Mysterio vs. Domino — why does parry still fail sometimes?

I know Domino AAR abilities can cause the “block break” effect where your parry fails. But Mysterio is supposed to be immune to AAR effects. So why can’t he consistently parry Domino? It still fails occasionally, e.g., in arena just now where there was no node effect that could explain it.
Should be very easy to reproduce this — just parry her over and over and it seems like it will fail on occasion.
There is a link to a video of the issue. This is in arena. You can clearly see the word “parry.”
Again: mysterio is supposed to be immune to AAR, so why is this happening?
Domino uses her pistol for her first light hit, her second medium hit and her final heavy hit. These attacks do not make contact with opponents.
What this mean is that while you still see the parry text appear you cannot stun the target because they never actually touched you. This is the same for every champ that does not make contact with their first hit. I think magnetos first medium attack does the same thing.
Hope this helps any confusion
She can also parry projectiles
I have basic mastery setup. I had only Parry, percision, cruelty, block profciency and dispair, deep wonds, assasin, courage, enchanced furies in mastery setup