Old Man Logan Update Review

Abilities: Regeneration got nerfed alot and now it isnt that good.
Ability Acurracy cant be reduced, which is good, but it cant be increased either.
Passive Bleeds are easy to get but can be hard to refresh against certain AI
Furys are a huge increase of damage and are easy to get
Bleeds are good, and critical bleeds are cool too
Armour Shatter wouldve been nice
If Regeneration was as good as it used to be, and he still had his Shatter, he would be a lot better.
Performace: He defineity is better than his old self, but his regen is lacking and you must play aggressive if you want to keep his damage high.
I mean, he is called old man for a reason
Better or Worse: A nice upgrade, but is still lacking some things.
Rating: Pre-buff:3/10
Buff: 5 or 6/10
Good Damage, Can mitigate bleeds, Bad regen
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think about the update.
Ability Acurracy cant be reduced, which is good, but it cant be increased either.
Passive Bleeds are easy to get but can be hard to refresh against certain AI
Furys are a huge increase of damage and are easy to get
Bleeds are good, and critical bleeds are cool too
Armour Shatter wouldve been nice
If Regeneration was as good as it used to be, and he still had his Shatter, he would be a lot better.
Performace: He defineity is better than his old self, but his regen is lacking and you must play aggressive if you want to keep his damage high.
I mean, he is called old man for a reason
Better or Worse: A nice upgrade, but is still lacking some things.
Rating: Pre-buff:3/10
Buff: 5 or 6/10
Good Damage, Can mitigate bleeds, Bad regen
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think about the update.
and buff
3/10 and 5/10
I personally think OML is quite solid. I got a 5* of him and does quite decent damage
Suspected bugs:
Bleed from double edge is not being reduced/extended at start of fight
Armor break on sp1 is not applying to skill champs
Sp3 is not receiving increased damage from passive bleeds converted to fury upon activation
There might be more, but those are the 3 I have off the top of my head. We'll need to wait for confirmation from the team that he is broken and what they intend to do to fix him before making our final determination. As far as I know these things have not be comprehensively addressed in the forum yet?
I have him as a sig 40 5* at r4 (2016 gem), so definitely looking forward to seeing this addressed/resolved soon.
1.) What makes his Regen worse ?
“ After the beta, in light of the fact that Old Man Logan’s Regeration was made into a Buff and is now also tied to his damage output and can be spent to gain Fury Buffs during his Special Attacks, we increased the amount of healing it gives him, from 9% to 10% Max health over 20 seconds. There was also a display error in the beta that was saying this Regeneration occurred every 10 seconds instead of every 20 seconds, as he was designed and as he was doing in the beta.”
Nothing changed?
2.) Agree on the armor shatter ability, although I think that’s an ability that seems to be exclusive to cosmic champs.
3.) I would say , he needs to he at least awakened to see his potential as an attacker.
4.) I don’t know why you would consider his Regen bad, when he doesn’t have to do anything to get access to it . I started a fight at 10% and ended at 100%.
5.) I think he has a place in the meta , that just hasn’t been explored yet.
Imiw counter
Modok counter
Degen node counters
Do you bleed
Bleed immune majority of fight .
Buffed up
Domino counter
Black widow counter
Mordo act 6 that reduces ability accuracy
Bypasses armor and physical resistance
With sabertooth Regen is top notch
You can see old man Logan’s Regen at 4/55 in both videos. You will notice that even with suicides he is still healing for more.
Pre buff: 55 a tick
Post buff W/ suicides 62 a tick.
Credit goes to @Centrifuge
So he doesn't actually become a lot more viable and it took them 6 month. I just don't see any reason for us to wait half a year to get a champ we still won't rank up