Device and Model: Oneplus7 pro, Asus Rog Phone 2, Asus Rog Phone 3
Device Operating System: 10
Cellular or WiFi: both
Game Version Installed: 28.0.2 (latest)
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: Since july there was bug with FPS drop to half for many devices with 90hz and above. As owner of many high end devices with high refresh rate 90-120-144hz having this issue and running the game on half of what is capable my devices is very dissapointing and want the old smooth gameplay back. Not to mention game advertising that supports 120fps on many sites, so i like to report here with couple of screenshots on my latest Rog Phone 3 that can support up to 160hz, check out all of the 90hz-120hz-144hz-160hz are cropped to half fps.
@Kabam Miike I don't think many of us are calling for or expecting the game to run at 120 FPS. The facts are that the FPS was not capped at version 27.2.0 but has been capped at 60 FPS during fights since version 27.2.5
As has been shown in posts in this thread, there have been many issues since the 27.2.5 update and the game is unplayable for many people.
We're wondering what the reason was for capping the FPS and why it can't be removed, returning to the settings prior to the 27.2.5 update? Surely allowing people to actually play the game would be more beneficial for everyone?
@BigPoppaCBONE Thanks for the info. Agreeing with @SuperToebash, maybe the game isn't capable of 120 fps but, it was definitely capable of running @ 60 fps or above smoothly. I did a test by forcing my device to 60Hz and noticed that all other games (like Call of Duty) on my device are playing just fine. This is not such a heavy game and yet it has been crippled to a point where you can't reliably play a fight.
The fps in the game seems to be fluctuating between high and low like the device is generating the high fps while the game is actively dropping the additional frames (and the game is not doing a really good job controlling it). I was able to deduce this behavior while playing with champions like Mordo. When you trigger his SP2 during the slow down animation, the game freezes for almost a second before resuming to fire the beam animation. Next thing to try out is to pause the game during a fight. It would take up to a second for the pause menu to appear and until it appears the game would appear frozen. Sometimes the pause menu would appear immediately (same case with Mordo SP2, it would trigger without the issue I mentioned).
Drop down the refresh rate to 60Hz and you don't see the issues I mentioned above, but the game feels jittery throughout menus and fights. iOS devices had high touch response rate even before Android devices were produced with such displays. Explains why content creators on YouTube are using them. But when Android devices start performing better they seem to have a real big problem to the point where they want to sneak in a game engine update and say the game was never capable of running at high refresh rate.
Device and Model: Oneplus7 pro, Asus Rog Phone 2, Asus Rog Phone 3
Device Operating System: 10
Cellular or WiFi: both
Game Version Installed: 28.0.2 (latest)
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: Since july there was bug with FPS drop to half for many devices with 90hz and above. As owner of many high end devices with high refresh rate 90-120-144hz having this issue and running the game on half of what is capable my devices is very dissapointing and want the old smooth gameplay back. Not to mention game advertising that supports 120fps on many sites, so i like to report here with couple of screenshots on my latest Rog Phone 3 that can support up to 160hz, check out all of the 90hz-120hz-144hz-160hz are cropped to half fps.
@Kabam Miike I don't think many of us are calling for or expecting the game to run at 120 FPS. The facts are that the FPS was not capped at version 27.2.0 but has been capped at 60 FPS during fights since version 27.2.5
As has been shown in posts in this thread, there have been many issues since the 27.2.5 update and the game is unplayable for many people.
We're wondering what the reason was for capping the FPS and why it can't be removed, returning to the settings prior to the 27.2.5 update? Surely allowing people to actually play the game would be more beneficial for everyone?
@BigPoppaCBONE Thanks for the info. Agreeing with @SuperToebash, maybe the game isn't capable of 120 fps but, it was definitely capable of running @ 60 fps or above smoothly. I did a test by forcing my device to 60Hz and noticed that all other games (like Call of Duty) on my device are playing just fine. This is not such a heavy game and yet it has been crippled to a point where you can't reliably play a fight.
