Which fight do you enjoy more?

TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
No context which fight is better for any reason

Which fight do you enjoy more? 72 votes

Collector boss - 5.2.6
ArcDeAngelusdapps2goChriz4061AxeCopFireSpeedbumpTerraMOC23Mhd20034SceptilemaniacHammerbro_64Mad_Titan_21Wicket329TheRealmKeeperBattle_GreninjaGrootman1294XxLoganTDCxXTO_BeatzB_Dizzle_01AleorWoozie 40 votes
Champion boss - 6.2.6
RagamugginGunnerHaji_SaabTimone147RaganatorRazorDevilLvernon15ExHavokSammyJankisOrcDovahkiinNojokejaymWîndšpäveDuke_SilverSaransh245LordRaymond3TehsigzorzRockypantherxX_Factor_AgentRehan010_GeorgiaDawgEtjama 32 votes


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Collector boss - 5.2.6

    Champ boss as it's skill based, not RNG.

    I would venture to disagree about the collector not being high skill. The champion requires high skill with a few select champs and the collector requires the same. I like the collector a little more because there are so many ways to approach it: go for big damage with OG hulk and ragnarok synergies, use Sparky and SG for evasion, or go beast mode with DV and Quake.
    Also may have not quite gotten to Champion yet 😅
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  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    Need an option for:

    "I decline to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me"
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Champion boss - 6.2.6
    Both were tough, but it only took me one revive to down the Champion. The collector? Nowhere near that. I fought him quite a few times when I went for Elder’s Bane and still had to revive a ton. That being said, I honestly enjoyed both fights quite a bit. Room for really great matchups.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Collector boss - 5.2.6
    The Collector was a horrible fight, but at least you could do it with any champ if you have the resources (on a related note, there are two champs that I know of that are immune to the Collector's AAR, Mordo and Archangel. I don't know if Mephisto is or not. OML will also be immune to it). The Champion boss is way worse because you need one or two champs to beat, She-Hulk or Cap IW (though I'm curious to see if duped Cap WWII could do it because of his perfect block or if Venom the Duck could do it with 10 stacks of perfect block chance). I got lucky and had a r4 Cap IW and it still took me a lot of units to get him down, especially since i had to heal him up to full every time because of the block penetration.
  • MoNsTeR_804MoNsTeR_804 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
    edited October 2019
    Champion boss - 6.2.6
    The collector is a pain
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Champion boss - 6.2.6
    For the time you’re actually there (as in roster size) he’s possible to solo, unless you delay going for uncollected for a while you pretty much have to revive
  • ZaymelsZaymels Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2019
    Champion boss - 6.2.6
    I haven't had any experience with the fight myself but I, for one, hate the design of the collector fight. It's main purpose is to milk you of your units to beat it if you do not possess the champs that can solo him (they must be 5/65 too) The champion boss on the other hand needs a select few to beat him but it has been shown that it can be done with the right amount of skill.
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Collector boss - 5.2.6
    Can only say on the collector as i haven't fought 6.2 the champion
  • Mhd20034Mhd20034 Member Posts: 162
    Collector boss - 5.2.6
    If you have the right counters for both of them then yeah the champion but if you don’t have them then the collector takes my vote.The champion is impossible if you don’t have someone to nullify unstoppable.
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  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Champion boss - 6.2.6

    Champ boss as it's skill based, not RNG.

    I would venture to disagree about the collector not being high skill. The champion requires high skill with a few select champs and the collector requires the same. I like the collector a little more because there are so many ways to approach it: go for big damage with OG hulk and ragnarok synergies, use Sparky and SG for evasion, or go beast mode with DV and Quake.
    Also may have not quite gotten to Champion yet 😅
    Don't assume because you're 100% wrong. Any garbage player can unit through the Collector, you can't beat the Champ w/o skill.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Champion boss - 6.2.6
    I haven't even done either, but a I'm extremely close to Uncollected right now and I've studied both if them extensively. What I've found is that The Champion is a skill-based fight, high skill, but skill-based. There are some good counters and if you have them combined with skill, it's very doable even if you need revives. If it's not doable for you at that point in the game, you've just bought your way through and you shouldn't be there. Only if you don't have a counter (which would honestly be hard that far along in the game) does he reach the level of revives needed for the Collector. The Collector is rediculous. At the level most players are at when they go for Uncollected, they just go in knowing that there's a 99% chance they're not going to be able to solo him, no matter how much skill or what champion they have. It's all an RNG cash-fest.

