Domino critical failures

Kabam ,

I don't know if you really care for your player or not. If so please acknowledge this. I am getting fedup with your champs. You better reply me before I decide not to play or discourage my collage mates for this game in future,

I want to how domino apply critical failures. I need to know. I am fed up trying to understand the behavior. I see that critical failure applied in all there scenarios. Please tell me what is there that has failed to trigger

1. Stark spidy : I just used dexterity once. I have successfully got the precision buff. But still I got cric failure
2. Captain America : I did parry the domino dash attack. Also Domino got stun. Still cric failure
3. Mephisto : Basically awakened mephisto should be a immune to ability accuracy reduction. But this will not work on domino. I did parry domino's dash attack. It displayed parry. But it did not apply stun. I got critical failure. How come domino can modify ability of mephisto
4. Vision : I am just doing a normal 5 hit combo. last hit trigger critical failure. I don't understand what ability does vision has ?

Well I need to a well I need an answer for what is defined as an ability. How do you define a the ability failure.
Which champion is immune to domino's ability failure ?
Which champion is immune to critical failure ?
Which champion is perfect counter to deal with all of her unluck, lucky and crical failures ?

@Kabam Miike I need an answer. Atleast a reference where i can see. I could not see perfect details any where.


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  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    Okay okay look, let's calm down and try to make this as clear as possible, okay?

    First of all, domino's critical failure has no innate connection to ability accuracy reduction.
    It activates whenever an ability that does have a chance to trigger does not trigger. Domino's aar can help make abilities with a 100% chance fail to apply critical failure, but there are a lot of abilities with a less than 100% chance.

    Now, second of all, your examples:
    1. Stark spidey - you said you dexed and got your precision buff? Then you probably didn't get your poise charge, because domino's aar decreased the chance for it triggering, and that fail resulted in critical failure being applied. The precision buff and the poise mechanic are two seperate abilities, both being subject to aar and therefore both technically able to fail.
    2. Captain america - Well... There are 3 of those in the game, but that doesn't really matter. Let's look at them:
    - og captain america: he has both a 40-91,44% chance for a perfect block and a 90% chance to apply a fatigue debuff on said perfect block. That's two chances for crit failure to apply per blocked attack.
    - captain america ww2: he has a 30-87,68% for a perfect block on every blocked attack, which can result in critical failure being applied.
    - captain america infinity war: he has a 100% chance to get gain 1 kinetic potential on well timed blocks (parries), which can be reduced by dominos aar leading to it being a less than 100% chance, which means it can fail to trigger and therefore apply a critical failure. With his sig ability he also has a 40,1-100% chance to apply up to 3 debuffs on a well timed block (parry), depending on your team, which is also subject to aar and therefore able to fail even at max sig, resulting in crit failure.
    3. Mephisto - first of all, your parry did not fail to stun her due to aar, since as you said he's immune to thar, it most likely failed to stun her, because of your timing. Second of all, on every blocked hit (awakened) mephisto has a 6,32-18,98% chance to activate his aura of incineration. On well timed blocks (parries) this chance is increased by 120%, which still leaves a big chance for it to not trigger, which will result in critical failure.
    4. Vision - You're using the resonate mastery, which has an [X]% to apply a weakness debuff on every basic attack. Vision himself does not have any innate ability on basic attacks that could fail to trigger, so that's most likely what happened.

    So to rehash:
    Crit failure does not have an innate connection to aar. Crit failure does not innately require domino's aar to work.
    Ignoring aar for a moment, every ability without a 100% chance to trigger has a chance to fail. Every ability that fails to trigger applies critical failure.

    Hope that's clear enough.

    Stark spidey will likely be his evade, every time she hits into him with no evade it’s a crit fail
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  • WhiteStrikerWhiteStriker Member Posts: 107
    Please let me know what is the

    Lvernon15 said:

    Okay okay look, let's calm down and try to make this as clear as possible, okay?

    First of all, domino's critical failure has no innate connection to ability accuracy reduction.
    It activates whenever an ability that does have a chance to trigger does not trigger. Domino's aar can help make abilities with a 100% chance fail to apply critical failure, but there are a lot of abilities with a less than 100% chance.