The fps in the game seems to be fluctuating between high and low like the device is generating the high fps while the game is actively dropping the additional frames (and the game is not doing a really good job controlling it). I was able to deduce this behavior while playing with champions like Mordo. When you trigger his SP2 during the slow down animation, the game freezes for almost a second before resuming to fire the beam animation. Next thing to try out is to pause the game during a fight. It would take up to a second for the pause menu to appear and until it appears the game would appear frozen. Sometimes the pause menu would appear immediately (same case with Mordo SP2, it would trigger without the issue I mentioned).
Drop down the refresh rate to 60Hz and you don't see the issues I mentioned above, but the game feels jittery throughout menus and fights. iOS devices had high touch response rate even before Android devices were produced with such displays. Explains why content creators on YouTube are using them. But when Android devices start performing better they seem to have a real big problem to the point where they want to sneak in a game engine update and say the game was never capable of running at high refresh rate.
I assume that Miike asked someone else the wrong question and got an irrelevant answer. There can be differences between the refresh rate of the device screen, the sampling rate of the touch screen, the frame rate of the game and the rate of the game engine.
Internally the game engine may always run at 30 tics per second, the device display might refresh at 144Hz, the touch sampling rate may be 250 Hz, and the graphics could update at 60 FPS. No one would tie the tic to the frame rate for a game where you don't know the exact specs of the devices and the frame rate is supposed to be high. That hasn't been done in forever and I doubt Unity would have something so outdated and dumb set by default.
If there were issues with the game or something, I could see capping it at 60, but it wouldn't be much work at all to say that. Maybe they didn't because my response when the rate of a game is capped and my GPU pegs at that setting, is that I want and expect to turn the effects up and Kabam isn't willing/able to turn on all the graphical flourishes the game is capable of without breaking something. Perhaps they should use some of that 4th/Black Friday/Cyber Monday $$$ and call in some pinch hitters with more Unity skill to power level the game.
I tried taking my phone out of forced 90hz and tested the game at 60hz. It takes away a lot of the jitters but game is unplayable in endgame content because of skipped frames and aggressive AI hitting you before a human could possibly react. Basically same game performance I had before someone was kind enough to show me how to force 90hz permanently.
In-Game Name: Silver.surfer~1 Device and Model: Moto g5+ Device Operating System: 8.1 Cellular or WiFi: WiFi, 4G Game Version Installed: 28.0.1 Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: Game lags after playing for sometime then it crashes.
-In game name: BrandonWolf -Device: Sony Xperia Xa ultra -Operating system: Android 7.0 -I just play with Wi-Fi -Game version installed: latest, 28.0.2 -Game mode: First video:Labyrinth of legends and AQ Second video: in all fights of the game with some specific champions Description of the issue: -In the first video (labyrinth of legends) I click on start the fight and you can see how the game freezees for like 1:40 minutes and then the fight starts, this happened to me in AQ before starting the fight too, I run map 6 in case this hepls. -In the second video you can see how the fight lags a lot this result in a very frustrating fight I've been dying a lot in herald difficulty against Visión Aarkus, I have this issue with Aarkus, namor when I hit his block, darkhawk too, Human torch, doctor doom sp 2, nova special attacks, etc. I think this happens with all the champion with a lot of particles or fancy effects, i don't know if this means I have to buy another device just to play the game, or if the game is not designed to run in this device. (Apparently the format of the videos I recorded are not allowed in the post but you can trust it's all like i described it)
I tried taking my phone out of forced 90hz and tested the game at 60hz. It takes away a lot of the jitters but game is unplayable in endgame content because of skipped frames and aggressive AI hitting you before a human could possibly react. Basically same game performance I had before someone was kind enough to show me how to force 90hz permanently.
If your device can set so it runs in parity with the iPhone or worse (set to 120Hz -> 60Hz in game) you have less problems. Annoying, but it works.
Man half a hour i was writing something just to get deleted in a minute. Summary/ posted two video links of my old phone when i had 120fps running and one with 60fps now after the bug
What i wanted to also mention important is recent iPhone coming soon will also may have 120hz displays and may run the game to 120fps, lets see if ita gonna be without issues like us, cuz that really will upset android users after we got cut to half fps of what our device is capable, but we all know since many years ios was more optimised to run this game and ppl just rather choose them to play and stream instead android devices.
