### Pick your Champ ### 3

Hi All,
Those who saw previous questions will understand this concept. I am interested to see the community choice If kabam ever creates a fight with below nodes, I want to see which champ community would like to choose.
1. Defender gains an indestructible charge. This is disabled for 2 seconds when the attacker moves backward and defender is not attacking (not even hiting on blocks).
This can not be reduced by ability accuracy reduction and can not be avoided in any other way. (similar to champion indestructible buff in 6.2.6)
2. Swiping back is completely disabled through out the fight. How ever attacker will have 100% perfect block
I am curious to see the available options. Please comment your choice.
Note: Defender has high health pool. Walls at conner can be ignored while considering these nodes
Those who saw previous questions will understand this concept. I am interested to see the community choice If kabam ever creates a fight with below nodes, I want to see which champ community would like to choose.
1. Defender gains an indestructible charge. This is disabled for 2 seconds when the attacker moves backward and defender is not attacking (not even hiting on blocks).
This can not be reduced by ability accuracy reduction and can not be avoided in any other way. (similar to champion indestructible buff in 6.2.6)
2. Swiping back is completely disabled through out the fight. How ever attacker will have 100% perfect block
I am curious to see the available options. Please comment your choice.
Note: Defender has high health pool. Walls at conner can be ignored while considering these nodes
Also, during her Sp3, same thing
Domino (sp2 final hit is after she backflips away)
Green Goblin: Sp2 and Sp3 should work
Hawkeye - his special 2 has a backflip .. that should be backwards movement, allowing the final hit to get through.
Taskmaster - sp1 should work well.
The Champion - sp2 he moves backward (falling backwards) before the final leg kick
Wasp / Yellow-jacket - you could spam their sp3 if it counts ..
Ghost : Only sp2 has back ward movement. So ghost can only damage with 2 hits for 1 sp2. sp1 does not move back ward. It lands at the same place
Domino : Agreed but only 1 hit after back flip. So Domino can do 1 hit for 1 sp2
Hawkeye : Agreed. 1 hit + bleed damage for 1 sp2
task master : 2 hits for 1 sp1 + bleed damage. Great option
champion : 1 hit for 1 sp2
3rd special animations all allowed.
Yellow jacket : 3 rd special doesnot have back ward move ment. It is just moving forward and turning around
Wasp : Animation was a bit confusing with size. But I would give it as I felt like wasp flipped backward before throwing gum
Also mentioning IMIW : 2 hits for 1 sp1 + shock damage.
She does a backflip after her first hit on SP2
Domino on Sp2
Spider-Gwen on Sp2
The Champion on Sp2
Taskmaster on Sp1
IMIW on Sp1 and 2
Hawkeye on Sp2
Ghost on Sp2
Green Goblin on Sp2
are the ones I can think of.
This is your made-up node @WhiteStriker, so correct me if I'm wrong, but buffs can't be disabled in the middle of Sp3's, so will Sp3's with backward movements involved work or not?
Gwenpool's SP2 grenade works as well.
Gwenpool does not move back ward. She just fall in her place
Blade : Not sure why you chose this. None of those attacks has backward movement.
Hits from sp3 can be considered. But hits only after back flip does damage. And it is not a buff. It is a charge which could disable in middle of sp3
It’s just not that much to be super noticeable.
But still, backwards is backwards