Annihilus lives up to its name

VancexClaRiiVancexClaRii Member Posts: 178
I'm quite certain that in Kabam's data, there are more deaths in Annihilus Boss Fights (both in EQ or in special quests) than the other boss fights. hahaha I had one shot the rest of the boss in UNC EQ, but not him. Took me 2 revives.

It's so effin hard to bait his specials and not get obliterated from being pinned on the left wall. lol
I'm not good at fighting him. #MyLifeSucks


  • Khaos_knightKhaos_knight Member Posts: 17
    Get a champ who can nullify the control rod then power drain him. I love using my duped hood against him. I dont know what uncollected is like but all i can say is to be patient and take a stagger champ to stop him dead in his tracks. If you dont have a stagger champ then wait until you see an opening in between his unstoppables then strike hard.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    I agree OP. The alien bug is annoying and I keep getting clipped by his sp1, since it has 2 quick claw attacks after another. Annoying is Annihalus middle name.
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