    Now, second of all, your examples:
    1. Stark spidey - you said you dexed and got your precision buff? Then you probably didn't get your poise charge, because domino's aar decreased the chance for it triggering, and that fail resulted in critical failure being applied. The precision buff and the poise mechanic are two seperate abilities, both being subject to aar and therefore both technically able to fail.
    2. Captain america - Well... There are 3 of those in the game, but that doesn't really matter. Let's look at them:
    - og captain america: he has both a 40-91,44% chance for a perfect block and a 90% chance to apply a fatigue debuff on said perfect block. That's two chances for crit failure to apply per blocked attack.
    - captain america ww2: he has a 30-87,68% for a perfect block on every blocked attack, which can result in critical failure being applied.
    - captain america infinity war: he has a 100% chance to get gain 1 kinetic potential on well timed blocks (parries), which can be reduced by dominos aar leading to it being a less than 100% chance, which means it can fail to trigger and therefore apply a critical failure. With his sig ability he also has a 40,1-100% chance to apply up to 3 debuffs on a well timed block (parry), depending on your team, which is also subject to aar and therefore able to fail even at max sig, resulting in crit failure.
    3. Mephisto - first of all, your parry did not fail to stun her due to aar, since as you said he's immune to thar, it most likely failed to stun her, because of your timing. Second of all, on every blocked hit (awakened) mephisto has a 6,32-18,98% chance to activate his aura of incineration. On well timed blocks (parries) this chance is increased by 120%, which still leaves a big chance for it to not trigger, which will result in critical failure.
    4. Vision - You're using the resonate mastery, which has an [X]% to apply a weakness debuff on every basic attack. Vision himself does not have any innate ability on basic attacks that could fail to trigger, so that's most likely what happened.

    So to rehash:
    Crit failure does not have an innate connection to aar. Crit failure does not innately require domino's aar to work.
    Ignoring aar for a moment, every ability without a 100% chance to trigger has a chance to fail. Every ability that fails to trigger applies critical failure.

    Hope that's clear enough.

    Stark spidey will likely be his evade, every time she hits into him with no evade it’s a crit fail
    Good point, it's an extremely low chance and it could technically still trigger even when attempting to dex, I guess.

    OP mentioning his precision buff, while not talking about the poise charge he would have gotten made me jump to conclusions, but you're probably right.

    I guess the rest of my write-up should be correct, though lol. Thanks for the addition!
    I may agree with 1,2,3. But I don't have resonate mastery. And that is not just on vision. This happened on many champs.
    It even happened on colossus, Corvus, Red skull.

    Also please let me know what is the best champion that does not trigger critical failure in any case and can always deal with that unlucky and lucky phases.

    And yes I want to play this game as a fun. I hope every body does for same reason. But when I encounter these kind of fights where there is no fun and only take funny damage I get frustrated on entire game.
    As you are already saying technically domino can modify any ability. which means she can do what she want. There is no reason that she will stop doing some thing. Also She can give critical failure for every mastry in mastery setup as she has capability to fail any of them.
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  • WhiteStrikerWhiteStriker Member Posts: 107

    Please let me know what is the

    Lvernon15 said:

    Okay okay look, let's calm down and try to make this as clear as possible, okay?

    First of all, domino's critical failure has no innate connection to ability accuracy reduction.
    It activates whenever an ability that does have a chance to trigger does not trigger. Domino's aar can help make abilities with a 100% chance fail to apply critical failure, but there are a lot of abilities with a less than 100% chance.

    Now, second of all, your examples:
    1. Stark spidey - you said you dexed and got your precision buff? Then you probably didn't get your poise charge, because domino's aar decreased the chance for it triggering, and that fail resulted in critical failure being applied. The precision buff and the poise mechanic are two seperate abilities, both being subject to aar and therefore both technically able to fail.
    2. Captain america - Well... There are 3 of those in the game, but that doesn't really matter. Let's look at them:
    - og captain america: he has both a 40-91,44% chance for a perfect block and a 90% chance to apply a fatigue debuff on said perfect block. That's two chances for crit failure to apply per blocked attack.
    - captain america ww2: he has a 30-87,68% for a perfect block on every blocked attack, which can result in critical failure being applied.
    - captain america infinity war: he has a 100% chance to get gain 1 kinetic potential on well timed blocks (parries), which can be reduced by dominos aar leading to it being a less than 100% chance, which means it can fail to trigger and therefore apply a critical failure. With his sig ability he also has a 40,1-100% chance to apply up to 3 debuffs on a well timed block (parry), depending on your team, which is also subject to aar and therefore able to fail even at max sig, resulting in crit failure.
    3. Mephisto - first of all, your parry did not fail to stun her due to aar, since as you said he's immune to thar, it most likely failed to stun her, because of your timing. Second of all, on every blocked hit (awakened) mephisto has a 6,32-18,98% chance to activate his aura of incineration. On well timed blocks (parries) this chance is increased by 120%, which still leaves a big chance for it to not trigger, which will result in critical failure.
    4. Vision - You're using the resonate mastery, which has an [X]% to apply a weakness debuff on every basic attack. Vision himself does not have any innate ability on basic attacks that could fail to trigger, so that's most likely what happened.