In-Game Name: Zlagoviahx Device and Model: Galaxy S20 plus Device Operating System: 10 Cellular or WiFi: WiFi Game Version Installed: 28.0.2 Game Mode: Alliance War. Description of the Issue: I started viewing the node description like 30 sec and then pressed Fight, the game showed the connection issue icon and then I got kicked from the fight and returned me to the war map as it appears in the yoitube video below. My Warlock's health decreased by a half.
Man half a hour i was writing something just to get deleted in a minute. Summary/ posted two video links of my old phone when i had 120fps running and one with 60fps now after the bug
What i wanted to also mention important is recent iPhone coming soon will also may have 120hz displays and may run the game to 120fps, lets see if ita gonna be without issues like us, cuz that really will upset android users after we got cut to half fps of what our device is capable, but we all know since many years ios was more optimised to run this game and ppl just rather choose them to play and stream instead android devices.
@Zuuu I am playing on a 2018 iPad Pro 11" which has 120Hz display. The game doesn't make use of the high refresh rate and it is more or less 60 fps. Only advantage is there's no stutter or input lag, so you don't get combo'd into oblivion by missing a parry or dex even though you timed it right. Pre 27.2.5 update I prefered playing on my OP 7T Pro with forced 90Hz because it was much smoother and better than the iPad Pro @ 120Hz
28.1 changelog is out. No acknowledgement of performance issues under "bug fixes and Improvements" for Android.
I feel like they'll never bother adding the information that everyone asks for in those changelogs. They don't ever add all the champ changes even.
It doesn't surprise me that the odd iPad 120 Hz versions aren't fully supported. That doesn't bother me because the same Android excuse (too many configurations to bother with anything beyond basic support) could apply. Once the flagship iOS and Android phones are both over 60 Hz, we'll see if they figure it out suddenly when it was too hard for just Android.
In game name: samanyu8 Device Version: Android 8.0 Device Name: Lenovo Tab4 So ive never uninstalled the game in the previous 2 years but it suddenly started to happen, first up the game crashed at least 4 times and then it was uk installing and updating all the data yet again...I had to uninstall and reinstall it to make it function properly....
updated to the apocalypse/prof x update.. android device.. galaxy s8, and i cant get into war.. get stuck on a screen that just has the background on it, planet in the back, lightning graphics playing but the war screen wont load.. seems like yet ANOTHER bug fro us android players.. no acknowledgement of my previous posts on here so idek why im trying again but heres the screenshot of the screen im stuck on.. restarted the fame twice to still be stuck on this screen for a solid 5 mins.. great stuff guys..
updated to the apocalypse/prof x update.. android device.. galaxy s8, and i cant get into war.. get stuck on a screen that just has the background on it, planet in the back, lightning graphics playing but the war screen wont load.. seems like yet ANOTHER bug fro us android players.. no acknowledgement of my previous posts on here so idek why im trying again but heres the screenshot of the screen im stuck on.. restarted the fame twice to still be stuck on this screen for a solid 5 mins.. great stuff guys..
since im here i may as well highlight my previous posts.. nearly every fight i end on the game connection symbol, nearly every fight i get a stutter/frame drop at the most stupid times mid fight.. I managed to get into aq no problem but as soon as i tap on the war tab i get stuck on that screen and cant get off it without having to restart the game.. i cant tap the drop down menu to go back to the home screen, i cant even use the default back button for my phone, i get stuck on that screen and nothing happens..
