Hi All,
Those who saw previous questions will understand this concept. I am interested to see the community choice If kabam ever creates a fight with below nodes
1. Defender will always have either Air Stance or Earth stance. Landing a successful hit immediatly switches the stance.
Defender starts the fight with Air stance. Hit is counted as per combo meter and includes all special attacks hits.
2. Attacker degenerate 100 % of there health if
a. Defender is in Air stance and attackers deals damage in any way while in contact with ground.
b. Or if defender is in Earth stance and attackers deals damage in any way while not in contact with ground.
I am curious to see the available options. Please comment your choice.
Note: Defender has high health pool and all nodes are immune to ability accuracy modification.
Those who saw previous questions will understand this concept. I am interested to see the community choice If kabam ever creates a fight with below nodes
1. Defender will always have either Air Stance or Earth stance. Landing a successful hit immediatly switches the stance.
Defender starts the fight with Air stance. Hit is counted as per combo meter and includes all special attacks hits.
2. Attacker degenerate 100 % of there health if
a. Defender is in Air stance and attackers deals damage in any way while in contact with ground.
b. Or if defender is in Earth stance and attackers deals damage in any way while not in contact with ground.
I am curious to see the available options. Please comment your choice.
Note: Defender has high health pool and all nodes are immune to ability accuracy modification.
Qauke is the next best counter, they can never degen her if she never hits em.
And then there's Ghost. All you have to do is dash back and not only will she take away the degen, but convert it to a fury. Just medium, light, dash back, wait for him to hit you, repeat. You can also work up to a Sp3, use it and immediately dash back afterwards. Kind of like how she ignores recoil damage.
Quake will not work. Defender starts fight in Air stance. When after shock deals damage quake will be on ground. You will take damage. Point to mention is that damage in any way and immune to ability accuracy modification
Namor discussion can be continued on 1st question
well then only sentry applies...he alternates between air strike and ground strike