Who is the FASTEST to use when farming Realm of Legends potions?

WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
As the title says, I'm trying to see who is the fastest at farming potions and not who has the least amount of hits. I currently use Domino with Rulk Mas syn, but was wondering what other people use for Winter Soldier and maybe Capt Marvel.

Who is the FASTEST to use when farming Realm of Legends potions? 58 votes

Domino (Rulk/Mas Synergy)
ZENzuffyTerraSaielarsjumSamdroxtaarKennadoSpiderCoolsCrazyAlboCyporgStanceOnesuavebroRunamokUSACtuchikUmbertoDelRioTheBestinTuakauYa_Boi_28NuclearOrkJTizano 19 votes
A l p h aDankestChefStarKillerVIIMrspider568Iroet 5 votes
RasiloverRockypantherxObaid_Jacob03WarHawk_Taz_1NightMonkey 5 votes
Adishvar_26 1 vote
Haji_SaabSavio444AssumedNameRougeknight87 4 votes
Nick Fury
ArcDeAngelusShelovesshoesNifzOrcDovahkiinKelvinKageEtjamaMightyColl3ctorWedgemonsterTimeGenesisDynastyJohnHSH3t3rawesomesauceMrFormidable 14 votes
Other (please comment below)
PantherusNZGhostspider231CharbelCirnesdr_nish777Wayde0wilsonLvernon15MoosetiptronicDead1PyrdaWaluigi_number_1 10 votes


  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,331 ★★★★★
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    Need to go back and check videos but IIRC AA-Ron has the best track record.
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  • CyporgCyporg Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Domino (Rulk/Mas Synergy)
    Domino has the fewest hits that I've seen. My personal best with her is 18 hits to down WS. Full synergies and suicides, no boosts. However, whether she's the 'fastest' or not, I'm not sure, I've never timed it. I imagine ghost is pretty fast even though she uses more hits.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    Domino (Rulk/Mas Synergy)
    If you manage to get critical bleeds, fight is done in a yiffy. I always use my 4/55 to do WS and CM. Works like a charm
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  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★

    Omega Red on full suicides and proper playing can take WS down in less than 2 mins.

    He is insanity, I just wiped out that Sabretooth in Section 1 of Map 6 in 20 Seconds on Day 5.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Hyperion is a lot of fun.
  • dr_nish777dr_nish777 Member Posts: 313 ★★
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    Thing with his full synergy.
  • DynastyDynasty Member Posts: 30
    Nick Fury
    I say Nick Fury. I don't care who can do it with lowest amount of hits I care about how long each fight is and Nick Fury has pretty quick fights.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    edited November 2019
    I’m interested in this but people please stop using hits as a measure they mean nothing. Guy in our alliance did it in 1:15 minute with a 6* domino, but about 1:40 was average, heavy was a much slower technique Than wait till lucky and unlucky are up, then fire an l2 or l3, and if you got a crit bleed then just keep refreshing with l1. Anybody got better times than that?
    Also I know he was using Massacre for longer bleeds, Unsure if he did this but also good tip is dead pool (x?) synergy for higher rate of crit bleeds
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    Speeds80 said:

    I’m interested in this but people please stop using hits as a measure they mean nothing. Guy in our alliance did it in 1:15 minute with a 6* domino, but about 1:40 was average, heavy was a much slower technique Than wait till lucky and unlucky wee you, fire an l2 or l3 and if you got a crit bleed then just keep refreshing with l1. Anybody got better times than that

    Agreed, flawed basis of who is better when Quake could do zero hits.

    5/65 Domino with suicides and her Synergy takes about ~2-3 minutes. Maybe playing her with Sp2s and Sp3 is better.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Yeah the technique is heavily dependent on proc’ing a crit bleed early, then l1 refreshing it, I have a 2/35 domino will give it a test next time I can be bothered running suicides for something
  • PerceptronPerceptron Member Posts: 169
    Domino Trinity All the way
  • NightMonkeyNightMonkey Member Posts: 97 ★★
    It's funny how people can't understand basic questions ahah
    FASTEST in terms of time required to take it down.
    I've seen Archangel doing it in 50 seconds, but I had done it in even less time using Ghost: best time I've put up is 40 seconds, usually ranging between 40 and 60.
    If I don't want to exit out of the quest and keep going farming till Hulk I'll use Ghost, Wasp, AntMan, YJ and Hood (it takes a minute or 1:20 to take down every fight), otherwise if I want to go for the fastest kills I'll bring CapIW and Vision instead of Hood and YJ (awesome synergy between the two, really taking away a lot of seconds fight to fight).
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    edited November 2019

    Omega Red on full suicides and proper playing can take WS down in less than 2 mins.

    Feel like I shouldn’t vote in the poll because I don’t have Domino, and my OR isn’t at max potential currently (not max sig, and I’m still saving up for suicides).

    But I’ve found Namor to be pretty quick for farming, this is him at only 4/55 doing it in 1:54 (X-men synergy, no suicides or boosts).

    (EDIT: how do I upload videos here?)
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury

    Domino requires too much luck and have to build to sp2s or 3s. Fewest hits with her perhaps, but not the fastest. Fury or Omega probably the fastest. Or maybe even AA, for non-immune fights that is.

    This. I'm pretty sure Nick is the fastest. Get beat to a pulp, then rip out those bleeds.
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  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    @Haji_Saab what kind of time for Hyperion
  • JohnHSJohnHS Member Posts: 509 ★★★
    Nick Fury
    Domino could be the quickest (time matters more than hit count), but she's somewhat unreliable. Nick Fury can do it the quickest and most consistently from what I've seen.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
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    Aegon- for 100% clear for potion farming. No suicides or clever tricks- 15-18 minute clear (synergy: NF, Angela, Heimdall, SL)

    AA- for WS only record 39 hits (synergy: NF, Quake, HE, Iceman)
  • KelvinKageKelvinKage Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    Nick Fury
    Awakened Nick Fury by a mile. His first fight against WS, due to having to die first, can take two minutes but every fight, besides vision, after that can be as short as 40 seconds and you can do every fight until Wolvy before you have to start over so it doesn’t get tiresome unlike other champs. I’ve got Hype, Ghost, and Domino also at r5 and they don’t come close.
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  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury
    Yeah, maxed Deep Wounds, Suicides and Assassin's would make that NF time a whole lot quicker.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
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    Omega with suicides
  • Dead1Dead1 Member Posts: 226
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  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    Nick Fury
    Nick fury can do a full clear of ROL in about 15-17 minutes, without suicides. The slowest fight though is Vision, so I usually drop storm, exit out and go back in.

    When I have suicides on, i don't have deep wounds maxed out so instead i bring OR in and he cleans up real fast too.
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