Absolute shambles. Still not fixed. How difficult can it be to fix, the game worked, you changed something (over 5 weeks ago now), now it doesn't. Sort it out, this is pathetic.
updated to the apocalypse/prof x update.. android device.. galaxy s8, and i cant get into war.. get stuck on a screen that just has the background on it, planet in the back, lightning graphics playing but the war screen wont load.. seems like yet ANOTHER bug fro us android players.. no acknowledgement of my previous posts on here so idek why im trying again but heres the screenshot of the screen im stuck on.. restarted the fame twice to still be stuck on this screen for a solid 5 mins.. great stuff guys..
since im here i may as well highlight my previous posts.. nearly every fight i end on the game connection symbol, nearly every fight i get a stutter/frame drop at the most stupid times mid fight.. I managed to get into aq no problem but as soon as i tap on the war tab i get stuck on that screen and cant get off it without having to restart the game.. i cant tap the drop down menu to go back to the home screen, i cant even use the default back button for my phone, i get stuck on that screen and nothing happens..
nevermind.. seems to have fixed itself after restarting the game about a dozen times.. still getting the frame drop issues though.. please acknowledge the problem..
Another day and another update with no fixes in sight. Same shitshow for over a month. Why is it that you guys keep iOS stable and actively screw up Android? And how come only Android got a game engine update and not iOS?
In-Game Name: madest max Device and Model: oppo Reno2f Device Operating System: 10 Cellular or WiFi: both Game Version Installed: 28.0.2 Game Mode: Labrenth of Legend Description of the Issue: every mode works smooth every quest works proper except LoL.when i push button on start to fight with star lord or red hulk game get hang then i need to restart the game after that again m there i cant start fight... Kindly solve it
Another update AND The F'n FIGHT BUTTON is still broke you short bus riding IDIOTS !!!!!!!! It's been over 45 days now !!! I have filled 12 Help tickets and NONE of you Arrogant a-holes can take 5 minutes to responded to what is now 500 post about this problem . This is pathetic , this is disrespectful. I guess if you are not a blind monkey throwing money at this game 24/7 or a big youtube kissing kabams ass you get NO HELP , NO RESPONSE , NOTHING . Maybe if the bug starts happening to Seatin or Dorky Dave these morons might fix it . I'm sick a tired of getting the same help desk response we are aware of problem and working on it , it's been 45 days , you need to stop hiring drop out and morons I guess and pay a few dollars and hire the kids the top of the graduation class. DO YOU DAMN JOBS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 days in a row AQ shuts down during fight costing my champ half his health. now i have to get a potion to not screw over the rest of my alliance. shut the game down so you can fix all the problems people have been dealing with since the 27.2.5 update & give us the compensation we rightfully deserve. this is just 1 of the many problems i have had to deal with non stop the last couple days. the games shutting down randomly on its own, constant lag during fights & loading screens, graphic glitches, constant disconnections, text in chat not showing up. whoever is in charge of fixing problems are incompetent and should be fired. this goes for the moderators & ticket support crew as well. you tell us to post all the bugs we have been dealing with but don't give us any update on if or when they're going to get fixed. easy temporary fix make it so we can restart a fight in AQ & AQ without being punished because you can't fix a problem for over 45 days. this would also apply to arenas & the timer should be removed until the problems are fixed. it has crashed over 3 times in that period when in arena during a fight but i only get to restart 1. how is that fair?
This issue is STILL ongoing with no end in sight. Crashes, graphical glitches, flickering. I just wasted a Galactus's Favor on Master level because the game locked up and then crashed every time I tried the Air-Walker boss, resulting in all my Champs, in succession, losing half their health while the boss was then still at full health. It is INCREDIBLY rage-inducing to fight through a haze of graphical glitches and then have all your effort wasted when the game crashes anyway. I am out of patience with the lack of response here. Why even HAVE this thread if you won't acknowledge the problem? There is overwhelming evidence that since THAT update, things are badly broken for a massive number of players. How about you do us the courtesy of a proper response and FIX THE DAMN PROBLEM?
In-Game Name: titan2009 Device and Model: Realme 3 pro Device Operating System: Android 10 Cellular or WiFi: cellular Game Version Installed: 28.1.0 Game Mode: Event Quests, aq, aq, incursions, story quest, heralds difficulty
From past 9-10 days, the game's control have been weird. Even while holding block, my champ starts to dash, even the combo stops midway and game becomes unresponsive for few seconds but A.I keeps attacking. This has cost me many items and resources. This issue is annoying and frustrating. Restarting and update didn't solved this issue either. Kindly sort it out ASAP.