    Basically, @Lvernon15 explained my point in a much more simple way. (He always gets there earlier than me and says what I wanna say. Respect my man.)
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  • WillieBWillieB Member Posts: 151 ★★
    edited October 2019
    Champion boss - 6.2.6
    The mistake people make is by going straight in and fighting the Champion, then reviving there over and over all while burning a fat hole in there stash, then pocket. Before entering into 6.2.6, one should duel COWhale around 20 times and just focus on learning the distance it takes for you to stand at a spot away from the Champion while he begins his sp1 where he ends up standing right beside your champ for the last chop of his animation. When you have imprinted this distance into your mind, as soon as he starts his sp1, you can not take any block damage and then evade that last chop and get your dex's in with any champ. There are also videos out there showing a method of getting two dex's from a single sp1. My point being the fight is doable with a lot of different champs if you take your time and PRACTICE.

    The Collector fight on the other hand forces you to revive, from unavoidable damage mainly. Of course now people can have 5/65's and rank 2 6*'s, but when most of us went through there we were working with 5/50s , 3/45s and if lucky, maybe a rank 4 champion.
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  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Champion boss - 6.2.6

    Etjama said:

    I haven't even done either, but a I'm extremely close to Uncollected right now and I've studied both if them extensively. What I've found is that The Champion is a skill-based fight, high skill, but skill-based. There are some good counters and if you have them combined with skill, it's very doable even if you need revives. If it's not doable for you at that point in the game, you've just bought your way through and you shouldn't be there. Only if you don't have a counter (which would honestly be hard that far along in the game) does he reach the level of revives needed for the Collector. The Collector is rediculous. At the level most players are at when they go for Uncollected, they just go in knowing that there's a 99% chance they're not going to be able to solo him, no matter how much skill or what champion they have. It's all an RNG cash-fest.

    Basically, @Lvernon15 explained my point in a much more simple way. (He always gets there earlier than me and says what I wanna say. Respect my man.)

    It's hard to speak on this when you have personal experience on neither.. I consider myself a fairly skilled player, and know some fairly skilled, that spent far more units on the Champion than the Collector. So to say you don't need the level of revives that you do for the Collector if you have a decent counter is false. The Collector you can chip away a little each time and get through with a handful of revives if all else fails. If you don't beat the Champion, you accomplished nothing. You can blow revive after revive and be no further than where you started. It requires very precise timing that for most people takes quite a while to get the hang of. Generally once the light bulb goes on and you beat him for the first time, the ensuing attempts go a lot easier. But the process of getting there can be very painful.
    That's the difference right there. You're right. If you mess up on the Champion, you've accomplished pretty much nothing. But if you don't mess up, you win. Whether you mess up on the Collector or not, you still lose 99% of the time. That's why the Champion's skill based and The Collector isn't.
  • Mhd20034Mhd20034 Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2019
    Collector boss - 5.2.6
    But the champion is unstoppable almost all of the time so unless you have(she hulk-caiw-symbiote supreme - hood - bwcv) I don’t think you can defeat him
    PS:If I forgot a counter can you type it please
  • TheRealmKeeperTheRealmKeeper Member Posts: 231
    Collector boss - 5.2.6
    Collector. The Champion fight is rage quit worthy and there’s no “easy mode”. Guess the story ends at 6.2.5 for me
  • UnFazedSkullUnFazedSkull Member Posts: 245 ★★
    Champion boss - 6.2.6
    I think till this day a champion solo is easier than a collector solo IMO
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  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Collector boss - 5.2.6
    I feel like people are saying the champion is easier simply because our skill as a player base has DRASTICALLY increased since the collector. There were also much better options when the champion was released as compared to the collector. So as of right now, health pools aside, the collector is much easier, but if your argument is from when each boss was made available to fight, I guess the champion is technically easier.

    But the question was which do you enjoy more and from all the vids I’ve seen, I am NOT looking forward to fighting the champion, but I’m itching to go back and try the likes of Quake, DV, Sparky, SG, and OR whenever I dupe him to see how close I can get to one-shotting him.
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,252 ★★★★
    None of the above. They both suck and are blatant money grabs.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Champion boss - 6.2.6

    I feel like people are saying the champion is easier simply because our skill as a player base has DRASTICALLY increased since the collector. There were also much better options when the champion was released as compared to the collector. So as of right now, health pools aside, the collector is much easier, but if your argument is from when each boss was made available to fight, I guess the champion is technically easier.

    But the question was which do you enjoy more and from all the vids I’ve seen, I am NOT looking forward to fighting the champion, but I’m itching to go back and try the likes of Quake, DV, Sparky, SG, and OR whenever I dupe him to see how close I can get to one-shotting him.