    So to rehash:
    Crit failure does not have an innate connection to aar. Crit failure does not innately require domino's aar to work.
    Ignoring aar for a moment, every ability without a 100% chance to trigger has a chance to fail. Every ability that fails to trigger applies critical failure.

    Hope that's clear enough.

    Stark spidey will likely be his evade, every time she hits into him with no evade it’s a crit fail
    Good point, it's an extremely low chance and it could technically still trigger even when attempting to dex, I guess.

    OP mentioning his precision buff, while not talking about the poise charge he would have gotten made me jump to conclusions, but you're probably right.

    I guess the rest of my write-up should be correct, though lol. Thanks for the addition!
    I may agree with 1,2,3. But I don't have resonate mastery. And that is not just on vision. This happened on many champs.
    It even happened on colossus, Corvus, Red skull.

    Also please let me know what is the best champion that does not trigger critical failure in any case and can always deal with that unlucky and lucky phases.

    And yes I want to play this game as a fun. I hope every body does for same reason. But when I encounter these kind of fights where there is no fun and only take funny damage I get frustrated on entire game.
    As you are already saying technically domino can modify any ability. which means she can do what she want. There is no reason that she will stop doing some thing. Also She can give critical failure for every mastry in mastery setup as she has capability to fail any of them.
    Mhh... Okay at first let me try to reinvestigate the situation you mentioned in point number 4.

    Which vision was it exactly? Og vision does have his sig ability which would be able to fail, dur to dominos aar. If that happens during your combo, it might look like you're suffering from critical failure due to your basic attacks, but it would actually be due to his synthesis not triggering.

    Vision age of ultron would be a little more tricky. Now I'm not saying you're wrong, but let's just assume for a moment that the game was working perfectly fine in that situation, no bug whatsoever, or in other words: critical failure had a legitimate reason to activate.

    Now without the resonate mastery, what could be a possible trigger for that?

    First thing coming to mind would be some node. Which game mode did that encounter happen in?

    Next thing would be another mastery. Unfazed is another mastery that could fail to trigger resulting in critical failure. Do you use unfazed and did she maybe evade your last hit?

    Next thing would be his specials. Did you maybe use a special attack after your last hit? That might result in either his power burn or his power steal not triggering.

    Another thing, also far fetched according to your description of the situation, would be visions synergy with cap iw, which drains all the opponents power after they use a special. That could also fail to trigger, resulting in critical failure.

    There are several possible reasons to this, but without more information it's hard to clear this up.

    Regarding counters to domino:

    There are 3 possible ways to handle her crit failure.

    1. Use someone with no abilities that trigger on basic attacks. Now this is a little meh, since technically vision aou would be a great counter according to that formula.

    2. Use someone immune or somewhat immune to her aar and no abilities with a less than 100% chance to trigger. Mysterio should be a great counter according to that. As woule be a high sig sabretooth.

    3. Use someone that triggers crit failure as frequently as possible. The potency of her crit failure damage reduces the more it gets activated in succession.
    My got to option according to that formula is iron man iw, since he has a samll chance to trigger molecular armor on every basic attack, so you'll trigger crit failure up to 6 times with a basic combo resulting in almost no damage.
    What I was using is vision AOU. I dont see any ability in his basic attack. I dont know what is unfazed. But I am not using it. I have basic mastery setup with points on what I know is useful. I was playing those doom invasions side quest.

    1. I had only Parry, percision, cruelty, block profciency and dispair, deep wonds, assasin, courage, enchanced furies in mastery setup and i was playing with vision AOU. All there are basic mastery setup and Vision AOU doesnot have any basic ability to fail. If domino ability accuracy reduction has failed to trigger any mastery It is just very rude and cruel way for kabam to ask people spend money and units for revives and health
    2. I dont have mysterio. Is he immune to cric failure
    3. I never rankedup imiw. I will rank up if he can mitigate the damage.

    I just want to perfect champion to play with domino. If not I wish kabam to redesign Hulk buster as best counter for domino
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