@Kabam Miike@Kabam Zibiit@Kabam Vydious@Kabam Porthos@Kabam Lyra can we please get any kind of response on these issues. People understand things take time but where the transparency you guys have had on issues lately. You've done very well keeping up on most everything else but this dead silence is what makes people turn on you again.
In-Game Name: Shashwat1992 Device and Model: Poco X2 Device Operating System: 10 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 28.1.0 Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: In any fight, especially in arena, there is a noticeable lag from the start of the fight, It's simply micro-lagging everywhere.. expect this to be more evident while navigating aq / aw map and at start of the fights, arena and aq / aw the most, yesterday it happened in war and I gave 2 kills because of the lag. Please look into this, this is getting highly irritating.
In-Game Name: Mr. Ubbe Device and Model: Huawei mate 10 lite Device Operating System: 8.0 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 28.1.0 Game Mode: Alliance Quest Description of the Issue: When I get to the champion and press fight the screen just freezes and after 15-20 secs starts loading the fight, it occurs all the time. I also sometimes don't even get in the fight: i press the fight button and screen freezes again and i wait and wait and game throws me off to a map where it then sits frozen and i have to restart the game just to do something and when i get back in i lost half of the current health on the champion without even getting in the fight. I used like 6 potions by now just to heal them up for a fight
dear madharchod kabam when you team will fix this game everyone need a clarification! Or you want 1star in google play store we make it every android can make it
The fps in the game seems to be fluctuating between high and low like the device is generating the high fps while the game is actively dropping the additional frames (and the game is not doing a really good job controlling it). I was able to deduce this behavior while playing with champions like Mordo. When you trigger his SP2 during the slow down animation, the game freezes for almost a second before resuming to fire the beam animation. Next thing to try out is to pause the game during a fight. It would take up to a second for the pause menu to appear and until it appears the game would appear frozen. Sometimes the pause menu would appear immediately (same case with Mordo SP2, it would trigger without the issue I mentioned).
Drop down the refresh rate to 60Hz and you don't see the issues I mentioned above, but the game feels jittery throughout menus and fights. iOS devices had high touch response rate even before Android devices were produced with such displays. Explains why content creators on YouTube are using them. But when Android devices start performing better they seem to have a real big problem to the point where they want to sneak in a game engine update and say the game was never capable of running at high refresh rate.
Internally the game engine may always run at 30 tics per second, the device display might refresh at 144Hz, the touch sampling rate may be 250 Hz, and the graphics could update at 60 FPS. No one would tie the tic to the frame rate for a game where you don't know the exact specs of the devices and the frame rate is supposed to be high. That hasn't been done in forever and I doubt Unity would have something so outdated and dumb set by default.
If there were issues with the game or something, I could see capping it at 60, but it wouldn't be much work at all to say that. Maybe they didn't because my response when the rate of a game is capped and my GPU pegs at that setting, is that I want and expect to turn the effects up and Kabam isn't willing/able to turn on all the graphical flourishes the game is capable of without breaking something. Perhaps they should use some of that 4th/Black Friday/Cyber Monday $$$ and call in some pinch hitters with more Unity skill to power level the game.
It takes away a lot of the jitters but game is unplayable in endgame content because of skipped frames and aggressive AI hitting you before a human could possibly react.
Basically same game performance I had before someone was kind enough to show me how to force 90hz permanently.
Device and Model: Moto g5+
Device Operating System: 8.1
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi, 4G
Game Version Installed: 28.0.1
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: Game lags after playing for sometime then it crashes.
-Device: Sony Xperia Xa ultra
-Operating system: Android 7.0
-I just play with Wi-Fi
-Game version installed: latest, 28.0.2
-Game mode:
First video:Labyrinth of legends and AQ
Second video: in all fights of the game with some specific champions
Description of the issue:
-In the first video (labyrinth of legends) I click on start the fight and you can see how the game freezees for like 1:40 minutes and then the fight starts, this happened to me in AQ before starting the fight too, I run map 6 in case this hepls.