    Cant judge a fight unless you try it. I thought he would be extremely hard until I actually fought him in my first trial run and then got him down to 20% with sym supreme then restarted again and got him down without using any units and without knowing how to dex sp1 without block dmg. I am pretty sure most players wont be able to do the same with the collector as you are almost needed to revive up and fight him. Collector = money pit, champion = right champ and good skills
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Collector boss - 5.2.6
    The final phase is nice, the problem with the champ is how limited the number of counters is. If I remember correctly, you get ton of damage for nullifying buffs, wich is also very bad imo
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Collector boss - 5.2.6
    Etjama said:

    Etjama said:

    I haven't even done either, but a I'm extremely close to Uncollected right now and I've studied both if them extensively. What I've found is that The Champion is a skill-based fight, high skill, but skill-based. There are some good counters and if you have them combined with skill, it's very doable even if you need revives. If it's not doable for you at that point in the game, you've just bought your way through and you shouldn't be there. Only if you don't have a counter (which would honestly be hard that far along in the game) does he reach the level of revives needed for the Collector. The Collector is rediculous. At the level most players are at when they go for Uncollected, they just go in knowing that there's a 99% chance they're not going to be able to solo him, no matter how much skill or what champion they have. It's all an RNG cash-fest.

    Basically, @Lvernon15 explained my point in a much more simple way. (He always gets there earlier than me and says what I wanna say. Respect my man.)

    It's hard to speak on this when you have personal experience on neither.. I consider myself a fairly skilled player, and know some fairly skilled, that spent far more units on the Champion than the Collector. So to say you don't need the level of revives that you do for the Collector if you have a decent counter is false. The Collector you can chip away a little each time and get through with a handful of revives if all else fails. If you don't beat the Champion, you accomplished nothing. You can blow revive after revive and be no further than where you started. It requires very precise timing that for most people takes quite a while to get the hang of. Generally once the light bulb goes on and you beat him for the first time, the ensuing attempts go a lot easier. But the process of getting there can be very painful.
    That's the difference right there. You're right. If you mess up on the Champion, you've accomplished pretty much nothing. But if you don't mess up, you win. Whether you mess up on the Collector or not, you still lose 99% of the time. That's why the Champion's skill based and The Collector isn't.
    I believe it's possible to fully evade collectors sp. Or you can take some champ that will do it for you - SESM, Quake, DD.
    With the champ you can't use any champ effectively. The only skill based thing about the fight is removing indestructible charges. I bet most people would prefer having to remove 10 or even 20 of those charges, not removing unstoppable from the fight, wich is basically the thing that limits champs you can use. Especially with only 5* and 6* allowed. The champ fight is mostly about having right champ, not skill.
  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★
    Champion boss - 6.2.6
    Mainly because i loved seeing the whales not being able to buy their way through it
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Champion boss - 6.2.6
    Aleor said:

    Etjama said:

    Etjama said:

    I haven't even done either, but a I'm extremely close to Uncollected right now and I've studied both if them extensively. What I've found is that The Champion is a skill-based fight, high skill, but skill-based. There are some good counters and if you have them combined with skill, it's very doable even if you need revives. If it's not doable for you at that point in the game, you've just bought your way through and you shouldn't be there. Only if you don't have a counter (which would honestly be hard that far along in the game) does he reach the level of revives needed for the Collector. The Collector is rediculous. At the level most players are at when they go for Uncollected, they just go in knowing that there's a 99% chance they're not going to be able to solo him, no matter how much skill or what champion they have. It's all an RNG cash-fest.

    Basically, @Lvernon15 explained my point in a much more simple way. (He always gets there earlier than me and says what I wanna say. Respect my man.)

    It's hard to speak on this when you have personal experience on neither.. I consider myself a fairly skilled player, and know some fairly skilled, that spent far more units on the Champion than the Collector. So to say you don't need the level of revives that you do for the Collector if you have a decent counter is false. The Collector you can chip away a little each time and get through with a handful of revives if all else fails. If you don't beat the Champion, you accomplished nothing. You can blow revive after revive and be no further than where you started. It requires very precise timing that for most people takes quite a while to get the hang of. Generally once the light bulb goes on and you beat him for the first time, the ensuing attempts go a lot easier. But the process of getting there can be very painful.
    That's the difference right there. You're right. If you mess up on the Champion, you've accomplished pretty much nothing. But if you don't mess up, you win. Whether you mess up on the Collector or not, you still lose 99% of the time. That's why the Champion's skill based and The Collector isn't.
    I believe it's possible to fully evade collectors sp. Or you can take some champ that will do it for you - SESM, Quake, DD.
    With the champ you can't use any champ effectively. The only skill based thing about the fight is removing indestructible charges. I bet most people would prefer having to remove 10 or even 20 of those charges, not removing unstoppable from the fight, wich is basically the thing that limits champs you can use. Especially with only 5* and 6* allowed. The champ fight is mostly about having right champ, not skill.
    Give a player who has only done Act 4 a hood and tell them to take down the champion boss within 5 revives, lets see how much skill plays into this :)
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