### Pick your Champ ### 2

Hi All,
Those who saw 1st question will understand this concept. I am interested to see the community choice If kabam ever creates a fight with below nodes, I want to see which champ community would like to choose.
Attacker will start degenerating 100 % of there health over 5 seconds if any of the following happens
1. Attacker does not use special attack in 1 min. Using any special attack will reset this timer
2. Attacker uses same special attack which is one of his last 2 special attacks. Means you have to use all three special attacks and in the same cycle
3. Attacker deals more than 1 hit in single Action. Action includes light, medium, Heavy, sp1 , sp2 and sp3. Hits can been seen in combo meter.
I am curious to see the available options. Please comment your choice.
Note: Defender is of high health pool.
Those who saw 1st question will understand this concept. I am interested to see the community choice If kabam ever creates a fight with below nodes, I want to see which champ community would like to choose.
Attacker will start degenerating 100 % of there health over 5 seconds if any of the following happens
1. Attacker does not use special attack in 1 min. Using any special attack will reset this timer
2. Attacker uses same special attack which is one of his last 2 special attacks. Means you have to use all three special attacks and in the same cycle
3. Attacker deals more than 1 hit in single Action. Action includes light, medium, Heavy, sp1 , sp2 and sp3. Hits can been seen in combo meter.
I am curious to see the available options. Please comment your choice.
Note: Defender is of high health pool.
Edit: forgot IM L3 is multiple hits.
This one may be impossible. At least one champ’s special or their heavy hits multiple times. If there is a champ that can do it, it’s probably an OG champ.
I'm blanking on Storm's SP3 - does it have more than 1 hit to it? Otherwise, Storm could do it. Maybe Karnak....if you can consistently build to an SP2, throw it into a block, and then build to an SP3 within a 1-minute time span. I don't know about that timing though.
Storm sp3 got more than 1 hit. Karnak sp2 has 2 hits.
1 min is enough time to build sp3 on any champs including symsupreme which is the slowest
@Skillful_star good pick on dead pool. So dead pool/ gold pool with out heavy attack is one good option.
I also thought of Storm, but her SP3 has 5 or 6 hits
I’m pretty sure the Deadpools are the only viable choice to this node
I can’t think of any other champ with one singe hit on every special
The closest I came was with OG Captain Marvel/Ms Marvel, but their SP3 has 2 hits.
EDIT: Just checked the entire list of the in-game champions.
Deadpool, Deadpool (X-Force) and Goldpool are the only ones able to bypass the third node.
Quake would work as concussion could stop the degen from happening
and then 5s to reach sp3?
yeah, first one was interesting, this is just a bit over the top now ...
@Skillful_star Starlord sp 3 got 4 hits. You can look at combo meter for number of hits. But Heim dal option can be consider. Hoping that auto block would trigger on time when sp1 misses. And yes you made me remind that sp1 and sp2 does not need to make a contact. As I mentioned just triggering the special would reset the timer. I guess lots of options are open now. But just need some kind of technique not to get hit back.
2 punches, one kick and the gun
This is impossible.
I see now ..
champs with single hit specials is the limiter then .. as somebody else mentioned ... although I'm guessing nobody has all 3 with only 1 hit.
I'll list some I think are good candidates, but I'm not sure about their special 3s:
Cpt America (Classic) ?maybe? how many hits are his specials?
Ms. Marvel (classic)
Ms. Marvel (kamala)
Starlord (his sp2 has 2 hits, but you might be able to control it by allowing the first to miss)
Storm (I think her sp3 has multiple hits, right?)
Vision (both AoU, or original .. not Aarkus)
I think those are the only ones even remotely worth looking at ??
(and most of them I doubt their sp3 works)
cpt America, karnak : sp2 got 2 attacks
groot, kamala : sp1 2 attacks
rest all more than 1 attack in sp3
A Sig 200 Namor will not only make this a doable fight, but an easy one. All you need to do is hit him (even into his block) and after the 5 seconds, the opponent will take all the damage you're taking from the degenerate. Medium, triple light, dash back, intercept, medium, triple light until the 5 seconds are up. Maybe you'd take a little bit if the defense damage when dashing back, but not enough to be substantial, especially with all the regen on his specials (speaking of, you don't even need to worry about using his specials either because of the damage reflection.) Plus, Namor can throw multiple unblockable Sp2's in Imperius Rex, so all he has to do is dash in and throw them while the degen is active and you shouldn't take any degen damage.
Ghost is the other great option. The second you get the degen, dash back and not only do you completely ignore the damage, but you convert it to a fury. Medium light, phase, wait for them to hit you, repeat. You can still use all your specials and immediately dash back afterwards.
Of course Goldpool, Deadpool and Deadpool X-Force work for this node, but there are 2 other options that not only make this node doable, but make it easy.
Sig 200 Namor will take any of the degen damage and reflect it back at the defender when attacking into them, play aggressively enough and you'll barely take any of it. The damage you do take, you can regen with specials. And because of this damage reflect, you don't have to worry about using the specials, especially since you can use several in Imperius Rex, adding up to at least 5 seconds worth where he can reflect all the damage back and take none of it.
And then there's Ghost. All you have to do is dash back and not only will she take away the degen, but convert it to a fury. Just medium, light, dash back, wait for him to hit you, repeat. You can also work up to a Sp3, use it and immediately dash back afterwards. Kind of like how she ignores recoil damage.
So am I the one that's getting this wrong or are you guys?
Namor all specials has multiple hits. But special animation is a bit extended. How ever aggressive you play you will take atleast 1 sec of degen per special. i.e., (5 specials or max 6 ) is enough to be KO.
Degeneration is passive. Ghost shrug off will not work.