damage in. Maybe bring in Rulk for the heavy synergy. Does a lot of damage with low hits.

    Be sure to use hp boost bc it scales of your total hp as well. And farm items vs WS in ROL. Should be quick and easy with domino
  • edited October 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • CorkscrewCorkscrew Member Posts: 547 ★★★
    I did uncollected a month or so ago.
    5/50 Sparky
    5/50 sunspot
    5/50 stealth Spidey
    2/25 Medusa
    2/45 Gulk

    Boost boost boost
    I ground out stealth Spidey and sunspot from the beginner/intermediate arenas.

    I knew I wasn't going to one shot the collector. My aim was to try and take off at least 20-25% with each champ . Use a team revive and not heal up unless I was using pots in stash. Sparky you might heal him above 50% for the start of the fight... Get some poise and inflict some damage. I wouldn't heal someone up to 100% unless you can evade the specials confidently. You mess up once that champ is dead. And then you've wasted pots.

    I would say choose the champs you feel hit the hardest and have the most confidence playing, if you're going to employ a similar strategy as I did. For me... Sunspot and stealth were my MVPs. They have simple mechanics to get high damage. You want to keep your eye on the collector, not be thinking about how to play your champ.
  • CtuchikCtuchik Member Posts: 352 ★★

    Hey OP, if the babe node is what you’re having trouble with it’s worth watching a bunch of videos and just keep practicing on how to beat it. It takes some getting used to but your skill will grow dramatically if you can figure it out. When it comes to Bane don’t be afraid to not complete combos or only do 2-3 hit combos depending on where the timer is. Give yourself time to parry and don’t be afraid of waiting until the end of the stun on your parry if that’s what it takes to beat the timer. Also, I’m my opinion massacre is not worth having on your team as he can just as easily mess up your rhythm and make it harder to beat babe than necessary. Bring Bishop/cap IW and gulk instead of Medusa and massacre and practice against bane and you’ll be fine with your team.

    Babe node, sounds dangerous.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I haven't 100% 5.2.6 yet.
    Got cavalier but act 5 is something like 62% explored.
    Exploration is draining on my time, mind and soul
  • WîndšpäveWîndšpäve Member Posts: 297
    Thanks for all the help guys.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Team of 4-40 champs July 2017
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Completed it when it first came out when most of the good counters weren’t available. Best bet is to save units and revives and power through. Use your high damage champs to get as much out of each run.

    You have a much better roster than what was available when I completed.
  • spigwenderspigwender Member Posts: 473 ★★★
    edited October 2019
    to 100% it i used a 4/55 spider gwen, took around 40-120 units per run, took her to 5/65 after that. spider gwen has abilities to counter all of the collector’s abilities.
  • ljballer22ljballer22 Member Posts: 153
    @Wîndšpäve Use ST with the KM synergy for the collector. You can parry and bleed him the entire fight. The synergy practically shuts down all his abilities. It makes bane completely manageable when you can parry and counter him the whole fight.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    H3t3r said:

    When i 100% 5.2.6 it wad about 1 team revive per path and that was with mainly with 5 50 and 2 4 55

    Same for me.
    5/50 max sig DD classic did great for me, and had an unduped 4/55 hyperion that I used for the first phase (before unblockable specials)
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