-In the second video you can see how the fight lags a lot this result in a very frustrating fight I've been dying a lot in herald difficulty against Visión Aarkus, I have this issue with Aarkus, namor when I hit his block, darkhawk too, Human torch, doctor doom sp 2, nova special attacks, etc. I think this happens with all the champion with a lot of particles or fancy effects, i don't know if this means I have to buy another device just to play the game, or if the game is not designed to run in this device.
(Apparently the format of the videos I recorded are not allowed in the post but you can trust it's all like i described it)
Summary/ posted two video links of my old phone when i had 120fps running and one with 60fps now after the bug
What i wanted to also mention important is recent iPhone coming soon will also may have 120hz displays and may run the game to 120fps, lets see if ita gonna be without issues like us, cuz that really will upset android users after we got cut to half fps of what our device is capable, but we all know since many years ios was more optimised to run this game and ppl just rather choose them to play and stream instead android devices.
Device and Model: Galaxy S20 plus
Device Operating System: 10
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: 28.0.2
Game Mode: Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: I started viewing the node description like 30 sec and then pressed Fight, the game showed the connection issue icon and then I got kicked from the fight and returned me to the war map as it appears in the yoitube video below.
My Warlock's health decreased by a half.
It doesn't surprise me that the odd iPad 120 Hz versions aren't fully supported. That doesn't bother me because the same Android excuse (too many configurations to bother with anything beyond basic support) could apply. Once the flagship iOS and Android phones are both over 60 Hz, we'll see if they figure it out suddenly when it was too hard for just Android.
Device Version: Android 8.0
Device Name: Lenovo Tab4
So ive never uninstalled the game in the previous 2 years but it suddenly started to happen, first up the game crashed at least 4 times and then it was uk installing and updating all the data yet again...I had to uninstall and reinstall it to make it function properly....
theres also a link to the video..
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
I managed to get into aq no problem but as soon as i tap on the war tab i get stuck on that screen and cant get off it without having to restart the game.. i cant tap the drop down menu to go back to the home screen, i cant even use the default back button for my phone, i get stuck on that screen and nothing happens..
How difficult can it be to fix, the game worked, you changed something (over 5 weeks ago now), now it doesn't.
Sort it out, this is pathetic.
Device and Model: oppo Reno2f
Device Operating System: 10
Cellular or WiFi: both
Game Version Installed: 28.0.2
Game Mode: Labrenth of Legend
Description of the Issue: every mode works smooth every quest works proper except LoL.when i push button on start to fight with star lord or red hulk game get hang then i need to restart the game after that again m there i cant start fight...
Kindly solve it
Device and Model: Realme 3 pro
Device Operating System: Android 10
Cellular or WiFi: cellular
Game Version Installed: 28.1.0
Game Mode: Event Quests, aq, aq, incursions, story quest, heralds difficulty
From past 9-10 days, the game's control have been weird. Even while holding block, my champ starts to dash, even the combo stops midway and game becomes unresponsive for few seconds but A.I keeps attacking.
This has cost me many items and resources. This issue is annoying and frustrating.
Restarting and update didn't solved this issue either.
Kindly sort it out ASAP.
Device and Model: Poco X2
Device Operating System: 10
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 28.1.0
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: In any fight, especially in arena, there is a noticeable lag from the start of the fight, It's simply micro-lagging everywhere.. expect this to be more evident while navigating aq / aw map and at start of the fights, arena and aq / aw the most, yesterday it happened in war and I gave 2 kills because of the lag. Please look into this, this is getting highly irritating.
Device and Model: Huawei mate 10 lite
Device Operating System: 8.0
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 28.1.0
Game Mode: Alliance Quest
Description of the Issue: When I get to the champion and press fight the screen just freezes and after 15-20 secs starts loading the fight, it occurs all the time. I also sometimes don't even get in the fight: i press the fight button and screen freezes again and i wait and wait and game throws me off to a map where it then sits frozen and i have to restart the game just to do something and when i get back in i lost half of the current health on the champion without even getting in the fight. I used like 6 potions by now just to heal them up for a fight